You Should Join The Stormcloaks In Skyrim Immediately!

Published 2024-01-07
Dive into the fiery conviction behind Skyrim's rebellion against the Empire! This video explores the Stormcloaks - brave Nord warriors led by Ulfric Stormcloak who fight for religious freedom and cultural preservation. Learn about their motives, history, philosophy, war tactics, and more. Why do they reject Imperial rule? How far will they go to restore traditional Nord ways? What future awaits a potentially independent Skyrim? Watch now and see an objective analysis on this dramatic uprising that could forever change the land of Skyrim!

All Comments (21)
  • @MikefromTexas1
    People always forget that Skyrim and the remaining Empire can still become allies against the Thalmor, along with Hammerfell, even after independence.
  • @xsizzlexster6495
    I always go with Stormcloaks because why TF would I ever join the Empire who was just about to chop my head off for no reason?
  • My decision was made when my head was on the chopping block HAIL TALOS 😂
  • @tygrahof9268
    There is only one side, and Ulfric is the man to follow!
  • @kurtslavain
    I appreciate how you made both sides of the civil war look based.
  • I used to fight for the empire on my first playthrough because I thought that would be better for all. But empires die eventually and this Empire is definitely dying and I say this as a historian.
  • @jhsams
    i all ways go stormcloaks
  • @jyanezz
    Tiber Septim was a blessed man sure, maybe a demigod even but not at the level of Akatosh and the others for sure, a new human empire needs the Nords and Skyrim
  • @vukpsodorov5446
    the idea of nord culture being preserved is all well and good, but there's one big problem with joining the stormcloaks to do it. Ulfric is backed by the thalmor, according to papers you can find in the thalmor embassy (if i remember correctly). this one piece of information greatly changes the picture, as now it's not some nords who want independence, but rather the thalmor inciting civil war wherever they can in the empire to try and weaken & separate all the human factions, to then topple them all one by one, instead of fighting one big empire. now sure, they did win against the empire, to be able to enforce things like the talos worship ban, but ultimately they'd want to completely dominate humans as some form of inferior species, which they didn't quite manage to achieve, and why would they stop short if they could have achieved that? the empire is not as weak as it seems, then. on top of this, the empire may be planning another war against the aldmeri dominion themselves, which would probably only work if the humans were all united, and if they win then the nords would likely be given all the rights they want to worship talos. simply put, another war between the elves and humans is bound to happen at some point. and whether it will be a single, large war between the aldmeri dominion and the entire empire as prepared and powerful as it can be, or a bunch of smaller wars between the aldmeri dominion and all the divided human provinces (such as skyrim) one by one is determined by your choice on who you're backing in the skyrim civil war. alternatively, you might want to roleplay as a thalmor secret agent sent to back ulfric, or a young nord who got caught for whatever reason at the border by the empire and now sympathizes with the stormcloacks, or whatever. but if you want to make a smart decision for a human regardless of roleplaying, back the empire instead.
  • I am an imperial who always joins the stormcloaks now because I have learned to look beyond trivial amounts of racist thought and started looking at the big picture. I have not forgotten how The Empire nearly murdered me without a trial and I also strongly believe that's natives have every right to not only rule themselves but to have their own opinions as well even if they are racist.
  • @olegchromov3705
    This is how the compelling arguments in favor of Stormclocks look like : 1. Sovereignty 2. Independence 3. Culture 4. Faith 5. Identity This is how the compelling arguments in favor of the Empire look like : 1. Noooo, Stormcloaks are racists, how dare you! 😭
  • @_KillerD_
    "nord traditions" everyone is worshiping the empire pantheon
  • @darthmadara7984
    I am with the Empire. On a superficial level it makes sense for any non nord players as the nords are only fighting for themselves. The empire is preparing itself to fight the actual threat (the aldmeri dominion) and half of skyrim itself agrees so no need to pretend the whole of skyrim is persecuted. Half of skyrim realizes who the threat really is and my Non nord dragonborn sided against an undiplomatic and rather naive take of the situation. Conceivably, a nord DB could side with the storm cloacks if he is commited to use his demi-god powers to defeat the dominion but since we know he will not return in ES6 (hopfully not due to being trapped in apocrypha) it is hard to roleplay that he will see it through. My character knows he will abandon the world and he would rather leave a strong Empire behind rather than fracturing it further
  • @dutchpatriot17
    1:13 - 2:01 No. Talos is (or rather, was) an important and central deity in the Imperial Pantheon. He was absent from the Nordic Pantheon - to the point where Nord migrants to Cyrodiil even refused to attend chapel sermons in the Great Chapel of Talos. The Nords have become converted to the Imperial Nine Divines, but that does not make Talos a part of ''the Nordic Pantheon''. On the matter of enforcement - why does this video overlook Ulfric's considerable role in the enforcement of the Talos ban? 3:12 - 3:30 It is ironic you speak of the Stormcloaks ''restoring'' Skyrim's culture, when it is Ulfric who dishonors more of it than his Imperial counterparts. Like how he damns the Jarls and the Moot, ignored Torygg's legitimacy as High King, broke his oath, betrayed the Greybeards, and blasphemed through usage of the Voice. His whole campaign being, largely, centered around Talos - an Imperial deity - as opposed to Ysmir, or Kyne, or Shor for a return to Skyrim's roots, shows quite the opposite. 5:15 - 5:40 Based on character models, the opposite is implied. The young and middle-aged of Skyrim support the Empire because they look to the future and the chaos Ulfric brought, whereas the older folks seem more inclined to back Ulfric.
  • @James-rm7sr
    Given the that the elves are behind the civil war in the first place. No! It is the Stormcloaks that are the problem. Their leader is working for the Thalmor. It is Talos which was from Skyrim to start off. It would be like England leaving the UK.