Helen Zille on LAND

Published 2024-05-22
Helen Zille discusses the inefficiency of South Africa's land restitution program, emphasizing the need for proper management to utilize fertile land for job creation and food production, while also addressing broader economic policies and the importance of upholding the rule of law.

[00:00] Discussion on land distribution and restitution in South Africa
- DA's view on land distribution and restitution
- Support for land claims if proven to be stolen
- Critique of the current land restitution program
- Impact of proper use of funds on land ownership

[02:32] The importance of utilizing fertile land to create jobs and produce food in South Africa
- Questioning why fertile land in South Africa, mostly in black hands, is not producing sufficient food and jobs
- Potential to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in agriculture if done properly
- The fundamental question of why the most fertile land is not generating jobs and food

[05:06] Discussion on the mismanagement of land restitution programs and the need for efficient and proper processes
- Acknowledgment of historical injustices related to land ownership
- Criticism of the mismanagement of the restitution program and the wastage of funds
- Proposal for a proper and efficient land restitution program with willing sellers at reasonable prices
- Positive example of a successful land restitution model involving farmers and workers
- Comparison of successful and failed land restitution cases

[07:38] Discussion on economic development policies and land reform
- Overview of economic development policies within the DA
- Focus on sustainable development goals and equitable programs
- Addressing abuse in the system and ensuring non-racial policies
- Measuring empowerment and benefits for disadvantaged people
- DA's stance on borders, foreign nationals, and border security

[10:11] Discussion on the importance of growing the economy and creating jobs in South Africa - Highlighting the critical statistic of 7 million registered personal taxpayers in South Africa
- Emphasizing the need for a higher ratio of productive taxpayers to Grant recipients
- Stressing the role of a growing economy in providing jobs and sustainable social support
- Advocating for significant economic growth to increase contributions to the fiscal pool
- Criticism of the inadequacy of the 350 grant and the call for a proper welfare system and more job opportunities

[12:44] Discussion on job creation and the importance of getting people into productive jobs
- Emphasis on getting people who receive grants into productive jobs
- Differentiating between real jobs and EPWP jobs
- Importance of getting people into jobs to increase the tax pool
- Reference to former mayor Mashaba's stance on illegal immigrants
- Support for the rule of law regarding immigration criteria

All Comments (21)
  • @mukeloncube410
    Honestly speaking, as black people we must really start thinking economically if we want to uplift ourselves. When we get the land, we need to create jobs for the community in order to decrease unemployment. This thing of wanting to own land just because it was land of your forefathers and you're not making something out of it should stop because it is not taking us anywhere.
  • @Mrs_Solani
    This is quite an interesting conversation. She just makes alot of sense, I can't help but agree with her.
  • @mranonymous9448
    The ANC government is giving people yards smaller than tennis courts to build RDP houses and yet talk about land redistribution. Why not give people bigger yards so that they can expand on those RDP miniscule plots if they are so keen on land redress? The only people that benefit from land grab are ANC cadres and their families and friends.
  • @tonitappous2422
    HZ is not a globalist at all! She is a true and homegrown patriot , working tirelessly to further the interests of our people and beautiful country!!
  • @Enoch940
    I never use to like helen for many year when she lead DA but as i see suffer under ANC and noise and empty head in EFF over years as i have grown in my age and listen to this polititions then my mind and respect for Helen has grown very very much. I now wish she could to be the president . Very wise lady.
  • @johanbeukes720
    It's getting expensive to produce food in this country. Farmers are price takers, not price makers.
  • @mashobane6177
    Yes KZN, Eastern Cape etc do have the land that is laying around in the hands of Government and King/chiefs.Only If people can be equipped with knowledge of using the land to produce.
  • This guy is not listening to what she is saying - there was land restitution - and its being wasted
  • @hedleyfurio
    Thanks for your professional interview ! , even if you don't agree you give the guest a chance to talk and let the viewers make up thier own mind . So many other journalists fight with their guests as if it Is a cage fight . 👏
  • @shayneleith4497
    Now we know why Durban is called "Dirtbin"... Pity they don't know how to use a dirt bin....
  • @MK-gn1nz
    KZN got best land owned by black people. This land feeds mostly who? cows & goats?
  • @sulaak
    The Whites instituted The Natives' Land Act of 1913, which "prohibited the establishment of new farming operations, sharecropping or cash rentals by blacks outside of the reserves. Now they are against land reform, claiming that black-owned land is unproductive. In 1947, the USA occupation government in Japan instituted land reform that transferred land from 8000 land owners to 3 million landless peasants; those peasants became the backbone of Japan's middle class. Land, like property, can be used as a source of capital.
  • @TomorrowFarm13
    The question is why does the Ngonyama trust own the tribal land in KZN and not the people. Surely the Zulu people should own the land where their house is and where their fields are. The Ngonyama trust did not own the land in the days of Senzagkhona pre Shaka. Then Shaka killed his brother to be king and conquered the tribes in what later became known as Zululand and Natal. The people in Zululand and old Transkei don't own their land now
  • Although I don't like or ever liked this woman but what she is saying makes real political sense.
  • @MK-gn1nz
    Malema should check out Moscow before adopting Stalinst ideology 😅 How many black people are there. How they treat black people etc
  • @AIRview2
    Excellent discussion. If only it could be used in the real plundered South Africa. Looted and criminalized by who again?
  • @samwise-my4gq
    Stalinist Russia isn't relevant today because Russia stopped being communist a long time ago. A more pertinent example would be Venezuela.
  • @LM-rg9lj
    South Africa is a system, and all elements must work together to make it work regardless of race...makes u thinkđŸ€”