You're Trans, What Next?

Published 2023-12-10

All Comments (21)
  • @Haydawg06
    "F1nn5ter, if you figured out you were trans, what would you do first?" nice one
  • @Circ00mspice
    I wasn't trans until I read the title and got hit by the feminising beam
  • @occams_chainsaw
    Not trans, but I have trans & nb friends. I've always tried to be accepting and educated. I watch your videos to help me empathize with my LGBT+ friends as a cis man. Thanks for speaking openly about your experience šŸ˜Š
  • I used to have dreams, in highschool, about me returning to school as "the new girl." I loved these dreams, so much, that I would think about them before bed to try to "induce" the dream. And I had no idea, not only that I was trans, but none even the slightest clue that trans was even a thing.
  • i just turned 50 last week and am in process of transition. your content is as relevant to me as it is for folk 10,000 days younger than I am. Thank You for sharing all that you do with all of us. It is ladies such as yourself sharing publicly about your life that made it possible for me to figure myself out more. I live that im not so stuck in my life as a gen x person to be able to learn from your generation (who, to be honest, ive learned so much from).. Thank you so much Ashley, you are one of my heroes and role models.
  • @StephMcAlea
    I suppressed it for 45 years. I think I had to really hear the word 'transgender' in common parlance before I thought if transitioning. Up until that point I just was filled with self hatred.
  • @YemiFyrbrandt
    My teenage daughter came out to me and her mother a few months ago. Videos like this are helping me to understand how I can better support her both now and in the future. Thank you!
  • Not trans youā€™re just pretty and have a nice accent so I watch
  • @hammerth1421
    For those who don't know already: being trans and having ADHD/autism are highly correlated, so getting assessed for that may massively improve your quality of life and give you time and headspace to figure out your transition.
  • @crisssidk
    I was just crying 30 minutes ago because even though I already told my mom, I didn't know how to start really, this videos really help me to have a clearer view of path that I have to take in order to be happy, thanxā¤
  • @BrandiDreamhouse
    Day 6 on HRT. Thank you for all you do! šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ©µšŸ©·
  • @thetinabelmont
    That thing about seeing examples of happy trans people was really the final step for me too. I kept looking, on and off for years, to find positive examples of trans people that I could relate to online. It was difficult, because when you search for trans women online you'd usually find porn, or people's transition stories that were (a) boring, and (b) full of drama and complaining. Neither of these situations seemed like something I wanted for myself. Eventually, it was seeing trans YouTubers like PhilosophyTube, Jimquisition, Kim Justice, and Contrapoints, where the videos weren't really about being trans, but they were succeeding and they were out about being trans. Even F1nn5ter, who I know isn't trans, but kinda trans adjacent, was a huge help. I thought "If people are willing to PAY him for doing what I've been hiding and ashamed of all that time, perhaps the world is ready for me." Of course, immediately after I decided to finally go through with it, the conservatives in every part of the world decided to use oppressing trans people as a way to prove that they are capable of accomplishing something (since their actual platform is a bad idea for anybody who isn't a billionaire), but once the egg is cracked, there is no uncracking it... I'm now a year on HRT, struggling through electrolysis, out to my mother, and frantically trying to immigrate to a country where the supreme court isn't one lawsuit away from putting us all in concentration camps. But I'm glad I got to finally start my transition. I just wish I'd done it much, much earlier.
  • @lexidarling
    I discovered I was trans in September 2004 and began social transition immediately afterward. I'm overjoyed that trans people who find themselves today have so much more access to resources and support groups, a greater degree of understanding in medical fields, more positive representation in media, all stuff I didn't have when I came out nearly 20 years ago. That was before Youtube, before Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, most of the modern internet existed. It felt fractured and isolating, with few people IRL who understood and most sources online being purely academic stuff. Seeing people like you making these videos really hits home just how much has changed for the better since I came out. Thank you.
  • @bakerrr925
    Thanks to you I started HRT 3 months ago your videos help me be myself thank you
  • @yumenozen
    Main thing I'd add is that the most important thing is to be safe and not hold yourself to unrealistic expectations. And life works out if things take longer too.
  • @gothesouthway
    I'm not trans damn it! Yes, I'm on HRT but I'm a man transitioning into a man! Seriously I have a medical condition requiring me to be on testosterone replacement for the rest of my life. The trans community has been the best source for advice and understanding. Plus Icky is just awesome, more than F1nn deserves. šŸ˜…
  • @KillerKittyYT
    I also decided to speedrun coming out to family. It's been very difficult as some people really react differently than you think they would. The good thing is I have supportive friends
  • @psarah
    I socially transitioned almost 25 years ago. 11 years before I learned that transition was something other people did. I didn't believe it was something I could do. I had to overcome social barriers but I also had to overcome my own mental barriers. Thank you for sharing your experiences so openly and honestly so that more young people have hope - know what is possible and how to follow in your footsteps. You are amazing and your voice is powerful and vital.
  • @iana6713
    These videos give me an insight into what a trans person works through to figure out who they truly are. You make really engaging, interesting videos, and having family support is a massive positive - I can speak from personal experience there. (Coming out is scary as hell...)
  • @edotoine
    Most important thing of all, be your best support. Doubting is normal. Be gentle with yourself. Transitionning put you in a vulnerable position, you need self compassion and supportives contacts/friends/family/whatever. Surround yourself with good people, get rid of everyone else. There are plenty of supportive discords servers, FB groups, local association, etc. Go get in touch with people like you, don't stay alone cause you are not.