How To Ask Your Crush Out (that works!)

Published 2022-09-27
Do you have a crush you want to ask out? Are you pretty new to asking someone out on a date? Where do you begin!? Well, there are a few ways you can approach asking your crush out - we’re going to break down a few ways on how you can! So, here are a few tips on how to ask your crush out.

Need more tips? Here are a few psychological ways to impress your crush:    • 6 Psychological Ways To Impress Your ...  

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (
Animator: Evelvaii
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Gee, C. (2021, March 12). How to ask your crush out in five minutes. wikiHow. Retrieved from,because%20they're%20taken%20aback.
Gee, C. (2022, February 3). How to ask out your crush. wikiHow. Retrieved from
Serai, V. (2021, December 3). How to ask your crush out: 15 steps to be brave, confident & cool. LovePanky. Retrieved from

All Comments (21)
  • @weirdwen_
    It was a fail for me but I'll respect their decision. Also you're right it does take a lot of courage to confess so I'm proud of myself for doing it!
  • @AshleyBlackVA
    I'm way too flustered to compliment my crush. When he just looks at me, I'm embarrassed even though we're good friends. He's too cute for this world! Someone, please! Tell this dork I love him! Update: I just confessed to him!!!!! He asked for time to think about it but I still feel happy for telling him how I feel. Update 2: HE SAID YES!!!!!
  • @peckspwnz
    1. Ask them to a particular event 2. Compliment them first 3. Get to know them better or befriend them first 4. Give them hints you like them first with flirting 5. Talk about something you both have in common and then tell them you want to continue the conversation somewhere 6. Ask them out when they're alone in person 7. Find your courage and stay true to your initial feelings
  • This came at absolutely the perfect time, I want to ask my crush out to homecoming next week and this is giving me the plan and confidence that I needed! Edit: SHE SAID YES!
  • Year and a half into a relationship with the girl who was my "impossible" crush for eight years, the only thing I have to say, beside that this is very accurate... Is that I regret not having the courage to ask her out sooner She was in the same position as me, and we both put up walls because we were afraid we were going to be obvious and "ruin" the friendship Be courageous, be brave... What's the worst thing that can happen? If you get a no, you still end in the same spot you began in
  • @RealGTheKidFR
    “Perhaps there’s someone out there crushing on you!” Yeah, no.
  • I've become great friends with my crush and gave her hints. I hope to ask her out sometime during these next couple of weeks. This video really helped me a lot. Update: She rejected me. :(
  • @stephenjoe453
    I am so happy I have an understanding that I had a crush, asked them after being friends for about 2 years, asked them out on dates and got a yes from them. And I asked her while she was in a group of friends. Her friends all know me too and really asked me when I was going to ask her... Now 6 years on, We are both engaged to each other, advice for anybody. Ladies and girls are only human too. Just be yourself and just have fun with each other. I always somehow make her laugh and she loves it. When she needs help, I will go help her. It really is a 60/40 give/take relationship. While both trying to be the 60 of it.
  • @retrodotexe
    As an introvert having a crush on an extrovert is scary.
  • It occurred to me that videos like this may be more geared towards a younger audience, but I still feel like I have a lot to learn. For most of my life I have suppressed and denied my emotions for fear of rejection and I am only now realizing the effect and disfunction I've created for myself. These videos mean a lot to me because it helps me realize what changes in direction I may need in order to help myself.
  • At one point, I regretted not asking one of my crushes, especially when I had the chance and they were alone. Hopefully one day if there’s someone I like, I’ll not miss another chance.
  • This is too cute, I really like how dynamic yet soft the animation is
  • @Electirc
    I have a question that I REALLY need an answer to: How do you get over a built up obsession over someone else, whom you will most likely never be with. I'm talking about a chronic obsession, one that is starting to affect daily life, health, etc. This is especially pertaining to people who require a very strong bond with the person of interest before wanting to have them as a romantic partner, such as a longtime friend. The reason why it's so difficult to let go is because you've known them so long, it's difficult to recreate the same type of bond with someone new.
  • @minty1312
    I recently started questioning my feelings for a new classmate of mine. I kinda like him, but if someone asked me why I wouldn't really have an answer to that. When I first met him, his whole vibe made me uneasy actually, he acted like a gentleman but he also acted indifferent and uncaring. Idk how to accurately explain it, but how he was acting seemed like just a front. But the more I talked to him and joked with him, the more interested I became. Idk, I'm mostly doubting myself because I've never confessed my feelings before, so this is all new to me.
  • I just asked my crush out. It was hard getting over that nervousness but it's better to have a yes (she said take things slow but yes :D ) or a no as opposed to that nagging sensation of never asking, that thing will eat you alive.
  • @kinzakugaming976
    I find these videos really helpful and i usually watch them a few times to help retain the information. My teen years were full of many mistakes that I don’t want to repeat. Sure it was full of a lot of heartbreak because I didn’t succeed once(or at all to this day), but I’m not gonna let that get me down. I’ve just gotta keep being me and I’ll find that special someone. Others who share my situation, please don’t be discouraged. I always hated hearing the cliche advice, but it’s cliche for a reason, it’s the truth. You have to learn to move past mistakes and heartbreak and embrace it as a part of your growth/journey.
  • She said no. But don’t let the deaf of rejection stop you. I was scared of rejection but I still asked her out and I’m proud of that. I know it’s really hard to build the courage to ask someone out but it’s totally worth it. You probably end up crying and go out for a run at 1 am but you’ll feel much better (maybe she wasn’t the one meant to be, you’ll find someone else) and the ones who aren’t sure if you should ask ur crush out just go for it n all the best ❤❤ and the ones who got rejected WE GO JIMMMM 💪🏼💪🏼
  • @RayPeng-07
    This episode was funny and super cute x3 Even if now not useful for me, maybe it can be in the future. Anyway I admire the humor of the animator who made this :D The text as well and Amanda's voice fits here perfectly as always x3
  • @shanw.2948
    Thank you for the instructions :D I have a history with being too quick to confess, and although I've been pacing myself to do so slower and slower I still feel like I muster up that courage to ask too quickly. So thanks for the advice, I appreciate it 💜