Bloodborne, No Leveling, BL4, Pt.6 Grand Cathedral Hunter & Celestial Emissary w/Tips

This is part 6 of my first blood level 4 run of Bloodborne with tips for total newcomers to the Soulsborne games.

This video will cover fights with the mini-NPC-boss, the Grand Cathedral Hunter, and the Celestial Emissary.

1:50 Grand Cathedral Hunter Cheez'd
10:00 Celestial Emissary fight

I'm just a fan of the games and in no way an expert. I'm just a mediocre gamer, but in case it helps, I include some tips that helped me cheese through my first BL 4 run.

Hope it helps some folks who may have wanted to try these games but were turned off to try because of the game's reputation for difficulty. Thanks.

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