How Smashing the Patriarchy DESTROYED Women, w/ Dr. Carrie Gress

Publicado 2023-12-08
Dr. Carrie Gress joins the show to talk about her book "The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Destroyed Us". She and Matt talk about Feminism starting with figures born in the 18th Century all the way through modern thinkers. How did Feminism cause Gender Ideology? How did Marxism and Feminism join forces? What were the motivating forces for first wave Feminists? These and many more question are answered in this episode!

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0:00 Intro
0:45 Personal Life/Background
4:25 The Anti-Mary Book
6:35 Starting “End of Woman”
8:10 Is There Any Good Feminism?
11:00 Shouldn’t We Protect Women?
15:30 Mary Wollstonecraft & Proto-Feminism In the 18th century
19:30 Percy & Mary Shelley Feminism’s Occult Roots
27:24 What is the Patriarchy?
29:01 Haven’t Women suffered at the hands of Men?
30:40 Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B Anthony
38:34 Feminism & Marxism Blending
40:30 Betty Friedan and Alinskyism
43:21 Simone de Beauvoir’s contributions
47:33 Kate Millet “The Female Marx”
54:35 Feminism is a Cult
57:15 Barbie and Feminism’s Continual Morphing
59:30 Feminism has been forced on Women
1:02:02 Giving Women an Off-Ramp
1:09:00 What does This All Mean?
1:13:46 The Particular Vocation of Women
1:16:00 Ephesians 5
1:21:57 Loss and Reclamation of Tradition
1:24:00 Why are Women’s Talks Different
1:26:00 How do we leave Feminism behind?
1:29:18 Personal Journey of Femininity
1:33:00 How Feminism Caused Gender Ideology
1:35:20 The Necessity of Patience
1:39:19 Q&A
1:39:48 Why The Man-Hating
1:41:05 How has Partner Selection been affected?
1:41:35 Imagining a better way
1:46:00 Protestantism and Feminism
1:46:40 What makes you a Feminist?
1:48:49 Satanic Feminism
1:50:35 Red Pill Men & Indoctrination
1:54:40 Mary as the Antidote vs Propaganda
1:58:25 Working Outside the home
2:00:55 Protecting Children From Wokism
2:05:10 Suffrage
2:06:30 Wrap Up

