Does Too Much Protein Affect Weight Loss?

Published 2024-03-12

Meaningful Research + Paleoanthropological Ancestry + Common-Sense...

The Proper Human Diet, presented by a Family Physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Dr. Berry has treated over 25,000 patients during his career.

No big medical words here, just plain talk you can use to stay healthy and happy. If you like it limp-wristed and sugar-coated then you should probably look somewhere else.

I'll explain how you can use your diet and your lifestyle to get the health you want. Videos about the low-carb/ketogenic/carnivore diets, intermittent fasting, thyroid health, hormone optimization, and much more. I've declared all-out war on the epidemics of hyperinsulinemia, diabetes, and obesity currently hurting our world, and hurting your health.

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All Comments (21)
  • @nopenope7777
    Ive had a bunch of sweets recently. And good heavens, it was miserable. All the mental/ physical health issues and little things that went away all flooded back. It was the worst, I am "hard headed" as the older generations would say so I need to go through these back and forths to overcome my sugar addiction. But it reminds me of why I started carnivore in the first place. I was sick of being sick and out of control with food/life. Its a struggle, you will fall but keep on going carnivores!
  • @devaapurna608
    Started carnivore in September to fight fungating breast tumor at 105 lbs. 5'2". 87 yrs. December began Fenben as well but now only weigh 85. Hard to keep weight up on carnivore. All minor aches and inflammations have cleared up, so staying the course for the cancer. Of course am taking an array of vits mins and cancer fighting specifics (mushrooms, circumen etc.). Jumping on rebounder. Busy every day as co-caregiver for terminal son-in-law and doing all errands daily with cooking for him too. Started 3mgs ivermectin in mornings a week ago. Hoping for less pain and tumor growth soon.💖🙏
  • @uaebifvideo5472
    Kelly Hogan is one example i always keep in mind , when she started Carnivore, she gained weight for a long time ,,then she lost weight!! Guys, follow the simple rules, trust the procedure, un-follow any one who makes it complicated..humans never ran around with calculators for fat and protein..!!.
  • @Harve955
    Clear as mud. Bringing calories into the discussion just invalidates the discussion.
  • @Carnivorechad
    Why is she mentioning controlling calories? I was under the impression that on keto/carnivore we don’t care about calories.
  • @JillinOhio
    sooo. how about a yes or no for those that have no clue what point she is trying to make.
  • @bobbyplatz6780
    I started carnivore in 2016. Lost a ton of systemic inflammation and got healthier. When my weight loss stalled, I noticed my blood sugars were slightly elevated for long periods of time after a good rib eye. The answer for me was to lower the protein to .5 grams per pound of lean mass. I increased fat intake in the form of animal fat gee/butter and olive oil. Protein was around 20%. Zero carb. I also tested urine ketones which were non existent on high protein. The key for me was to get into ketosis using higher fat intake which shut off gluconeogenisis issue. For me personally, it appeared the blood sugar elevation was not significant but enough to keep ketosis at bay halting my fat loss. I was able to get much leaner when making these changes.
  • My girl and I have been strict carnivore for a year now with all the benefits including weight loss until we started making beef jerky. We make our beef jerky from lean ground beef, 93/7 so as not to get the dehydrator full of fat. We usually eat these dried strips of beef by dipping them in grass fed butter, absolutely delicious but we have both put back on a couple pounds, not a lot but we sure aren't losing any more. So 2 days ago my girl had a blood workup done, she is a respiratory therapist at a local hospital and I suppose it is mandatory. Everything was perfect except her glucose level was high, 109. Dr.said it was nothing to worry about but she should cut out the sugar, she replied I don't eat sugar. Then the Dr. said well, cut out the bread and carbs, she said I dont eat bread and carbs and then explained that she is carnivore for over a year. That was the end of the conversation. So we are going to replace our beef jerky with butter bites and see how that goes.
  • @1W1LDW0M4N
    I love y'all but this video made no sense to me.
  • @jwslks
    I eat protein ( meat and eggs ) everyday! It’s sugar and bad carbs that cause weight gain.
  • @nataliegist2014
    I am glad to say that I have a A1C of 5.9 with out meds. I was at 13.9 with meds when I started. Thank you Dr. Berry, you saved my life.
  • @flaminjackson
    Just became a Tribe Member y'all are such a blessing to me and many others. My name is Jackson Collins. I've been doing Ketovore for over a month now and I feel great. Thank You
  • @bre6651
