inFAMOUS: Prodigal Son Q&A


コメント (21)
  • To theory craft an "Evil Karma" dlc, I would assume it would lead off from 2's evil ending. We could play through the aftermath of Cole becoming the Beast and arriving in Empire City to either kill all the humans or activate all the conduits. Him being the Beast could justify the transfer of the newer powers from the main game to the dlc (plus a few "unbalanced" ones). It could be a power fantasy instead of a story-based experience, though that may clash with the design of the base game. Alternatively, the idea that Cole has been in power for over a decade, allowing a new generation of conduits to arrive, could mean that Delsin being the hero of the story might actually be an option, and a fairly compelling one if told properly.
  • An entire fan game with amazing concepts was created cause Sucker Punch thought a lightning bolt at the end of Infamous 2 was a cool ending shot
  • Good on you. Focus on your work as a writer. Don't worry about getting popular or anything like that. I watched the entire thing. You clearly have passion, something much of entertainment these days lacks. A bit of advise. Much of story telling is answering questions. Why does the protagonist/antagonist do what he does? Why do the hero and villain clash. How does the hero intend to stop the villain? How will the villain react? Learning to ask and answer these kinds of questions will drastically improve your writing. You verry well could become the next Rob Sterling, or Stan Lee. Not that modern western media offers much competition.
  • You can easily make laroshe’s niece take his place as a simple fix as well.
  • While I agree with not having a karma system, I feel like choices can still be utilized (similar to the choice during the ending: whether to kill or spare Delson). These choices wouldn't have any karmic weight to it and would keep the story same for the most part but it would nonetheless change certain aspects such as causing allies or innocents to die, making or breaking relationships with certain characters, some side mission choices helping or hindering main mission objectives, etc. One example I came up with is deciding whether or not to trust Fetch. If you trust Fetch then it would all happen as it happened in your story. If you decide not to trust Fetch then she would be imprisoned or sentenced to death leaving no way for her to atone for her sins. This means she wouldn't be there to sacrifice herself so that all of the characters could escape, which would lead to the death of one of the characters.
  • I love your concept for a new video game. And the way you connect the giant lighting bolt from 2 to your idea was insanely well thought out.
  • I think that if they eliminated the karma system, it would be a good idea to implement a dialogue or decision system like the one in Detroit become human.
  • I think part of the reason some people didn't like having the evil version of Delsin in this story was because they wanted a team up between Cole and good Delsin (and I'm not gonna lie that would be pretty damn cool). Still, I liked how you handled his character. It was a good twist from the normal routine of just making the good route canon.
  • @HMAmeri
    My problem with the Delsin is that he feels evil for the sake of being evil. It's especially dissonant because he still wears his punk clothing while having a tyrant regime. He seems evil for the sake of opposing Cole. Meanwhile in Second Son's evil route he had a reason for being and doing that evil. Him ending up as a ruler works but not like this. It's the context not the content.
  • Your idea was great bro especially the part when Cole visited the first son bases it was great👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👌🏽keep up the good work lowkey sucker punch needs to approach you for storyboarding for the next game also that dlc idea is pretty good it kinda reminds me of mk11 aftermath in a way.
  • Eventhough Laroche dies in infamous 2, I think that you could easily make Laroche’s niece the leader for the rebels since she both has the morals and cares about New Marais just as much as her uncle. The problem for collectables at 2 different places could be solved by having more side missions involving blast shards so that there is a guaranteed amount of power, rebel patrols could also point out the direction that a blast shard is and the First Sons surveillance can have a permanent general area marker for the blast shard kinda like the picture and search side quests.
  • Personally I had the idea of The Beast or Kessler returning in a sequel of Second Son. Cole still did his Hero sacrifice but The Beast didn’t die because…well the Conduits didn’t die completely. And didn’t The Beast get fucking NUKED. That would be a sort of right of passage to finally solidify Delsin as the “Second Son.” At first he fails to defeat the Beast and let’s say he just nukes Seattle, killing Conduits that allied with Delsin after he freed them from Curden Kay and in concern civilians. Delsin gets portrayed as a Villian by the public for “sitting around and doing nothing” and he gets drained of his powers. From there Delsin would get more and more powers (like Glass and Wire from the concept art that would have been in the game) and slowly build up an army of Conduits to fight against the Beast. In my eyes it would have a similar vein to Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor series, where he actually assembled an army, like your Paper Ninjas for example. The whole theme and idea would be Succession, Living up to your predecessor, and Being a Real Hero. If the Karma system is kept, the evil route would just be killing the Beast and taking his powers to become a God or some shit like that. I had the idea that Cole returns at some point, particularly after the destruction of Seattle to mentor Delsin. Oh and a Fetch/Eugene subplot and a possible romantic partner in Celia because why the hell not
  • @Chop2NV
    Talking about Delson killing his people, i always viewed him killing them as him having a very childish reaction to rejection. If you think about it, evil delson is more of a childish asshole with superpowers. His people shunning him could have made him lash out. I dont doubt that after he killed them he had a panic attack about doing it tho. But i can also see that as being a huge turning point for him.
  • I’m cool with the idea of Cole coming back but instead of Delson being the Villain of the game it would be cool if it was like a Spider-Man 2 PS5 thing where Cole comes back but there is a bigger enemy like the government or something and Delson is going after them to take them down but Cole is back and takes up like the mentor role to mentor Delson and they are both playable characters maybe like a Infamous Co-op game.Going back on the government point maybe it could explore the idea of the Government making more Augustine type of figures to control conduits.Like what if when DUP captured conduits their DNA was taken and given to high ranking officers and are turned into Augustine type of characters and they would be like Territory bosses that you have to defeat to reclaim a certain part of the map also I’m cool with you saying my name in a video if you ever feel like referencing my comment
  • Do you think a showdown between Beast Cole and Good Ray Sphere Mk 2 Cole would be possible? With how timelines work in the games and Cole being a living nexus point it would be an incredible final boss to face your other Karmic Self. Maybe in the DLC somehow.
  • @tVt2000
    i personally would really like to see your take on further stories/game concepts in the infamous universe, please. it could also be cool if you do a video where people share their Conduits and you talk about them.
  • you said you would make a evil karma dlc I personally would love to see a story where beast cole macgrath years after the events of infamous 2 destroys the akomish tribe or somthing sending a good karma delsin rowe after him instead of the dup he could even work alongside augustine and the dup to try and fight him that could be a reason for them to start to nab conduits because they need a army to try to fight off the new beast or maybe give kuo a redemption ark with her realising she was being selfish back then and now want's to make amends because theoretically delsin is the only person who could stand up to beast cole because he could slowly take the beast's powers himself it would be away to have cole be evil wrap the evil cole story in a little bow and to be able to have a good guy delsin again which is why most people were mad at you I think it's because a lot of us liked good karma delsin at least I did you could call the dlc infamous prodigal son beasts awakening or infamous prodigal son last chances or something I don't know I just think that would be a cool idea?
  • I watched the whole thing too, I wish that game was real. Evil delsin vs Cole, Eugine using his power as he was gonna die, fetch going back on drugs then getting clean, the fact one person made it...just mindblowing. I watch the vid once/twice a year to role play as an evil delsin in second son. I love you, bro. Keep up the good work.
  • When Cole gets stuck with lighting at the end of infamous 2 you can it’s the shape of a question mark which leaves even more room for another game
  • Honestly I liked your idea man definitely keep on coming out with more videos n sharing your ideas about how infamous can come back n what you would do for the game