Characters Mock Mileena's Look

Despite covering her mouth, Mileena's face is familiar to all Mortal Kombat characters and that's why they mock her scary look for being half Tarkatan. In this video, I have assembled the dialogues where Mileena gets mocked by other fighters.

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コメント (21)
  • "Woman, you scare the crap out of me!" has to be the most relatable one.
  • Mileena when she's fighting: 😈💅🏼 Mileena when she's home: 😔💔
  • Rambo's ''guess I heard right'' is hands down the best one for me․ His whole reaction has ''bruh'' energy․
  • As a kid, I liked Melina because I was called a monster by classmates due to a condition I had, and It felt nice knowing I was not alone in being called a monster
  • Mileena: "Y'all just hate me for what I am". Nightwolf: "Miss, you killed 25 people in the last 24 hours".
  • Kinda hurts when you realize that even if Mileena would turn out as a good person, she’ll still be ridiculed for the way she’s born, which is something she wouldn’t be able to decide for herself.
  • I actually hope they make a future character that genuinely finds her beautiful. Like an Earthrealm warrior actually takes an interest in her and she over time falls in love with him as he is the only one who has ever treated her like a normal person, causing her to switch sides and turn on Shao Kahn. Or whoever the main villain would be since they pretty much rebooted the timeline again. I actually suspect that is all Mileena truly wants. Someone to love her and treat her with respect. There are after all non-canon endings where she does switch sides because of this. Like in 9 when Kitana accepts her as a sister and she joins her and Jade as family.
  • Love how everyone makes fun of her mouth or the fact she's a clone, but Nightwolf goes "yeah, no, I don't like you 'cause you're a psycho". Nightwolf is the best lol
  • Atleast Mileena looks pretty with her mask on, but Dvorah, no mask could save her lmao
  • The saddest part about all of this is that she's weearing a mask in all of these interactions. She's actively trying her best to look normal but nobody even acknowledges that and just calls her a freak as if she hasn't already told. Makes me sad. Good on Nightwolf and Rambo, Nightwolf for looking past her outward appearances and really acknowledging that she's actually a monster on the inside too. And good on Rambo for simply talking to Mileena about the rumours so that he could judge her for himself based on what she had to say rather than some playground talk, nice guy.
  • Dvorah calling Mileena disgusting is the greatest hypocrisy in MK history.
  • I swear Mileena is like a treatise on self-confidence. It's extremely motivating watching her drag out racism from so many "good" characters with absolute unflinching flair. *Edit*: Speciesism is coming up a lot so I'm addressing it. Mileena is an edenien-tarkatan hybrid made by Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung's magic as well as being a clone of Kitana. I choose racist because concluding she isn't human would be presumptive. Kitana is Edenian with an increased lifespan yet her humanity is never in question - and yet Mileena is a direct clone of her. To exclude Mileena from the human race would be disingenuous. But a species debate I'd welcome, especially concerning Edenian-Earth hybrid speciation of Kitana. I aim to provoke the thought here though, because very few people in MK are qualified to answer these questions, even her creators - and as such, racism and specism are at play, but racism is far more thought provoking. So racism I stand by. Specism could be its own debate, but it doesn't exclude racism - because she's a marginalized minority with genetic differences. Racism also can include ethnicity and as such, Edenians may amount to nothing more than a political, social or ethnic group - mortal earthrealmers shortened lifespans may be due to environmental factors or lack of magic. No way to tell. To deny racism is at play here would stamp out these issues, so while specism is its own unique discussion - it does not exclude a discussion of race. Even if speciation were to somehow conclude she's 100% not human, which would be impossible, she still could be marginalized for her race. Shao Kahn's regime, the Edenian group, or simply being an "Outworlder" are paths to racism. All of her heritages have commonality and thus, potential racial discussions among them. Specism would not negate racism. It's dangerous to think so because it dehumanizes the undeniable person Mileena is. Whatever she is, she's still a person, and racism follows. This is what makes Mileena's character so compelling because the dangers of simply addressing how she is different, ignores how she is the same, as the humans who despise her. This exposes their hypocrisy more than hers - she inherited these evils, she has an excuse. Attacking those things only shows the prejudice lurking in others - though Night Wolf and Jax shine through for their integrity. Considering she was made from Shao Kahn's own prejudices against Kitana, the racism debate even precedes her conception. It's what Mileena was made from more than her genetic profile or magical infusions. Shao Kahn's persecution of the Edenians in essence, creates Mileena. Racism is what created Mileena. It's as central to her character as can be.
  • I really love how you can make out her facial expressions even though she wears a mask. Her eyes narrow when she's mad, her eyes widen when surprised, her mask lifts up and her under eyes fold when she smiles. Just a really good job of animation for facial expressions
  • Everyone: "your mouth looks gross" Mileena: wearing a mask the whole time
  • The Joker's didn't seem nearly as mean-spirited as the others. After all, if there's one thing that man can appreciate, it's a killer smile.
    Nightwolf is a true Chad. Unlike others, He doesn't consider Mileena to be a monster for being half tarkatan, but for being a remorseless killer.