Dead by Daylight - Mandela Catalogue / Gabriel: Chase Theme

Published 2023-08-09
The Alternate.
Mandela Catalogue belongs to ‪@AlexxKister‬
Dead By Daylight - Studio BEhavior
Art and Music - notsweetdandy

0:00 Distant
0:27 Approaching
0:53 Near
1:45 CHASE
2:11 L̴͓̟͕̲̞̯̘̼̏̀e̵͓͛́̐̽̑͝͝ẗ̸͔͎͙͎͖̺́͛̑̋͛́̈́͝ͅ ̵̳̙̩̬̰̠̗̍͑̇̎̀͂̄͜ṉ̶̨̨͎̝̭̬͉́̆̓͛͝o̸̡̫͉̫̗̎͋͋͂̄̍́̌͠͝ ̷̧̛̺̗̐͂̋̀́͂̀̂͌h̶̖̯͈̄̇ơ̸̙̼̒̀͗͠͝ṗ̴̛̝̠̰̖̈e̸̡̠̳͍̫͆͌̊͆͒͌͂͝ ̸̨̛̦͇̟̞̝̥̑̇b̴̨̞̲̣̩̥̬̤̃̐̽e̷̩̻̱͇̐̄͛̉͛ ̵̭̒͗͛͂͐̚͠c̴̙̀̓r̴̨̜̺͍̬̦̲̼̰̈́͒̿͋͒͆̎̽̕i̷̟͉̱̻̳̘͚̟͌ė̵͙̼̈́̑̄̊̾͐̄̍̅d̷͔͙̜͙͚͔̜̏̀̆͂̋́̏͝ͅ ̷̱̻̠́̎͊̀͊̐̔ò̵̰͔͇̼̗̟͐̈́̂̐̄̊̕u̷̥̪̲͔͕̿̆̀́̔͜͝͝t̷̬̮͖͔͙̭̪̄̔̿͋̾͒͝͝;̴̡̢̢̖͖̟̬̣̰̅͌͆͠͝ͅ ̴̓̑̑̂

All Comments (21)
  • @notsweetdandy
    After some thought, I have decided to answer the question of what the voice is saying at the end of this video. "Let no hope be cried out, except for the hope of a quick and painless death Mea culpa Our father, who art in heaven Wake up Wake up"
  • @normalclown
    I think having a genuinely clean and 'heavenly' Killer would be a lot more terrifying than the Killers we've gotten before. It would really go to show nothing can be trusted in the Entity's realm.
  • @TheSilversepiroth
    I don't play DBD, but having a killer that can even temporarily turn into an approximation of another survivor that you have to actually LOOK at to see the difference is actually a terrifying concept
  • @fungusman3046
    I imagine the mori would just be him telling the survivor something so distressing they just die on the spot.
  • @SoftDadLeon
    Imagine if you had to study your fellow survivors to tell if they've been replaced or not. Like checking to see if they're blinking or breathing, or if they walk and move in uncanny ways when the killer is mimicking them That would be freaky as shit
  • @ryder_4435
    I don't care how completely out of question getting Gabriel into DBD would be, this theme slaps
  • @shockshplock3480
    This is awesome dude, I can just imagine his appearance warping the closer he gets to the survivor, shifting from a beautiful, divine figure to his more true and twisted self Imo his name should probably be “The Seraph” or “The Deceiver”
  • Gotta love the foreboding feeling of the choir. The religious feel really gives a sense of being up against something far more powerful than yourself. I am really curious what the mori would look like.
  • If he was in the game i bet his smile would grow bigger when he draws closer to a survivor in his sight.
