Origins - The Secret Code of Creation

Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes Dr. Jason Lisle for, The Secret Code of Creation.


コメント (21)
  • I am no Mathmetician, but this is fascination! Are the Mandelbrot Set and the Fibonacci Sequence related in some special way?
  • "God created Mathematics." - After 50 Years, I'm now able to let my Jr. High math teachers off the hook. 😳 Fascinating. I prob'ly don't understand the 1/2 of it ... But it's Fascinating.
  • @teksal13
    Hi. I haven't seen this whole video so I may be wrong, but did Dr. Lesle ever mention Mr. Mandelbrot, the gentleman who discovered the set while employed by IBM? It just seems to me he should be given some credit. Thank you for the program!
  • Someone pointed out that the mandelbrot image is exactly the same shape as the budda statue. And it is uncanny the similarities!
  • OMGOSH 🤓 This was absolutely fascinating. I am terrible at Math but this was amazing to watch. So created in the mind of God before humans were created. God is amazing.
  • I wonder how many other Mandelbrot like sets are undiscovered? Could it be trillions?
  • @iDopeD9
    Wow! I feel like I’m tripping! This just confirmed my shrooms theory 🙌🏾
  • Donn Chapman, I need for you to answer this question for me, please. In your presentation of a young Earth, you seem to equate the words of Gen.1:1, that declare;........."In the BEGINNING God created", referring to the actual creation of the Heavens, ( Heb. "Shmim", plural ) and the Earth. ( some 6200 plus years ago ) Since this "Beginning", according to your beliefs and public presentation, refers to the six days of "Creative Acts" about 6200 years ago, my question to you is this; WHEN WAS LUCIFER CREATED ??? ( as Lucifer was already a fallen Angel, when ADAM was "Created" ) Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
  • My head is still trying to grasp those concepts....and I'm not a stupid or uneducated person.
  • @JS-lc8er
    The Lord loves numbers he has a book called The book of numbers
  • @jonnygoth
    Hmm... certainly interesting, though personally I don't see that it has a strong connection to creation. I'm a creationist minister myself, and studied advanced mathematics, not as highly as Dr. Lisle, but I studied through calculus, so at least enough to see a lot of formulas, graph plots, etc. Fractals certainly are fascinating, and beautiful when plotted, but I always analyze from the point of view of a skeptic, because they're going to ask questions, and we're supposed to have an answer. And I don't see how logically one can conclude that mathematical formulas only work because of God. Hypothetically, IF evolution were true (which I don't believe, but just for sake of argument) there would still be numbers, because numbers, to me, are merely a logical result of calculating matter. If I have 5 fingers, whether I count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or I, II, III, IV, V etc, the label changed, but the concept didn't. Similarly, the fractal charts merely discover interesting phenomena that occur, but the concepts that govern the numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) are natural concepts. I think other concepts like Gravity for instance, can logically be attributed to God, or other things that if Zeus or something was in charge, we could not count on a rational universe operating under a set of standard governing laws. But I don't see how numbers fall into that same category. Still very interesting, I'm just curious how someone would attempt to defend it against a skeptic that says numbers just do what numbers do, the fact that it is pretty on a graph is irrelevant.
  • @elneuma
    Imaginary Numbers? They logically can not be real. The real square root of a negative number could be real however. Suppose you had seven missing brain cells. Is square root of seven 2.64575131106 ? Then perhaps that many of them mated and multiplied by eating other cells.
  • The stories in the Bible are not original they were copied from older stories and translated into Hebrew.