The 5 Foods You Will NEVER EAT Again After WATCHING THIS! | Dave Asprey

Published 2022-11-01
Upgrade Your Life In 7 Days

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On Today's Episode:

What are you basing your diet choices on? With the abundance of information available there is no shortage of diet camps to choose from. Whether you have decided on being carnivore, vegan, raw vegan, or decided to lovingly follow a plant-based diet to support being more humane to animals, how is your decision impacting your health and the environment?

Dave Asprey, “the father of biohacking” and founder of the Bulletproof diet and Upgrade Labs, has been digging into the research and data determined to live 185 years. He’s already reversed his biological age by 11 years and in this episode he’s laying out mind-blowing ways to biohack your way to better health with less time and effort in the gym and why following a plant-based, vegan diet may not be as kind and friendly to the planet as we’re led to believe.

There are many ways to achieve optimal health, the question is which one is best for you? This episode is about covering your bases and knowing what areas are more meaningful for you to look into and consider.


0:00 | Introduction to Dave Asprey
0:21 | Should We Eat Plants?
9:37 | Extend Your Lifespan
21:51 | Protect Population Growth
26:40 | Best Diet for Longevity
33:47 | Exercise Less, Get Results
49:25 | Biohack Your Brain


“When you are depleted of minerals none of the repair systems in the body or the energy systems can work.” [2:57]

“I was a raw vegan, I was a regular vegan. It made me profoundly sick.” [14:50]

“When you choose a vegan diet you are voting against the presence of any animals in that agricultural land.” [18:22]

“When you upgrade your biology so it works better you have a better system for detecting reality around you.” [1:20:58]

“If you ignore the body, you ignore the threat networks in the body and you just work on the mind you’ll never get there.” [1:22:30]

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All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
  • @kayduncan8320
    My grandmother and grandfather lived till they were 96 years old. Empty nesters at 42 and lived in a one bedroom unit that they built at the back of their main residence once the kids left home. Easy to clean and they had little stress. Swam in the ocean in summer everyday day, ate the rainbow in vegetables, good quality meat and homemade cake everyday. Both loved a chocolate with their sugared milky tea. They had a nice circle of friends and didn't care about flashy cars or designer clothes. They lived within their means. No credit card debt or money worries. Both loved a good book in the late afternoon, dinner at 6pm. Bed at 9pm. No medical pills until their few year with us. I think about them everyday day.
  • @talion5974
    My great grandfather lived 114 years old, he never thought which food is healthy and which isn't. 😂 3 things which he didn't have and will make you sick are processed foods, depression and Internet.
  • @BaconIsNotBiceps
    I get sicker the more carnivore I head toward. I get much healthier when I stick to a vegetarian style diet. All aches, pains, digestive issues, heart issues, etc resolve fully on vegetarian "for me." As a weight trainer of 47 years I say that loosely because I love chicken, beef, fish, etc. I do eat them in moderation but try to eat mostly fruits and veggies. To each their own, I say.
  • enjoying watching this program today. Just FYI, I am 82, healthy, have 11 grown children, no birth defects in any. Learning a lot more too watching you!
  • I was a caregiver for a woman starting at age 95 to 105 years. She was born and raised in the Nebraska sand hills. They raised cattle and grew their own veggies. The creek on their land fed the gardens and the animals. During the dustbowl and the great depression, they dined on steaks and veggies--even for breakfast. When I took her to the grocery store, she shopped the periphery of the store: meat, dairy, produce...and avoided highly processed foods.
  • Taking care of soil and supporting farmers are the biggest message to take from this conversations in my opinion. Thank you Tom
  • I am astounded. Since I was able to decide I have not eaten breakfast. This worried my mom all through school. In my adult life skipped breakfast started working drank coffee. Ate lunch and dinner. I am 70 and take no medications at all. Retired but still have same routine. I am clearing land. The honeysuckle and poison ivy vines are brutal. Jeez I was right for once. It has paid off.
  • As a Food Scientist and Chemist i love watching videos like this. I would highly agree regarding avoiding processed foods. If it has a label I usually avoid it. I prefer fruits and vegetables but will eat meats sporadically. It is true that usually low fat or low carb items are worst because they are replacing the fat for carbs or viceversa so the product still has flavor to the consumer. While I don’t agree with everything he is stating, he has a lot of good points. Please keep making videos like this 🙌🏼
  • @slax2501
    My great grandmother lived 100+ years and she used to drink black coffee in the morning, all morning. Then she would fast and eat some white rice, beans, and chicken/beef/fish/pork in the afternoon. No sodas, just water after that. Her memory was sharp and she died because of an accident. I guess that after watching this video, I have validated her diet.
  • @Bonkers4Hex
    I was an alcoholic for 11 years just stopped Heroin using Ibogaine after 5, I have been following Dr Gundry's diet which is very similar to what this guy is saying, I feel fantastic and keep getting compliments how well I look everywhere I go, I've been clean before and never felt or looked as good as this and I've only been off heroin 7 weeks.
  • @wltownes
    Tom Bilyeu probably asks the most pertinent and thought-provoking questions of anyone I've ever experienced. It shows that he's a great listener who stops the guests from glossing over anything and forces them to expound on their points in a deeper way.
  • I appreciate your choice of guests contributing to our better future. This is another great interview and I learned much. You are a blessing to your listeners.
  • @MsElke11
    After watching several of these what food not to eat shows I realize that starving isn't such a bad thing after all
  • I'm starting to feel like we are being confused intentionally. I also think one way of eating doesn't work for everyone. We are all not the same
  • I have gone through periods of eating kate and spinach, thinking that eating lots of it was good for me. My IBS was horrific for weeks, ruined my stomach. Symptoms cleared up when I stopped. I can't eat too much greens.
  • @mstina7346
    I’ve watched myself and others trying to find what is healthy eating and lifestyle. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned that we are all unique and not any one diet works the same for everyone. I am happy to learn from these guys, and will experiment with some of what they have shared. But I know that just because something worked for them doesn’t mean it will be beneficial for everyone.
  • @AxelSituation
    An important point if you want to try having a farm, you don't have to do it all! If you raise chicken, you make friends with the farmer with cows, friends with the farmer with the fruit trees, friends with the farmer with the vegetables. Farmers always trade and share seeds, manure, egg shells, equipment. Get a farm but also get in touch with your local farming peers.
  • One thing I like about you Tom is that your not afraid to call bs. Sometimes they prove you wrong others not so much
  • @millerb.7615
    One doctor says “don’t eat x! Eat y” another doctor will say “ don’t eat y! Eat z” and another doctor “ don’t z! Eat x” Conclusion: “ do not eat anything”😂