  • @cinnaminwolf4354
    Gabriel in Dead by Daylight: Killer Name: The Angel (idk i'm not THAT creative, i just call Gabriel "Gabriel" for the rest of this idea) Power: Metaphysical Domination Description: Born from the depths of malevolent consciousness, Gabriel is a relentless harbinger of despair, an embodiment of twisted desires whose power, "Metaphysical Domination," weaves a web of psychological torment that wraps survivors in the suffocating embrace of their own fears. Like a shadow that refuses to dissipate, Gabriel's presence consumes the very essence of hope, plunging its victims into a realm of nightmarish uncertainty. Now, the enigmatic and malevolent entity from The Mandela Catalogue series makes its way into the realm of Dead by Daylight as a formidable killer. Armed with the power of "Metaphysical Domination," Gabriel can manipulate the fabric of reality to sow chaos and despair among survivors. Metaphysical Awareness: Gabriel possesses the innate ability to sense the deepest fears and insecurities of survivors. When activating this power, Gabriel can view the location of the nearest survivor within a certain radius affected by "Mental Fatigue", highlighted by killer instinct or aura depending on tier. Mimicry: Gabriel can channel its mimicry ability to take on the appearance of a survivor it has last injured. While in this form, Gabriel cannot use their basic attack, but can move around and interact with objects, imitating the survivor perfectly. Survivors observing this mimicry may notice subtle abnormalities. Gabriel can cancel mimicry at any point with a small delay,( like Sadako's manifest), to injure survivors. Psychological Warfare: By using its mimicry, Gabriel can engage in psychological warfare against survivors. When in close proximity, Gabriel can inflict "Mental Fatigue" upon survivors. Afflicted survivors will start experiencing hallucinations, distorted perceptions, and an overwhelming sense of dread in different tiers. This disorder makes it more challenging for survivors to perform actions effectively, such as skill checks, vault speed, or healing speed. Mental Fatigue: Mental Fatigue is a status affect that can be noticed on the character portraits, while only the killer may see the progress at which Mental Fatigue builds, both survivor and killer may see the tier at which Mental Fatigue resides. Mental Fatigue can build by three methods: 1) Passively - When a survivor performs any action that can be performed cooperatively alone*, the survivor gains mental fatigue slowly. 2) By Terror Radius - While Gabriel is not using mimicry and/or is not undetectable, a survivor in the terror radius moderately gains mental fatigue. 3) By Mimicry - While Gabriel is in Mimicry, any survivor within 16m (or extended with add-ons) gains mental fatigue greatly. Mental Fatigue can be brought down by three methods: 1) When a survivor is in close proximity with another survivor, mental fatigue drops slowly. 2) When a survivor is performing a cooperative action with another survivor, mental fatigue drops moderately. (*Increases with survivor count on gen) 3) When a survivor is performing a healing action or is receiving healing from another survivor, mental fatigue drops greatly. Mental Fatigue has 4 Tiers (kinda like doctor, kinda) any tier above has it affects active as well as tiers below, except when mentioned again with use case in parenthesis Tier 1 - False Distance theme plays Tier 2 - False Skill Check Warning cue whilst performing cooperative actions (Or creates false skill checks with add-on), Alerts Gabriel via Metaphysical Awareness (Killer Instinct) Tier 3 - Metaphysical Awareness (Aura + audio queue), afflicts oblivious Tier 4 - Afflicts Exposed, Metaphysical Awareness (Longer Aura + audio queue 2) Gabriel is basically an ALTERNATE sadako (: get it... get it,.... i spent like 3 hours on this, literally no one is gonna read this dawg lol 😭😭 *Edit: LOOOOOONG time type that @musicalmaniac2901 pointed out long ago, I meant to say "When a survivor performs any action that can be performed cooperatively alone*" and not a cooperative action in general ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT, YOU ALL ARE SO AMAZING <3 TYSM, Y'all made my long time effort something small feel ever so big!!! <3<3<3 Make sure to subscribe to Dandy, I know I have! **Edit 2: Also also, given the mimicry ability has some faults with y'know other survivors being real human being with probably discord Darkness of Fear: When THE ANGEL is disguised as another survivor, that survivors' perspective becomes shrouded (like the darkness from the dredge), in a certain radius all things are visible except for other survivors (other survivors are completely invisible to the survivor afflicted with darkness of fear), in a much larger radius THE ANGEL can be seen with a filled in white with a brighter outline that can only be seen when a survivor would normally have line of sight, any part of the body can be blocked via map obstructions; Mimicry cooperative action interactions: Healing - Anytime THE ANGEL is receiving a healing action by a healthy survivor whilst using mimicry, THE ANGEL successful in it's deception can immediately transform back from using mimicry to attack survivors (can hit multiple survivors with small hit cooldown allowing for chaining, any injured survivors hit become afflicted with deep wound, deep wound survivors hit put THE ANGEL on cooldown) within a small time frame before THE ANGEL suffers from a long exhaustion (Nurse blink miss cooldown rules)(The angel has a 2.3 second window before it is immediately and automatically shifted out of mimicry, also causing an immediate cooldown