Why You SHOULD Tell Your Crush How you Feel | A Video Essay

Published 2022-11-29

All Comments (21)
  • TL;DR - Ask her out kings (sorry I got a bit repetitive towards the end lol)
  • @wachsmalstift
    Pro tip: you can't just go and ask your crush out randomly, you gotta start talking to her first
  • @_fussyfangs
    Best advice I can give, as a girl myself, is to not ask right away if you've only been talking 2 days. It can come off as creepy. Give it time, hang out as much as you can so you can get to know each other. Also, keep in mind that everyone is human & flawed. There will be no "perfect girl." I dated my friend for years, gave the geeky guy a chance. He turned out to be such a gentleman & so fun to be with. We had nearly the same interests so that helped too. We fell out of love after some distance was put between us, but heck my dude was surprised I ever even agreed to a date. He told me he kept thinking I would say no. We're still friends to this day since things ended in a positive note, we just weren't feeling like we were going anywhere with the relationship.
  • @LordGreninjack
    The single worst but also best thing that ever happened to me was asking my crush out. The girl who I was madly in love with rejected me, and it was so utterly horrific. I thank God every single day for her saying no. It hurt me so bad. Felt like the end of the world. Felt like I’d never be happy again. It took months to get over it. But now? I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. The amount of confidence that gave me was insane. Showed me I can do scary things even if I’m terrified. Really taught me a valuable life lesson that you don’t always get everything you want, but that’s okay. Since her, I’ve started self improvement so much. I started working out intensely as a way to cope with the rejection. Thanks to her, I now have a 6 pack and huge biceps. I do things for myself more these days. I’m stronger, more confident, happier. I have a healthier and more realistic understanding of relationships. I’m more independent, and I love myself a whole lot more. Ask your crush out. Even if they say no. So worth it in the long run.
  • @laavanya2335
    I'm a 17 year old girl and told a guy about my feelings, got rejected in such a manner by the gentlemen that i feel absolutely free, we were and are friends, i wasn't expecting a relationship out of us, he have a crush on someone else, we talked for 40 minutes afterwards, and i must say am grateful to have such friends with me Edit: i just added comas cause someone got a stroke reading this earlier
  • @TrickyTri
    if you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. If you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you, and if they don't come, then you still have that beautiful garden
  • As a female if a girl says ew after you confessed to her then there might be something wrong with you for liking her. No girl that has a heart would tell you "ew" that's messed up bro drop her QUICK
  • @souzuka4101
    i confessed after a month of hesitation, I wasn't reject nor was i liked back, she just thanked me and at that point i knew i had to focus more on myself
  • @SonicKai2003
    I watched this video a month after it came out. At the time there was a girl that I liked but was too scared to ask her out, this video along with the support of friends helped me build the courage to ask her. She's now my girlfriend and we've been together over 6 months now, still going strong. I'm glad this video showed up in my recommended again so I can say thank you for playing a part in giving me the confidence to shoot my shot. Ended up being the best thing I ever did. I hope you have a great day. ^^
  • @mariovazquez1088
    If it wasn’t for this video, I wouldn’t have even gotten the courage to ask my homies mom out. Now, I am one step closer to being a step dad!
  • @DragDri_713
    Here's my experience that no one asked for. I fell in love with my best friend. I met her at high school, and at the beginning, she was just a friend and thought she was kinda cute. Then I went to university and lost contact with her, but I didn't like my career so I changed it and went to another university, and there I found her again, prettier than ever and, in general, better than ever, we were so happy we would study together. Sadly she has a boyfriend, and when I decided I'd tell her I like her and then I heard about it, I backed out. We continued being friends and forged a better relationship, to a point that now I consider her more than just my best friend. One day at a party, I felt kinda bad about my repressed feelings, so I decided I'd tell her, I was scared cause I thought she would see me differently in a bad way, but actually she was touched, then I told her how I felt about her in general and how much I cared about her, she told me that at some point she came to like me too, but then she met her boyfriend who she's really happy with. Man, I do not regret at all telling her about my feelings. It felt like taking a big weight off my back. Today, we are still friends, and let me tell you, we are much closer together, we are more open to each other in general, and I feel like we have a really strong bond built on trust, honesty and love. What I'm trying to say is that, even when I was scared about rejection, I got something even better, I got closer to the one I love the most, and one of the people that matters most to me. So, even if you're scared, maybe you can win much more. And if you get rejected, there's so many great people out there, so there will always be room for love with someone, always.
  • @booba180
    "If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away, If you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you. And if they don't come, you still have your garden."
  • @4dojo
    It's not always as simple as telling them. In my case I keep ending up stuck in toxic relationships after seeing a girl's true colors once we're dating. Now I always approach girls I like with extreme caution and avoid starting relationships at all unless I'm 100% sure that they're not insane first.
  • @sliteturtlez
    I'm about to be 18 in a couple months, and I haven't even held a girl's hand romantically. However, looking at it like that discards most of my efforts in the recent past. I remember that only 3 years ago, I was stuttering over every word when talking to pretty girls, but now I can actually hold a conversation and act nonchalant. After 6 rejections, I have been forced to look within myself more intently and question all aspects of my life. The best things in life are indeed on the opposite of fear. Thank you for creating such an inspiring video.
  • @Lorenzozooo
    I know a friend who got rejected so many times that it's not even funny, but all those rejections made turned him into a cool and down to earth dude
  • @larsdecaluwe3964
    this video helped me bro i asked my crush if she liked me and she liked me back thanks man
    Don't forget to do it when you both know eachother long enough, don't do it after 2 days of falling for her. When you two know eachother atleast for a good amount of time is when it's worth to try
  • I recently asked a girl out and she said yes. After 3 rejections between different girls, I found one, and my god is she a sweetheart, I want to spend every moment with her. I'm not even that attractive or funny, yet I found a girl who cares and genuinely loves me. So remember Kings, ask her out, if she says no, improve yourself if she says yes you secured the bag.
  • @jplayer7jonny410
    Don’t take too long to ask them out. Of course, talk with them a few times before that and be friendly and nice, but don’t go on the route of trying to develop a friendship prior to asking them on a date. Do that while they are just a crush and don’t let yourself fall in love, because the odds are that the other person won’t feel the same and you will also lose the friendship you built. The biggest mistake teenagers make in their romantic lives is falling in love before dating. It’s much easier to move on if you are rejected by a person you simply find attractive than by someone you fell deeply in love with, who you deem as one of your best friends and who you feel like you depend emotionally on. When you become an adult, that doesn’t happens so much, but when you are in high school and even in college, people tend to do that a lot.