Stephen Meyer: Darwin’s Doubt

Published 2019-03-18
According to a nationwide survey, more than two-thirds of atheists and one-third of agnostics believe that “the findings of science make the existence of God less probable,” while nearly half of self-identified theists believe “the findings of science are neutral with regard to the existence of God.” But what if there is another option? What if the discoveries of science actually lend support to belief in God?

Taped at the 2019 Dallas Science and Faith Conference at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.

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All Comments (21)
  • @brotherderek
    Stephen Meyer is a true inspiration and God is blessing his work. He has had to fight for a long time to gain a foothold, but now the world is taking notice. Great work, sir!
  • @Jeremiah6071
    Dr. Meyer is in a league of his own. I haven't read his latest book, but Signature in the Cell was amazing. I was an atheist who believed in Darwinian Evolution until I went to college and took a lot off various biology classes. Microbiology was the clincher. I don't see how anyone who truly understands biology at that level can not see the obvious design. I don't know if my professors would be happy or appalled that they lead me away from blindly believing in something I was ignorant of to accepting intelligent design and eventually Jesus.
  • @KP_Oz
    Instead of focusing the camera on Stephen's face, stay switched on the slides! Killed the whole presentation by omitting the slides.
  • Newton wrote, "a little knowledge leads away from God, but much knowledge leads towards Him".
  • @mayaliya200
    "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.." Romans 1:22-28 suits well with the Atheist Scientist.
  • I happen to stumble across this. Listening it now for the 4th time.
  • I love those who vehemently oppose Meyer, Tour and Behe and the cadre of SERIOUS scientists who KNOW that scientific materialism has major holes in its bucket that cannot be plugged. A serious logical premise that "what is most probable as we look at the facts?". Intelligent design is our best conclusion. As we go along, if proof of Macro Evolution appears, I will dismantle my prejudice at this point towards a supreme intelligence that created it all. That really is the corner that atheists and Darwinian militants hate to be painted into......after they admit multiverses, eternal matter cannot answer the question "where did all the information come from that began it?".
  • @nickhancock4337
    It's really evil that kids in public schools don't get to hear this side of origin of life.
  • @SandraLily2
    Signature in the Cell is the most fascinating thing I have seen in all my 58 years. "There are no weaknesses in the theory of evolution"...Eugenie Scott. The "theory" is a hypothesis and it is weaker than a cooked noodle!
  • Interesting to note that Darwin, in principle, today would not be a Darwinist.
  • @lgtwzrd
    I'm a layman when it comes to biology, but even I can understand that any mutation has to be sudden, complete, and functional in order to be favored by natural selection. Otherwise it will be lost within a couple of generations.
  • @RubixCubix_
    I’m a Muslim, and I always was brainwashed to think that we evolved and I knew it contradicts my religion and I wanted to learn more about Darwin’s theory, and I just picked up your book. You seem like an inspirational person
  • @aligator7181
    I like the Charles Marshall circular reasoning and evasion : 1. largely emerged : requires a motive force which in turn assumes something which generates that force 2. through the rewiring of the : requires an action of rewiring, which assumes an actor who performs the action 3. of the gene regulatory networks : requires the prior existence of a functioning regulatory network 4. of already existing genes : requires the prior existence of genes So the new phyla emerged by the action of an unexplained force, acting in a rational fashion in the framework of existing networks on prior materials. What is never explained where the materials, the force, the plan of action, the intelligent actors and the goal came from. Let me guess : from the multiverses and quantum fluctuations, right ?
  • @JV-tg2ne
    It’s interesting how evolutionists utilize identical insult tactics of neo-marxists against anyone who disagrees with their world view and Darwinist dogma
  • @crystalcat1317
    I always like listening to Dr Meyer. Always learn something new. Ty.
  • @MadameZeroni473
    I'm not even Christian, but I have a lot of respect and the original teaching(unedited versions)/correct interpretations(of current edited texts) are very deep with wisdom, truth, and I believe, most probably correct historical account(s). I have watched this countless times and other videos and after the current book I'm reading, will read Darwin's doubt and buy his new book when it comes out in 2020. It sounds legit and from what I see, when he goes toe to toe with atheists, they never are able to dismantle his arguments. Until I check the sources given in Darwin's Doubt, these debates, his talks, his support from other scientists give me great confidence in what he's saying. I hope he's right and if he is, I hope he really gains momentum helps change science.
  • @fidenful
    The consensus in the scientific community is that " Intelligent Design is not science and has no place in a science curriculum. " Is just Creationism by another name.
  • This man should be speaking to Coliseums...not just churches. He destroyed the myths that prevail in Darwinism and naturalism.