#solorank #mlbb with #Guinevere (legend)

This is the reason why fighter are always silver medal..

Basically every role in #mlbb is somewhat determined. Fighters usually get silver medal.

In this match, as usual, I’m faced with their “best” it’s kind of obvious cause their #hayabusa and their other adc is like .. noob?

So in this match, it’s more about trying to play “strategic” rather than becoming a killing machine or super pusher.

In the selection phrase, it’s obvious that I asked Lancelot (whom has a rank title) he want to be ADC? (Despite #Lancelot having just less than 60% win rate I was very polite)

In the end, the team was in disarray for a short while during mid game.

P.S: i dealt the most damage in the game.

That is why it’s important for offlane fighters especially in “suicidal” lane to be able to hold top until other hero’s rotate over. (Because if it happens that their “best” is stuck with you, the entire team cannot do much because whoever leaves their lane first will surely have their lane pushed through..)

P.S: this is what I call fighter strategy. If you are too far from team gank. Just keep pushing your lane only, the enemy have to choose either to join the gank or defend their lane. Regardless of their choice, it’s a lose-lose situation for them.

The problem with noobs in general is that they see killing as performance.. true only if you are assassin or marksman. If you are fighter, whether you can push through is your deciding factor whether you are good or not.

In this match, I kill their ADC, try to lord and distract them.. so my team fight percentage is damm Low. But it’s a small price to pay for a win in rank.

It’s ok not to kill, just make sure you don’t feed.. this is the only rule that is applicable to all hero’s regardless fighter, tank, mage, marksman or assassin.. this is the golden rule!!

P.S: I tried out #hayabusa as a jungle again.. it’s obvious that 131 strategy is dead. (3 turtles & 7 kills & 0 death my gold gain is much lesser than expected) practically “nerf” on old meta assassins like #fanny & #hayabusa