Hong Kong's Deadly Underground Animal Trade | Undercover Asia | CNA Documentary

Published 2021-03-27
Dead cats and dogs mysteriously appeared on several beaches in Hong Kong, causing widespread fear and anger in the community. Who killed these animals, and how did they end up on the beach?

CNA's Wei Du sets out to investigate the gripping mystery. Her journey reveals a sprawling animal smuggling network centred on Hong Kong which not just puts the life of pets at risk, but also endangers wildlife around the world.

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About Undercover Asia 8: CNA's award-winning investigative series Undercover Asia returns for the eighth season to uncover the hard truths in the underbelly of Asia, and help us understand the plight of the disenfranchised and the displaced.
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All Comments (21)
  • @Tammissa
    I never even thought about this happening. It breaks my heart 😢. Anyone that hurts/kills an innocent animal is not a human. Animals are so trusting and vulnerable. I’m not sure if I can even finish watching this video because I’m getting angrier and angrier as I watch. Thank you for bringing this to light. People need to know.
  • @BogdanKokkonen
    RIP Senior Inspector Kary Lam, who died in the line of service two days ago when her police boat capsized during a high-speed race with vessels involved in illegal cross-border smuggling
  • @angietan77
    Poor Jason... 😔 it really hurts to not know rather than know.. Hope Rennie is in good hands somehow... 🙏 All evil acts towards animals need to stop! People are getting evil... Sigh
  • @candiceyeo2923
    My heart breaks for the poor tortoises 🐢 or animals that died in transit. Despicable consumerism.
  • Thanks for this detailed investigative report on endangered animals. I’m vert sad that this is happening to all animals in the world. 😱😥☹️😢
  • from what I heard people from Hong Kong usually are pretty busy and hearing this is happening around HK it’s quite shocking
  • @markre5329
    Have you investigated about the poisoning of several dogs in Cyberport too? So horrible.
  • @BenhngHupHoe
    Amazing documentaries that CNA has been doing. Keep it up
  • @lancesay
    @ 30:00 HK guy that breeds those animals, people are so greedy. those poor animals, they never feel the warmth of the sun or just be outside!
  • Wow! I am so surprised that HK Police Force did reply, allow the interview and even given a chance for media to have the boat ride. I feel amazed as a Hong Konger even HK Media haven’t got a chance like this For Jason’s case, what I am guessing is the cat might be taken away and resell it to someone with the original chip removed and a new chip could be implanted. As a snowy white cat like this, people are willing to offer a good price or even sell it to the breeder
  • @panthera50
    There are a lot of people on this world who are pure scum. 😡
  • @wulung5943
    USA is the number one market for exotic animals, birds, fishes, reptiles and other wild life species in the world, Do a documentary on the rampant smuggling and exploitation of this trade. In the meantime investigate Fort Detrick in USA
  • @Specogecko
    That’s what happens when you have a country with no animal cruelty Laws
  • @alexi2460
    Incredible reporting, thank you for your great efforts, the success is possibly due to the fact that u are from Singapore and Hong Kong will cooperate
  • @falcolf
    ⚠️For those who don't know: - The snakes shown in this video are NOT endangered; they are ball pythons which are bred in great numbers worldwide because they are ridiculously docile, completely harmless to humans (small children can safely handke then,) they will 100% chill with you while you watch movies, they come in a rainbow of beautiful colour morphs and therefore yes, they do make awesome pets! It would have been deeply appreciated had the producers of this episode actually found legit endangered reptiles to film instead of negatively smearing the reptile hobby and had the host done her research - then she would not have overreacted so massively on camera because she would have known that the ball python she was handling was 100% harmless to her! Even completely wild ball pythons are ridiculously docile, harmless little animals. Ball pythons have been bred in captivity for many, many generations and there is an argument for them being considered domesticated. - The rest of the reptiles shown (except for the ploughshares tortoise from Madagascar): all actively captive bred in great numbers and not endangered! - Boa constrictors DO NOT EAT PEOPLE. You can confidently handle one safely without having another person present. - There is only one species of snake on the entire planet that has actually been verified to eat humans - the reticulated python, from Malaysia. Humans are simply not the right shape to make good prey for giant snakes and giant snake species themselves are extremely rare. - Almost nobody keeps 'hot' venomous snakes as pets. 'Hot' meaning that the venom is medically significant. The people who DO keep hot snakes have to go through a lot of training - I think if I remember right it's something like 2,000 hours - and certification in most places before they can own one. Most of the people who do handle hot snakes work in venom labs where the venom is extracted in order to make antivenom which saves lives. ⚠️*PLEASE stop negatively portraying snakes, wild or not as it does extreme harm to those still in the wild because it justifies people being cruel to them for no reason other than they think snakes are 'icky' or 'scary.*' In fact, some indigenous people in South America prior to colonization kept pet snakes in their huts as friendly pest control!❤