for the missed opportunity) Anytime THE ANGEL is receiving a healing action by an injured or deep wounded survivor, THE ANGEL believing in it's higher purpose reveals it's true form and causes the the injured survivor to increase Mental Fatigue by one tier disregarding progress, if injured survivor is already at tier 4 (Not before as in tier 3) refer to the judgement inflicted onto healthy survivor Repairing - Anytime THE ANGEL begins to repair a generator alone, the generator's progress starts regressing at 20% to 150% within 22 seconds (as to not have THE ANGEL spend to much time alone not having map control, chasing survivors etc.) Anytime THE ANGEL repairs a generator with a survivor, the survivor's mental fatigue will start to build up at a rapid rate Some side notes as idk if this is a hot take, I feel like every time a survivor gains a mental fatigue tier, Gabriel should get +1% If all survivors are at tier 1, +4% If only 2 survivors are at tier 2, +4% If all survivors are at tier 4, +16% Explanations and possible additions and thoughts: I don't know if this is a passive that should be given outside of chase and halved when in a chase, or just straight up given during chase, lmk your thoughts!!! I really wanted to add something that could be another great incentive to inflict mental fatigue whilst also giving Gabriel more chase power and map traversal, as outside of chase, the only map control Gabriel has is with Darkness of Fear (Which needs a better name lol) and only affects one survivor Some additional notes, I added more interactive Mimicry cooperative actions to give more injure and mental fatigue potential whilst not giving Gabriel too much downing potential that isn't tier 4. If a nerf were to happen, I would really only allow Gabriel to gain speed after tier 1 (maximum speed would be 12), and the minimum requirement would prevent quick snowballing. Also i saw people were discussing the mori in the comments, obviously the best mori idea would be for THE ANGEL to disappear and shroud the survivor in darkness nothing but whispers can be heard, with the survivors eyes and mouth suddenly flushing out black liquid having them choke/drown and fall to their death with Gabriel displaying their proud smile at the end with a camera zoom (: Love y'all, see you next 3 months! lol
  • @pointpoint8445
    I pray for an extended version of the chase because this is SO GOOD
  • @LordSeraph999
    0:01 Distant 0:26 Approaching 0:52 Near 1:18 VERY NEAR 1:32 VERY NEAR (EXTRA) 1:45 CHASE 2:11 CHASE (extra) ʷʰʸ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ˢᵒ ᵘⁿᵉⁿᵗʰᵘˢᶦᵃˢᵗᶦᶜˀ ˡᵒˡ
  • @7even8spine
    As a Dead by Daylight and Mandela Catalogue lover, this made my day
  • @themarauder6739
    Dude this absolutely KILLS it. In complete honesty, I wasn't expecting this to be very good. A lot of fanmade chase themes lack character or uniquity, which is something I'm often disappointed by. However I was BLASTED by the vocals when they entered. The eeriness of the distant singing was executed excellently. I like how it's subtle. The idea behind writing the theme (from what I could tell) is a stealth killer whose primary ability is to transform into/disguise themselves as other survivors, so a terror radius whose distant radius is unassuming, yet ominous, fits the bill perfectly. The entrances of the vocals and bell bring the identity. It is soft, yet striking, like the angel of death distantly riding from over the horizon atop his pale horse. My one complaint with the chase (the first part), is that the vocals feel like they stopped ramping up along with it at the last layer. Had they become more discordant, or louder or changed the chant, I feel it would really bring it together. Without it, I feel like it lacks a bit of the intensity being chased by an indescribable monster would offer. My singular criticism aside, I think this piece ROCKS!! Again, it defeated my expectations in the best way possible. Editing this part in because I forgot to express my love for the synth part!!!!! It's really good :D
  • @Deputy_Doofus
    I do actually have a written mandela catalogue concept but Gabriel isn’t the killer, its the alternate that broke into the mandela county police department and tried to kill thatcher. Considering Gabriel is canonically satan in disguise, I feel like it would be unrealistic if the entity could actually keep Gabriel in the realm. Also, the alternate that tried to kill Thatcher is the only humanoid alternate in which we know what its true form looks like. I’m also gonna put down an intruder legendary skin for Sadako.
  • @reis4699
    Here are some perk ideas Unknown intruder- you know to hide where they think is safe. After searching a locker for the next 30/45/60 seconds you gain the undetectable status effect. This perk has a 100 second cooldown. Nothing is worth the risk- you make mortals only look out for only them self. When the exit gate is not being powered it will slowly regress to 50%/25%/0% Unsafe space: Let me in- no one can resist their fate to come. Several lockers become unsafe spaces these lockers are highlighted in white to you. After a survivor exits, an unsafe locker their aura is revealed to you for 8/9/10 seconds. “ let me in Mark. I have a surprise.”- Cesar Torres? Ps some perks that have to do with lockers probably could change to unsafe spaces like iron maiden and basement lockers will always be unsafe spaces
  • @Otgel
    Tbh this art is really sick. Gabriel is striking Baphomet's pose, some cool hints.
  • @theeskrungly
    The music Alex Hirsch heard when running away from the police
  • @MikeNoob101
    From running from a serial killer to running from the devil