Vitamin B12: Why You Should Take It

Publicado 2023-03-17
Are you feeling tired, weak, or experiencing tingling in your fingers and toes? You may be one of the millions of people who are deficient in vitamin B12. In this video, we'll explore everything you need to know about this crucial nutrient.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and nerve function. It's found naturally in animal products like meat, fish, and dairy, and is also available as a supplement.

Unfortunately, many people don't get enough vitamin B12 from their diet and may be at risk of deficiency. This is particularly true for vegetarians and vegans, as well as older adults and those with certain medical conditions.

In this video, we'll cover the signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, how to get tested for deficiency, and the different forms of vitamin B12 supplements. We'll also discuss the importance of proper absorption and dosage and provide tips for incorporating more vitamin B12-rich foods into your diet.

If you're concerned about your vitamin B12 levels or simply want to learn more about this essential nutrient, be sure to watch this video. Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel for more informative videos about health and wellness!


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I was recently diagnosed with a B12 deficiency and getting B12 injections have made a huge difference. I have not felt this good in years.
  • @Godisgreat-777
    I was having such bad panic attacks, that they would literally bring me down to my knees. I was withdrawing from doctor prescribed antidepressants. It was a literal hell. Anyways, my integrative medicine doctor told me to do sublingual B12 and lemon balm. It worked miracles for me in my life. I also have ADD and she suggested I do B12 for my ADD as well. It helps a ton. Deficiencies cause horrible emotional and mental health problems. Instead of getting to the core issues of mental health problems, by doing a simple blood draw… many doctors are medicating their patients with “medications” that cause even more deficiencies. I always say God gave us everything we need in Mother Earth. God please bless and heal everyone here!!
  • @jamesec1949
    Hi Docs, I use a sublingual 2,500 mcg B-12 every other day. Doctors orders. Just another item added to my list for being a geriatric. Growing old is not fun. Yeah, I know about the alternative. But my brain thinks I’m young and wants to do the things I can’t do anymore. Well, the good news is my brain is still young. May it stay that way for a long time. 🙋‍♂️
  • @junebarber8459
    My levels were found to be low a couple of years ago - I kid you not, I was dragging myself around. No energy - nada. My Doc fixed it with a week of injections and now I’m permanently on tablets - thank you for the vids xx
  • @Garfieldlb
    LOVE your videos. The information mixed with humor is the best!
  • Docs! You guys are doing great job! Love to see medical professionals willing to share the information in how to keep our bodies healthy and look for for signs of when we need to get checked up by specialist! Thank you!
  • @Joshualuv13
    Yes ,years ago .I found myself struggling with chronic fatigue on another level.After months ,finally discovered a B12 deficiency After a couple weeks on a supplement I suddenly felt this surge of high energy again..The difference was amazing!
  • @mudwiser1391
    These dudes offer advice in an easy to digest manor, with a little humour thrown in as well.
  • This is why I love and respect Doctors! You guys are serving humanity.. The two great Amigos 👍
  • The two of you make learning all of the important medical stuff so much fun. The "light comedy" helps me to remember the message that you're giving us, too! Thank you so much. 💚😊💚
  • Thank you for educating me on the direct relationship of B12 and dosage. I now because of you both am more motivated to redirect my life and efforts to a healthier lifestyle. Like Dr. Zalzal I don't wish to give meat up totally but once a week will be an immensely better. Have a great day.
  • @YoSpiff
    I've been taking B12 for a while, but didn't know I should chew it instead of swallowing whole. That behavior is now changed. Thanks.
  • I am impressed you answer questions. I have a cold nose and face a lot even when inside temp is 72 or so. I am a type 2 diabetic and use Keto to control it and 80 years old it’s good now. I read low b12 and also poor circulation and diabetes could be causes. I take alpha logic acid 600 per day so after 20 years no neuropathy. It has been a journey to figure this out and Doctors have been a disappointment. You two are a blessing!
  • I love you guys. You are so helpful and cheerful. I’ve learned a lot watching your videos that help me STOP WORRYING (I have a lot of anxiety) about all the awful things that could happen to me. I have a lovely doctor or my own, who sees me whenever I ask, sometimes just for reassurance, but watching your multi episode advisories about all kinds of things that I forget to ask, has really helped me understand a lot of things that I never ask questions about. I also like that you enjoy your work so much and how much fun you have making these videos for us. You guys are a terrific team. Thank you Thank you Thank you. ♥️
  • @astounded4546
    Don’t forget about the effect that Lyme disease has on decreasing B12 levels, among other markers. About a year after being bitten by a deer tick, I had a whole assortment of symptoms that were on the checklist. One nasty one was panic attacks. When I checked with my doctor he coincidentally gave me a b12 shot because my levels were low. Shortly afterwards, I felt so relaxed that I knew I could not get a panic attack so long as I felt this way, and I was good for a few days. But that physical distress crept back up and the attacks happened again. I then found out that it’s a water soluble vitamin and it can be excreted through urin and sweat within a couple of days. I told my doctor that I needed more and he told me to get a B12 supplement at the drug store. After I took the required dose, I felt nothing like the effect I got from the shot. I kept upping and upping the dose but still nothing and the panic attacks continued. After further research, I found out that the version that I was using was cyanocobalamin, and that had to be processed by the small intestine and liver to make it an active form for use by the body. Some people may not be able to break it down. and sometimes it’s destroyed by stomach acid before it even gets to the small intestine. I then learned that there are active forms of B12: primarily methylcobalamin, and hydroxycobalamin. Once I tried those, I immediately felt that same response that I had to the shot. I had to feel my may to the right dosage level (overdoing it also created an anxiety response), but once I figured it out, I never had another panic attack again. My doctor was convinced that it was a placebo effect, but I debunked that because I would a have believed that I was cured after the first supplement, but I knew that I wasn’t. He then argued that people don’t have panic attacks from B12 deficiency. Perhaps he’s right normally, but the spirochete Bacteria of Lyme can effect people neurologically, and low B12 is one of the markers. I can’t help but wonder that if the B12 supply for the bacteria is getting low that they might trigger a neurological response. In hindsight, I realize that my final conjecture is medically naive and unfounded, but could there be a symptomatic response that is particular to the combination of Lyme and low B12?
  • @dhaley8847
    You guys may have solved the problems that my daughter is having with this video! she has been to many doctors and they cant seem to figure our what is wrong with her but the symptoms in this video are the same as she has so hopefully this is it! thanks