Pokemon Crystal Legacy Tier List

Published 2023-11-11

All Comments (21)
  • @KrakenSlayer47
    Having a blast playing this. For Johto the team was: Feraligatr, Houndoom, Ampharos, Espeon, and Steelix. When I got to Kanto added Dragontie to round it out. Training up for a second go at Red. The repeatable gym leader rematches have been a godsend for grinding
  • @SpraguoDelFuego
    I had a lot of fun with this game! While in this playthrough I had used some members were always staples (Typhlosion and Espeon) I got to use Pokemon that I either have not used because of trade evolutions (Gengar and Scizor) or availability (Pupitar/Tyranitar) or just never had any interest in using such as Crobat and Lanturn. By the end of the game I felt like every Pokemon, whether they were on my team or the AI's team, they all had a chance to shine and the changes to the encounters and trainer battles made this the perfect version of Crystal. The fact that there were times that I was worried I would be knocked out by a random trainer somewhere in the mid-late game speaks volumes. I can't wait to see how you update Kanto and I plan on doing another playthrough using Pokemon that I have never used before just to get a really fresh experience. Thank you for this romhack and for making my favorite Pokemon game live up to it's fullest potential while keeping it classic!
  • @Munn1bagshib
    Hitmonlee with mind reader and dynamic punch is amazing, also imo Vileplume is S tier. Sludge bomb, sleep powder, and giga drain is an amazing combo
  • @LiShuBen
    I loved meganium in this game. With leech seed, flash and giga drain, and leftovers its a great tanky staller. I love the grass type so its cool that i could use meganium literally all game even the red fight where it took down snorlax,blastoise and reds new ace
  • @irbk500
    You forgot Stantler and Shuckle :(
  • @mikeprihoda3994
    I got an early Scizor, which carried me through a playthrough because I got lucky and caught a Magnemite holding a metal coat right before Morty. It was incredible and so bulky for the run!
  • id actually give skarmory an S tier based on my personal playthrough of legacy. this thing was AWESOME, it was super bulky, really good moves, hits decently hard, and has spikes which is really underrated, it was honestly one of the big players for a huge amount of the tough battles in this game
  • Forretress with the new Spike Cannon and Pin Needle buff has worked out for me. He just became even more busted with Curse.
  • @ronersteel659
    I've hardcore nuzlocked this game twice up to this point: GREAT job on the romhack btw!!!! I do gotta stand up for my boi Dewgong here. Outside of legendaries, he's the fastest STAB user of Ice Beam and with his Sp. Atk reaching Lapras's I'd say there's no reason for him to be below Lapras anymore. You get him between gym 6-7 depending on when ya beat Pryce, and has a use for almost every fight after that point with level caps. (It's not outspeeding Lance's Aerodactyl/Zapdos, but it'll outspeed the Dragonites by this point in its EVs!)
  • @jackrecher6986
    playing it, gligar was a really surprisingly strong pick. the buffs you gave it were just about perfect to make it viable but not crazy
  • @reillywalker195
    I'll have to try Crystal Legacy to confirm, but I suspect Feraligatr is still better than the other two starters in terms of utility, especially since it can learn Dig. My ideal Gen II Feraligatr knows Surf, Ice Punch, Dig, and Slash, while this romhack gives it the very useful buffed Bug-type Cut for additional coverage against Grass, Psychic, and Dark-type Pokémon.
  • @gamezharks
    I think this underrates Poliwrath in the sense of just how much role compression fighting and water provides for a team insofar as hitting a ton of different stuff for super effective damage with a single pokemon, on top of being able to use hypnosis.
  • you never did Stantler or Shuckle. I probably wouldn't have noticed, but I always had a Stantler and Girafarig on my team as a child.
  • @iluvgum123
    Been extremely sick this weekend, and I’ve put like 30 hours into this game and it’s been my saving grace. Such a fun play with just enough changes and new combos. Also just playing a game I haven’t touched in a decade has been interesting. Using some Pokémon I never even caught in my copy as a kid. Excellent work, can’t wait to finish
  • @batmabel
    I played through when 1.0 came out and loved it. My team was Meganium, Magcargo, Ursaring, Tyranitar, Slowking and Scizor. I tried using Meganium since you said it was buffed and I don't think I ever did a full playthrough of gen 2 with Meganium, and I enjoyed it a lot. Having access to Larvitar and Teddyursa early (I know [now] that Teddyursa is available in vanilla too, but I never got one lol) was so cool, having Larvitar early and evolving it throughout the whole game makes so much sense and I really don't understand why they don't do it in the regular game. Slowking and Scizor are such cool mons that I never got to use in gen 2 since they are trade evos. Magcargo was just a pokémon I never used so I said "why not? he's a tiny guy". Overall I was pretty satisfied with my team, didn't face many hurdles throughout the whole game and had a lot of fun with the game as a whole. Only way I'd improve this hack is by changing some tilesets to something similar to Polished Crystal, so that goes to show the great job you guys did with balancing and stuff. Can't wait for the next steps you take!
  • Just completed it on a normal play through, literally first encounter was a uncatchable shiny pidgey. May I add I have NEVER had that happen to me on any Pokémon game ever 😂 that being said, amazing game 😁 Separate thought, but I basically swept through the majority of the game with Yanma. Thank you for buffing this bug I’ve always wanted to use 😊
  • One thing I'd love to see is some way to change your Hidden Power types, like maybe an NPC that uses some Unown-related magic to unlock a new perspective. Since almost everything gets Hidden Power, Gen 2 coverage is pretty limited, and every mon has DVs instead of IVs, it could be a neat buff to everything. The only downside is that so many things could use Hidden Power to decent effect that it would create an odd contrast in which the player has tons of options for Hidden Power, but it would be weird for the AI to do the same thing since it's hidden information
  • @jamessloven2204
    Marowak? Defensive ground type? He can literally sweep teams.
  • @jackg93
    Thanks for making me fall back in love with Pokemon again dude
  • @danilomorgan
    With this TierList in mind, we can also think on what can be modified, like maybe a little buff to Delibird and Lickitung. The problem with Azulmarill and Wigglytuff is only solved in Gen 6, with the Fairy Type introduction. They become insanely good to play. SO yeah, can't argue with these tiering for them. But one thing I think you missed is about Stantler and Shuckle in the TL.