Cwicly FIXED one of their biggest issues

Published 2023-07-25

All Comments (8)
  • @rodgeirbr1695
    You have got talent for this. You explain things better than any other channel on youtube I know of.
  • @petrbilek7614
    Amazing content! Love the Cwicly approach. Finally Wordpress with supa-powers.
  • @Marius_Meyer
    Great and easy to follow content. Cleary structured paired with an excellent understanding of the tool. Highly valuable, will help a lot of users and the ones who are generally interested in Cwicly. Awesome! One thing I want to mention, and where you weren't sure about, is that you want to use virtual classes instead of global classes when applying your container class. Virtual classes are classes which refer to existing styles, like your container ones which you already set on another place. They are quite versatile with many more use cases. If you want to find out more about them, you can search the Discourse for it, there are a couple of discussions. You can apply them by hitting Shift + Enter or Shift + Click in the Classes Modal, whereas Enter or Click will add a global class.
  • @webworxio
    Nice job Grant!...really enjoy your grasp of the subject matter and your talent for clearly explaining what are often somewhat complex concepts. In answer to your request for Cwicly features - I would vote (highly) for Custom Breakpoints with support for Mobile First design just as Bricks has implemented this feature. QUESTION: Have you taken a stab at using Cwicly with Tailwind via Winden?...similar to what you did with Bricks/Winden?
  • You are making exceptionally good quality videos, thank you for sharing, I just wish you had split your channels between Cwicly and Bricks but I understand that revenue is best generated from one channel.
  • @kareem2928
    Well done explanation. I support the request: grid for DIV, why they didn't do it! Also, MetaBox integration is a must. "Q" What framework do you use with Cwicly.
  • @davidbale2094
    Why is Cwickly still so unpopular and underrated? Will it gain more popularity in the future? I see potential,but still not so many users.