Why Ulfric Stormcloak Is An IDIOT - Skyrim Civil War Lore

Published 2019-08-24
Ulfric Stormcloak might be a fierce warrior and a great orator but in reality, he's an idiot. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Civil War lore.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Crusader-iq7xy
    I love the Argonian that works the workbench. He's so sassy. "The Nords don't appreciate the Argonians. So what? I don't appreciate them right back"
  • @Tabby3456
    Why can't we just declare war on the thalmor we have a damn dragonborn.
  • @Galimeer5
    The dumbest thing Ulfric ever did was not realizing his hands were bound in front of him, so he could've just pulled the gag down himself
  • It always bothered me that even after finding the Thalmor Dossiers I wasn't able to use them as evidence to show both sides who the real enemy was.
  • The best argument for how stupid Ulfric is, is from the smith in Riverwood, if you followed the imperial soldier out of Helgen. Yes, Talos worship was officially outlawed, but it wasn't actually enforced by the Empire. Everyone still had their little shrine to Talos at home, and nobody asked. The empire only started actually cracking down on Talos worshippers when they rose in open rebellion against the Empire. So, you know, it's less actual religious persecution and more, you know, cracking down on a rebellion. And just to make a point of how non-enforced it STILL is, unless you're actually a rebel, consider the fact that both the widow queen which is supported by the empire for High King, and Tulius's second in command are Talos worshippers and not particularly good at hiding it. Also, the Jarl of Whiterun clearly tolerates a shrine to Talos and a loud preacher of Talos right in the middle of the rich upper quarter, but as long as he's still pro-Empire, nobody tells him to stop that.  So basically Ulfric is fighting against a problem that he created.
  • @jaryl13
    I've always found it ironic that the one event that made me side with the Imperials was walking into Windhelm with the intention of joining the Stormcloaks.
  • Imagine when the moot happens instead of the jarls electing ulfric, they just elect the dragonborn instead.
  • Ulfric in the peace talks on High Hrothgar: demands one of the largest/most prosperous cities in the country. Also Ulfric: nearly storms out when the empire does the same
  • @hueman8955
    Ulfric: Can barely stalemate locally recruited farmboys and gets captured by a general who's only been there for 3 months Also Ulfric: "When we're done rooting out Imperial influence here at home, then we will take our war to the Aldmeri Dominion"
  • @lilvon7669
    Ulfric using the voice in combat is like bringing a gun to a street fight
  • @d00p58
    Tulius himself even says “You realize this is exactly what they wanted” when you’re about to kill him at the end of the Stormcloak quest line
  • Let's be real, if his goal was to worship talos in peace, he should have attacked the Thalmor embassy, not the high King
  • @leanfort5250
    Even if you’ll be allow to be the high king in Skyrim. There’s always somebody who’s going to tell you this: “Wait.. I know you..”
  • Is it bad that I’m more invested in the politics of Skyrim than real life?
  • @leafonhead777
    Not to mention Ulfric's strategy to take Whiterun from Jarl Balgruf is to hurl firebombs over the walls to ensure maximum collateral damage and civilian casualties.. I'm sure that will go over well with some of the most influential and powerful families in Skyrim, or the Companion's..
  • After many years of playing, I always choose the Empire. You can't trust Ulfric, but meeting the Emperor during the dark brotherhood, I found that I really liked him. He he was calm in the face of death and even pulled off one last political maneuver to defend the Empire by having you kill the guy who hired you. I don't even like taking the dark brotherhood questline because of him. He's my favorite npc.
  • @barrydalton4743
    No way in hell I was gonna side with this guy if it meant my man Jarl Balgruff would be dethroned. Screw that I rather have him as High King.
  • @giovannag9783
    Me a true neutral: Joins the imperial legion, also assassinates the emperor. Balance :3
  • @Frostbi7e385
    Honestly, the thing which made me realise that Ulfric was just a bit power hungry, but also incompetent, was how in my stormcloak play through, they started talking about invading Summerset. Y’know, the homeland of the people that have one of, if not the best, navies in Tamriel and fought the Empire to a stalemate as the invading army, meaning they didn’t have the home advantage. Ulfric needed a Dragonborn to win against a small portion of the legion, how in the hell did he think invading Summerset was ever an option? Defending against an invasion from Summerset might be possible, attacking them would be suicide
  • @TheMock5000
    I walked around windhelm and asked myself "Is this really a city ruled by a hero?"