Is Gaijin Wrong For This? | War Thunder

Published 2024-05-10
What are your thoughts on changing premium vehicles?
I would rather have game balance than to keep vehicles overperforming, premium or not. That being said, this isn't anything out of the ordinary for Gaijin to do, and I don't think it's unfair since it's always known that any vehicle can change at any time, regardless of how much you pay for it.


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All Comments (21)
  • Release powerful vehicle -> put it at wrong BR -> make sales $$$$ -> Nerf and raise BR
  • @WalvisYT
    Be me. Finally make an update MiG-23ML review. New review is instantly irrelevant.
  • @wl7839
    War thunder since the beginning was about having realistic vehicles in unrealistic battles. Besides that the last thing i want is a world of tanks situation where the devs are too afraid to nerf premium vehicles.
  • @diobrando2575
    As a MiG-23ML owner I have no issue with it getting nerfed to be realistic. While I will miss the current flight model, I'm glad it will be made accurate. Worst case scenario, they need to bump it down in BR and I don't have to fight F-15's and their 4 IRCCM missiles at the cost of relearning the plane and treating it as a missile bus instead of a jack of all trades plane.
  • @DaveyCooter
    I dont mind things being nerfed, even premiums, if the battle rating shifts to reflect the nerf. If Gaijin significantly nerfs something and doesn't change the BR, it just goes to show how compressed the BR is, and that they are aware of it and not doing anything about it.
  • @danredda1
    I would rather that premium vehicles get corrected/balanced, and potentially BR changed than end up with unobtainable/removed from sale Uber premiums like their competition has that induces FOMO
  • @Dylan-ji1xx
    Im pretty sure the MiG-21 Bis Underperforms in game. it should be able to pull more AOA than it does currently.
  • @Schanyee2
    i bought it 4 days ago because i heard of the upcomming changes and i wanted to grind as much as possible before that but i think they need to nerv vehicles to make them more historicly accurate. the only thing that i would do is that the need to display a big message 3 months before the changes to "warn" people who want to buy it
  • @aceofthunder9868
    I am very glad to have played the mig23ml pre nerf. I bought the ml on sale to grind out the soviet tech tree. It was very enjoyable and i think the r24r makes the mig23ml one the strongest plane at its br, the r24r is even suprisingly effective in an uptier and can catch enemies offguard. However i do think it was overperforming a little bit, i was able to beat f15s in rate fights and 1v2 planes that probably shouldn't have been possible, however seeing the changes gaijin is gonna implement, they seem rather harsh.
  • @ItzCPU_
    Everything in warthunder is subject to change
  • @bred7791
    I don’t mind the change and like you said since the missiles are good so it should do find in 16v16, but I already used it to grind ussr so I doesn’t affect me too much. Also can someone tell me when is the may sale coming out?
  • @aleksanderf4672
    The problem with 'never changing the premiums' is pretty well illustrated by WoWs. The only way to deal with overperforming premium vechicle is to remove it from sales in that case. Which leads to FOMO, powercreep(even faster). It's better to include a "stats may change in the future" as a disclaimer and balance premiums as any other vechicle.
  • @ViperFox_
    After the nerf I would totally get the Su-25k instead. I grinded the Soviet tree out with it and it was actually really fun and you can STACK RP with the Su-25k. In downtiers its straight up unfair
  • @mrcaboosevg6089
    I don't think the flight model matters, i have this plane and just boom and zoom. Rarely if ever get into dog fights, it has 6 good missiles so there's no real need to
  • @kubyooo8571
    What else are they supposed to do. Its a lose lose situation, either they nerf it and make wallet warriors mad or they leave it historically inaccurate
  • @CreideikiRox
    Seek, if this game is allowed to just make up non-historical values for planes for the sake of balance then I won't be playing it. I play WT for the history and the accuracy. The BR is supposed to balance the plane, not fake flight models. If they nerf the FMs and downtier the plane then no harm no foul and the plane would still be fun (arguably more fun at lower BRs) to fly. The last thing I want is for Gaijin to think it's OK to make values up. Wargaming makes values up and WoT/ WoWP/WoWS are the result. I want a vehicle game not a fantasy game.
  • this isn't the first nerf to the mig-23ML it incorrectly had the SPO-15L instead of the SPO-10 on release and thats a MASSIVE capability difference
  • @dragondaan8668
    The J7-E and if cource the Mirage 2000D-R1 which a lot of people dont realize is at 11.3 with probably the best flight model for that BR