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @7oneofseven
    What a grace from God to have this evil exposed by a faithful Catholic woman. I will recommend this book to my circle of women friends. I was treated with such disrespect as a stay at home mother in the 70’s & 80’s. Oh how blessed I am now celebrating 50 years of faithful marriage and our many children and grandchildren. This is treasure beyond all measure.
  • @NathanPK
    In all the talk about how disordered it is for mothers to be out of the home and away from their kids, I am struck that no one comments how disordered it is for fathers to be gone all day as well. For much of human history, the father was at home--in the workshop, working the fields, minding the books---and certainly his sons, at least, if not his daughters, were working alongside. The father gone all day is a product of the industrial revolution and industrial agriculture. One can be an absentee father even if you come home every night, if your mind is too frazzled to be attentive to your kids or you're working a 60-hour week. I don't know how that's reconciled in our modern world. An electrician can't bring his kid to work, nor can a lawyer or a doctor. It may be impossible. But a real reactionary has to look past the 1950s or 1900s to the 1800s or 1700s to see how much "natural" family life has changed in the last century-and-a-half, and ask how could both parents be more available to their kids. I've noticed in my own life, at least, that as my kids approach their teen years, that my day-to-day fathering of them increases in importance.
  • @silverbear5548
    Got to be honest... as a Protestant raised Protestant considering Catholicism because of videos like this... The most convincing argument as to why I feel I should "convert" is seeing women like this who are feminine, capable, and TRUE. They have a head on their shoulders that makes all I've ever suspected about the roles of women, men, authority, and individuality finally make sense. Again, I am a Protestant, so I have reservations about the Marian dogmas... but when I see Catholic women living out their faith with humility, grace, and unapologetic truth I feel like there may be something to these extraordinary claims about God's special care for Mary afterall.
  • @Emily-me
    Desiring to protect women from abuse is not feminism its justice. You don’t need a separate movement for every type of injustice.
  • @rosiegirl2485
    I wasn't able to have children, due to a drunk driver when I was 10 years old riding on my brothers Big Wheel. It was very difficult for me, who wanted babies. My grandmother had mom had 7...and I couldn't have 1. I did get pregnant twice..and both times, the pregnancies were ectopic. I adopted my son (3 months old) when I was 25. I also did foster care (27 children) and raised my nephew from when he was born. What I realized, is that God had a plan for me. That plan may have been different from traditional motherhood...but one thing I can tell you, is that I have mothered and nurtured so many children in my life...and some grown children too (ha)! Be open to God's plan...even if it looks different than the one you planned on. You are only 33 years old! You are far from being over the hill.(ha) Put yourself out God...and I promise you that great things will come your way! God bless you my friend! ⚘️
  • @rachell6965
    Love Carrie Gress. I read her book the Anti-Mary while I was working at Planned Parenthood and it changed my life.
  • @donnervaix1436
    “Free love, is neither free nor loving, but more so enslaved passion” Wow 👏🏾😮‍💨
  • @MayCarlson
    Sitting here taking notes! I wish I had this guidance and never left the church when I was younger; it would have saved me years of heartache. I struggled for years running my own business while trying to juggle being a wife and mother. “Feminism” almost destroyed my marriage. I will rejoin the church this coming Easter and recently decided to close my business to focus on family and the Lord. I can’t get those years back, but I can take back my future. 🙏🏻
  • @mimisheean3411
    I’m old enough to remember when women starting burning their bras (I was only a little girl). I grew up in a pretty liberal family, but I was always put-off by so-called feminists from the beginning. I’ve never considered myself a feminist and think the whole thing has been a disaster for womanhood. Listening to this makes me understand my intuitive response was spot-on.
  • I grew up in a feminist household; my mother was personally acquainted with the famous second-wave feminists. I read material for kids generated by Ms. Magazine. I later converted to Catholicism and my understanding of feminism’s absolutely corrosive nature has only deepened with the years.
  • @genevieveg5058
    We pulled our kids from a Catholic grade school (in a very conservative area of the country) because of several factors. The last straw was a history day display where 8th graders at the school had produced a display extolling the virtues of Betty Friedan. That was the moment we decided to homeschool.
  • @treelinehugger
    In my experience and social circle, 95% of couples are divorced. In 100% of those divorces, the woman ended the marriage. To the best of my knowledge, none of the men were unfaithful, drunkards, abusive, or unable to provide. Here is a scary statistic. In the U.S., 90% of married college-educated women will end up divorcing their husbands. I married a college-educated Catholic woman. She started socializing with a group of feminist women. After 16 years of marriage, she divorced me. Her reason? "It's not working for me." How can anyone use that to justify destroying a family? Feminism has taught women to be selfish. Your book is essential, and I pray it saves as many lives as possible, but I fear feminism is too entrenched. Feminism is the air we breathe. Mostly, I fear for my grandchildren.
  • @evanc.1591
    How providential for this to be put out today, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
  • @karinabatalhone
    I’m a Brazilian living in Australia. To be honest I was raised with a very feminist mind, not because my mum or the women from my family were feminist but because unfortunately most of them suffered too much with bad husbands that complete disrespected them and that always took advantage of being the providers of the house and thought that because of that they could do whatever they can. My whole life a heard things like “study hard and find a good work so you will never need to depend on any man”, or “between a good husband and a good work, pick the work without even thinking”. They have no idea of who Simone Debovoir was, or anything about the feminist movement but because the feminist narrative uses a real issue to grow then people buy the idea very easily. For me is more than convince women about how bad the feminist movement is, for me the solution is to teach men to be good men. A don’t know any woman who would fight with a man, when the man plays the role as they should. We need to recover good Christian masculine minds, teach men to be like Saint Joseph, and then women will naturally go back to their place.
  • Doctor Ignaz Semmelweiss was an OB who learned that handwashing in childbirth was important to reduce the risk of maternal sepsis after delivery in birth. He had a nervous breakdown from attacks on him after he promoted his hypothesis, which of course proved true over time as infectious disease was proved. (Germ Theory, Louis Pasteur etc). The poor man died in an "insane asylum" from a beating by a guard and subsequent infection. He is a tragic heroic figure.
  • @wisewomanhealing
    I LOVE her book about the anti-Mary spirit. I recommend it all of the time to women to buy for their girls, especially as graduation gifts. I even buy extra to give away.
  • Matt, just after an hour into this, u asked the question what does submission mean and referenced a biblical quote (may have been St Paul’s letter to Ephesians) where he said a man’s duty to his wife is to be willing to die for her. To answer your question: This means that a woman’s duty is to BE WORTH DYING FOR. This is an obligation as huge as the man’s and an equal, albeit reciprocal one. There’s a line from the Queens of the Stone Age song: “Go With the Flow” that’s says “so give me something good to die for…to make it beautiful to live.” A good wife is just that. I’m speaking from experience as a former US Army Infantryman married with 5 kids under 8 and a sixth on the way and I just finished helping with laundry and dishes and garbage bc my pregnant wife is getting some sleep in a rough 1st trimester with a lot of nausea - and I’ll be up in 4-hrs for work in Manhattan. Actually having to die for her is something very few men will actually be called to do just as few are called to martyrdom, but these small sacrifices are small versions of the same thing. Remember what St Francis de Sales said, “do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” THIS is what that great Saint and Doctor of The Church meant.
  • @thatsfunny2051
    I wish there was more content on 'motherhood' for single, childless women. I'm single and childless, and at 33, that might never change. I hear a lot about spiritual motherhood, but it mainly relates to being a religious sister. and I have no interest in doing that. All I have been able to come up with is that I need to be a good daughter and a good friend.