Living beyond limits | Amy Purdy | TEDxOrangeCoast

Published 2011-06-08
Amy Purdy talks about the power of imagination. She explains how our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by the choices we make. Imagination allows us to break down borders, to move beyond our circumstances, to create and constantly progress.

Amy Purdy has been through hardships that most of us will never face -- or can even fathom. But what makes her story so incredible is not that fact that she lived a "normal" childhood and spent her high school years as a passionate artist and snowboarder, then traumatically lost both her legs at age 19, but how she has persevered, taking implausible challenges and rising above them.
Today, Amy is an athlete; currently the top ranked adaptive female snowboarder in the world. Amy also spends a good amount of time helping others; specifically those with physical challenges get involved with snowboarding, skateboarding, wakeboarding and other action sports through the organization she co-founded Adaptive Action Sports. Challenging herself while making a positive impact on the world is a true testament to Amy's spirit.

About TEDx.
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos -- or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos -- sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

All Comments (21)
  • @caraleejohnson
    I am humbled and overwhelmed at the courage and strength this young woman, Amy Purdy, has shared. You are an inspiration to all. Best of Luck in all you do. And how you blessed you are to have such wonderful parents! They are great neighbors!!!!
  • @mariasharp815
    I'm reading her book now. What an amazing person she is! Thank goodness the human race is still able to produce people like this. Amy Purdy restores my faith in humanity.
  • @wadani412
    "To live with the reality is the only thing that you can go forward" that's absolutely right!!!.
  • @HaythamIbrahim
    Our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: 1. stop us in our tracks, or 2. force us to get creative."
  • @XIronCross
    Very inspirational. I love the part about how when you face a hardship you can do one of two things. 1) Let it beat you down, or 2) Get creative and discover a way to use it to your advantage. Amy was faced with a problem but she decided to keep living her life anyways. I find that some of the worst circumstances can , if you choose to, be the best learning experiences you'll ever have. Embrace change and embrace yourself! -Great Video!
  • @gymnast60614
    Why the hell are there 101 dislikes on Amy's wonderful story? I don't understand people who could dislike her.
  • @Pattybluehayes
    Such a long overdue thank you to Amy for sharing her story.  I was in the darkest, place I'd ever experienced after my husband left in 2010.  I must have watched Amy's video 25 times at least, always trying to keep perspective on my situation.  She was truly an inspiration to me as I know she is for so many others.
  • @frankcelaya6223
    I have listened to you over and over again to remind myself that I have no excuses not to live my life with direction and passion. You are truly an inspiration!! Pushing away from obstacles is a great way to meet the challenges in our lives. Here's hoping that you be able to continue to write more happiness into your book of life.
  • @AlmaSdance
    I bet she could be an amazing actress too. So sensitive and beautiful inside and out. It's so rarely that one sees a beautiful soul swimming in the person's eyes like this. So magnificient! She reminded of Nietzsche's ethereally intelligent musings
  • @MsGnor
    I started watching this thinking 'what does this pretty & perfect girl have to tell me about limits?' Now I just think you're pretty perfect Amy. I'd love to know what you do with the next decade. Best wishes xxxxx and thanks!!
  • This gives me the inspiration I need to push it as hard as I can this winter :) the only thing holding us back are the limits we create in our minds! She's amazing.
  • @christinam850
    I love TED videos because I find them very interesting and powerful as far as Amy goes she is one of the top inspirational spokespeople for TED and I love how she is referring to all walks of life and pointing out that no matter what setbacks you have at the moment you will overcome them and continue on the path of your choose
  • THANK YOU Amy!!! this is so inspirational, thank you for taking the time and making the effort to bring us this beautiful information. You are a true gem, bless you!
  • @aloksaha7288
    Thanks for the wonderful speech Amy !! You truely are one of a kind. Never give up in life is all I would say and follow your heart !!!
  • @mariasohail2978
    Thank you so much Amy. You have me inspired!!!! I am motivated to be a better version of myself listening to your words. Thank you for being such a light in I can only assume so many peoples lives. I can definitely attest to mine
  • @CPOglobal
    People like Amy are motivating thousands everyday to never give up control of their life, no matter how bad the situations are.
  • @Ohkapi
    Encouraging, Thanks Amy Purdy. This gives me chill every time I watch this (since June 2012). Just brilliant. 
  • So inspirational! So happy there are people like Amy in our world:)
  • Today while fast forwarding ads on my DVR got a glimpse of her in a Toyota ad and had to back up to see the full clip. Then said to myself is this for real? My teenager said yes she is real. So had to google and found this. Amazingly inspiring woman and an exceptional Ted talk. Thank you so much.