Asking Skyrim players if they have played Morrowind

Publicado 2021-08-29

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ongren1575
    "so you don't like Morrowind?" "No... I just don't like missing every hit" "Is this how you honor the sixth house and tribe unmourned?"
  • @kevista117
    I must admit it is rather interesting watching Batman and the Green Goblin wear funny hats and discuss the merits of respective Elder Scroll titles.
  • @comical4609
    "God, I guess I was probably returning ancient dragonstones." checks quest log "I had a quest from a wizard called Farengar."
  • @majinboot8775
    "You like Bethesda's Games?" "Um, they're okay." "Their early work was a little too Dagothwave for my taste. But when Oblivion came out in '06, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically."
  • @tomahawk8890
    I immediately noticed the Platter missing. WE GOT A FILTHY OUTLANDER THIEVING 'ROUND TOWN BOYZ
  • @docmedecal
    Every hit in Morrowind may be a miss, but this video certainly isn't. Another amazing job!
  • @polter5195
    Factually incorrect. The Morrowind fan would have sat there for the next hour explaining why Morrowind is way better than Skyrim.
  • @nigeldumas434
    I love how the Morrowind player must consult his notebook, but the Skyrim quest log never quits.
  • @satorukuroshiro
    This hurts me, simply because I'm that Morrowind player, but not just that Morrowind player, but the one who played it as a kid, never got past Balmora, forgot about it after Oblivion came out, remembered it after having beaten Skyrim six times, and then went back and beat it for the first time with a broken magic archer build. Morrowind is my favorite by the way.
  • @cleverman383
    "Not a big RPG fan, huh?" That's the perfect response.
  • I recently installed Morrowind. Slaying the assassin who tried to kill me in my sleep was no major trouble, but the old lady's cave rats have proven to be a nigh insurmontable foe
  • @evafox9696
    "It was a laugh riot" will never not be funny to me. Christian's fucking delivery is so funny.
  • I'll boot it up every few weeks, forget what quest I'm working on and just kinda wander around balmora until someone gets a reason to kill me, still pretty fun tho.
  • @bellsknell3297
    Everyone keeps going on about Morrowind and Skyrim, but does anyone else think Oblivion's dungeons are among the creepiest in the series?
  • @selectionn
    Skyrim players have it easy, they will never know the pain of getting hit by a mudcrab for hours on end to level your armor skill.
  • @notulove4714
    And still I have the feeling oblivion is the awkward middle child
  • >Re-release Skyrim 20 times across different consoles >Won't remaster morrowind because he knows it will destroy Guyrim's reputation and he'll actually have to put effort into the next elder scrolls release Bravo Todd