My life story | The journey of a neurodivergent human being

Publicado 2024-05-13

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  • @TheJoya1234
    Hi Carolin. When the YouTube algorithm showed me one of your videos ( this was a while ago) I subscribed and then purchased two songs from your album Inner Journey. In my imagination I created a story about who you were because I thought your music is so incredibly beautiful and you’re so multi talented. But like tonight and over time your videos have shared who you really as you share your inner journey. You shed the layers and it’s brave and graceful to me. It’s so generous of you to share this way, because you may be helping someone very deeply with your life story. I feel like I listened to a friend and I send a virtual hug. 🩵
  • @chamarevill8069
    Thank you so much. This is the first time that I've related so much to someones life story. We love you Carolin:face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-red-heart-shape:
  • @amyblaine7624
    I’m audhd with C-PTSD, and I have been wondering for the longest time if you are neurodivergent too. You have such a deep introspection and deep sensitivity to the universe that I thought you must be. It’s funny how similar our stories are (with some slight differences). I’m an artist as well (writer, sculptor) and I’m American and fell in love with a German musician. I’m currently living in Germany with him. I’m currently in the phase of life similar to when you left your pharmacy job. I’m just coming to terms with the fact that I’m disabled, and I’m looking for a job right now and I’m so exhausted and overwhelmed even thinking about holding down a traditional job. I’ve burnt out many times since I was 17 and it’s a constant battle to heal and get my strength and skills back. All of this is to say that you are absolutely not alone, and I have always resonated with your sharing and your insights and your story deeply. You are not an alien. Your experience and life is so human and so beautiful. I’ve also had partners who would get upset at my staying home and being low energy and my enjoying just being in nature, and they didn’t understand that. Just know you aren’t weird. You aren’t broken. You’re such a wonderful person and you’ve brought many people peace over the years, including myself. Sending you love❤
  • @dragonflymagic
    Beautifully authentic. It’s amazing how you’ve been able to do all the things you’ve done. Most so called “normal” people haven’t. Your sensitivity is your strength and it’s where your hidden blessings come from as far as I can tell. Only we know for ourselves and trusting our own inner guidance is our saving Grace so to speak. You are on the right path. Thank you for sharing. I admire your courage and authenticity. We are all imperfectly perfect in our utter uniqueness. Lots of love 🩵☀️🦋
  • Thank you so much for sharing. Your words are always such a comfort to me. I have listened to your story twice now, and keep marvelling at how brave you are. I actually received my formal diagnosis today. I cried with relief afterwards... to finally feel 'seen' and acknowledged after 43 years of struggling alone. Thank you again, I love every one of your videos.
  • @twinEAH
    What a gorgeous & precious sharing!! I can relate to never wanting to go out to loud clubs or concerts and wanting to stay home in quiet. I love that you are following your guidance and being your true, authentic self. You are such an incredible speaker. I feel the power behind your story and the sharing of it. 🔥🔥👏👏👹👹
  • @Amber24426
    I’m so glad that you decided to share more of your story. I knew bits and pieces of it from having watched your videos over the years, but this more cohesive overview is really such a gift that you’ve chosen to offer here. It is somewhat comforting too, to hear the similarities in our stories- though our lives are wildly different from one another, I relate deeply to the kind of path your life has taken, and the emotions which have accompanied you along your particular journey.
  • @Cindy-wp5dp
    Ich finde es unglaublich mutig was du uns hier erzählt hast. Eine Scheidung ist nicht leicht, besonders, wenn sich die Lebensumstände damit komplett verändern (leider eigene Erfahrung) Du hast mir mit deiner Musik durch eine schwierige Lebensphase geholfen- dafür bin ich dir unendlich dankbar. Alles hat sich zum Guten gewendet und das verdanke ich auch dir. "Wir haben viel zusammen gesungen " -selbst unter der Dusche 😂und ich halte mein Glück nun an der Hand. Mir wurde mal gesagt Gedanken lenken Gefühle .... und Gefühle haben direkten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit -kurz gesagt, du tust gut -sicher nicht nur mir. ❤
  • @sirisauvage
    You are the only person I follow through quite some time. You inspired many of my musical adventures and you give me strenght by being very true to yourself. Thank you.
  • Hello, just discovered you today:) Very interesting video and I as highly educated neurodivergent highly sensitive person who is also trying to live as professional performer can so relate to your struggles to fit financially and emotionally into mainstream societal working collectives and just in general life.... I am now 44 and also after having been in many different places and trying different life paths stuck back with my parents in my native country in Europe since just continues to be struggle after struggle, so yeah do not have any solutions (obviously) that could magically improve our lives but I am trying to understand what is real in my life and what are my resources and go from there..Good luck on your future path, fellow sensitive traveler:)
  • Thank you Carolin. Your honesty is much appreciated . I relate to many similar aspects of your story. With my aspe diagnosis age 50. Although I suspect many aspects were also as a result of 10 years of school bullying trauma. So my sense 8s their tick boxes don't think so laterally. However my nature art films are for reducing sensory overload and for seeing how much is right there if we just be with and explore a different way of witnessing without all the the other distractions. Look forward to hearing if there is some minimalist inspired harp that fits a nature film? I am working on local scenes Aoteraoa currently. Where do I subscibe to hear those creations. I cant find your email from when we shared about one of your musical inspirations.
  • @MargrietS
    I have told you my story too. But at the moment I’m not writing so much but just speaking out loud. I know you can’t hear me, but in a way I think it will come through. I can relate to the very sensitive child, that is still very overwhelmed easily and hurt. And she deserves all the love and safety in the world. Thank you for your sharing.
  • Thank you for all these videos. I am also a neurodiver, an adult autistic who would be a high intellectual potential, a graphic designer and a contemplator of the born worlds * and at birth. My thoughts of bees and stamens * from the northeast of France.
  • Satyam❤ Shivam ❤Sundaram ❤ ( Truth❤ beneficial ❤Beauty❤ : it's Sarasvati's mantra ❤)
  • @Malekfahad420
    Hey Carolin, really nice video ! I was wondering if I could help you with Best Quality Editing in your videos better than your Editor with good pricing and also make a highly engaging Thumbnail which will help your videos to reach to a wider audience ? Pls let me know what do you think ?
  • Wish I could speak German so honestly as you speak in English. Go raibh maith agat (thank you in Irish )
  • @67Marusya
    My dear, Carolin, thank you so much for your “life reflection” video ❤ I’ve been following you here for awhile, I’ve got your songs, your print and I like to hear your intuitive singing and your art! Your life story is 85% is resonating with mine, and at Soul level mine can see you and feel you. Please accept me as a friend if you need one 😊 I will never judge or criticize you. I’ve learned a lot from my life experience, and I found my truth and wisdom. We can chat and express our true-selves and our perceptions. Most of all I want to make you smile and laugh, you got to live this lifetime here on Earth, that you’ve volunteered to arrive to Do and to Be as a human being 😊 🥰 I have your email address, I’ll be just waiting for your call. If not , it’s fine, you have a free will, my dear ♥️🤩✨🪶