Tarr Bela: I Used to Be a Filmmaker

Publicado 2022-07-03
Directed by Jean-Marc Lamoure

Friends and collaborators discuss Bela Tarr as he finishes his final film, "The Turin Horse."

From December 2008 till June 2010, Béla Tarr and partner Agnès Hranitzky gathered their cinema family near Budapest for a last film. During the time of the shooting, everyone unveils a part of a reality involved into Béla Tarr's cinema.

An illuminating and extremely rare documentary profile of one of the great filmmakers of our time, Bela Tarr. Filmed during the production of The Turin Horse, his final film, it features clips, behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with longtime collaborators.

A rare glimpse behind the curtains of The Turin Horse, Hungarian auteur Béla Tarr's final film. Unpicking the film's singular spiritual vision and profound existential descent, Jean-Marc Lamoure smartly approaches Tarr as he does his own subjects: with patience, grace, and lucidity.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @oriza2
    OMG.... A big truck with a film crew next to you. A camera facing you from 2 feet all the time. A bloody loud and scary chopper blowing to your face from a few meters. You have to pull a cart on shitty road. People talk, scream everywhere.... And the horse does it job beautyfully, without fear or hesitation. That horse needs an Oscar. He was perfect and awesome.
  • @DanielStepp
    Before I start any large endeavor, I've made it a habit to watch this documentary, followed by The Turin Horse. It captures all the trials and tribulations of creating something new and gives some hope that it may work out in the end, in spite of all the difficulties and doubt along the way. I find it so inspiring this family of filmmakers, actors, and musicians working together on a project they have to know almost nobody will see and will certainly not make any money. Doing it apparently for the love of the people involved and for making something beautiful. It's an optimistic counterpoint to normal making-of documentaries, which are often merely tools of marketing.
  • @madaraszjo
    He is my favourite Hungarian Movie Director. I love this footage.
  • It is demystification of the rather mysterious films of Tarr. Thank you for uploading this, it was rather illuminating.
  • @sprocketandwheel
    I speak Hungarian, and his comments are toned way down when he is upset.. I love his films..
  • This is a timmeless documentery. Witnessing the master in work is, tantalizing. ❤❤❤
  • @scottmorris7546
    Saw the Turin Horse a few years ago- and have thought about it many times since.
  • It is so marvelous...it looks like a dream or the real life...or both...
  • @WardCo
    What a great documentary by Jean Marc Lamoure. Captures and emulates the rhythm and tone of Béla's work without being overbearing or mawkish. Great selection of intercuts from Sátántangó too. And the low-key, honest, social monologues from the team -- hard stuff to get unless real time was put in to build rapport. Very nicely done.
  • @davidedwardsme
    Directors like this give people like myself permission to say; F*ck the rules. Really great documentary!
  • I've been waiting for this documentary, this is by far the most touching film I've seen in my life. It has no equal. Thanks for sharing sir!
  • @1981diaz
    This is beautiful, every scene, move and words, thank you! 🥺💜