    This is my second period on the carnivore diet. Cramp pain went from 12/10 to 3/10. This is the main reason I've kept going. Anxiety is almost no more, unless im dealing with "foolishness" at work. My Eyebrows have always been sparse, and im excited to share that I can visibly see them growing in, I see baby hairs along my hairline as well. The scale has not moved much, but my body looks completely different. Everyone keeps asking about my face lol. I used to be insecure about the "bags" under my eyes. Even if I sleep or drink lots of water, they are there and noticeable. I always thought it was because i wear glasses or something, but since eating like this.... i just feel very pretty when i look in the mirror, and my eyes look bigger. (Please let me know if anyone has experienced this.) So much so, i want contacts. I went from stressing everyday about what I was finna eat, tracking and forcing myself to do a bunch of cardio. Now I simply throw some meat in the pan or boil eggs, eat until I feel full, and im good until the next day pretty much. I decided to focus on diet and not lifting. However, i had so much energy last weekend, i went. I normally do squats/leg press around 80lbs. But when I say that felt way too easy, im not kidding. I needed to add, not 1 but 3 more plates to feel a challenge. I was so shook, and this is after taking a month off. My only issue is sometimes I feel dizzy, or tired. For example, I started my period, this morning, almost fell trying to make it to the bathroom. I looooove coffee, but this morning it made me feel nauseous, and I could smell something that turned me off. I ended up throwing up, made some ground beef instead, and I feel soooooooooo much better. It was almost instant. I've cheated one time because it was my father-in-law's birthday. my man really wanted me to share a piece of chocolate cake with him, so i did. however the next day I broke out and I had a TERRIBLE headache for two days, so I made him take care of me lol. afterwards, I had to have a conversation with my family to tell them to please stop trying to force me to eat stuff because I literally feel terrible afterwards. Now if we go out my man will speak up with me like "no, she said no. She literally gets sick, and i prefer when shes awake and happy. Not grumpy" lol I also find it crazy how people look concerned about the fact that I'm eating a piece of steak or putting salt on my food. but they can sit there and eat an extra large coke, cake, cookies and pies in one sitting. I got into an argument with my aunt because she said "wow thats a lot of salt" and i said "wow thats alot of sugar... arent you diabetic?????" Mind your business lol
  • @tplgolf
    Wow, that was a long non-answer. But at least she used lots of impressive words
  • @gb4326
    Have to agree to disagree here, I spent a year and a half on Carnivore pretty strict(would rate myself at an 8.5/10, not perfect but no milk, very limited heavy cream, small amounts of cheese every other day at most, very rarely would have a one off cheat meal) and weight loss stalled out fairly quick, later skin tags stopped disappearing. Blood work showed a fasting insulin of 13 despite not having cheated once in over two months prior. Switched to roughly an 80/20 split of calories from fat/protein and immediately started losing weight again without actually making any changes to the specific foods I was eating(other than banning all cuts of meat from birds forever due to being too lean). Skin tags started shrinking again, mood improved, psoriasis fully cleared up again, muscle gain actually increased despite cutting protein to at least 1/3rd if not less. Yeah everyone is different, do your own N+1, etc. but to imply that high enough protein can't stall/reverse weight loss in at least some individuals who are strict keto/carnivore feels a little disingenuous. Yeah, you can't spike your blood sugar like you can eating a bowl of cereal or pasta, you probably can't give yourself full blown T2D, but if your primary caloric intake is protein then your primary fuel source is still glucose. It's a mistake I've made, and one I hope nobody else does. Kind of feels like the whole year that I yoyoed between 240 and 250 was wasted on doing it wrong.
  • @tb54321
    I’ve had to up my fat lately because I found myself absolutely starving on the beef butter bacon and eggs diet - I had no satiety no matter how much I let myself eat and I started gaining weight and slowed down losing inches around my waist. It’s the first time since starting keto I found myself binge eating again right before bed. I was so frustrated. I felt like I could eat 10 ribeyes and still go to bed hungry. As soon as I added more fat, I finally felt satisfied.
  • @michaelroot4051
    Ken I have been keto carnivore for 7 years. I work the night shift driving trucks. I have found out that I will gain weight even though I’m eating only meat , if I eat when my cortisol is elevated. Early am. I will also get more hungry. If I eat after 10:00 am I will lose the weight I gained. So it depends on when you eat for great success.