Stories of Transformation - Zachary

Zachary shared his story on stage at the Marco Island Week Long Advanced Retreat in January 2021. After experiencing severe physical (sports head injuries) and emotional trauma in high school, Zachary struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. He continued struggling as he went to college, trying to move on with his life, until he came across some Dr Joe videos on Youtube. After reading "Becoming Supernatural," Zach started meditating every day. It was seldom easy and blissful...but he did it anyway, and credits this work with saving his life.

コメント (21)
  • It has been over a year and a half, and I just wanted to thank everyone for their love and support. It was such a tremendous honor to be able to share my story in order to help others and am still to this day overwhelmed by the amount of love and support that I have received. I continue to receive messages, and apologize for never getting back to many of you. Thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart for all of these loving and amazing comments. I hope you all are able to receive whatever you are asking for. Continue meditating everyday, and remember that you are always closer to your goal/healing than you know, and in time, you will have it, for the only way you cannot receive is by quitting. I to this day may go many months without a good mediation, but the discipline and consistency of sticking to it everyday is what in the end leaves me with the most insane meditation and experience. Believe in yourself, continue to show up, and the divine creator will take it from there. Always give back, and continue to spread your love and light. The world needs you now more than ever. Love, Zachy
  • My husband and I had the honor of seeing this beautiful soul and watching him tell his story. I am so grateful have had the met him and his beautiful parents. He will change the world with his light. Such a blessing to this Earth! Go Zach!!! U are amazing and your parents are angels for sharing you with this world! Thank u thank u thank u!!
  • I decided to write this today for Mother’s Day…… I actually saw this entire experience happen in a meditation 1 1/2 years before it happened. I told Zach that he was going to be on stage speaking with Dr Joe. And I just surrendered to it and many synchronicities later, it happened. I just had “a knowing” like in every cell of my body. I did not try to manifest anything. I completely felt it to my core. I have to say that this weeklong retreat in Marco Island 2021, was one of the most magical experiences I have ever had, especially as a mom!!!! Very grateful for Dr Joe’s work. Not sure how things would have turned out but my heart is full of love and light! I will cherish this for the rest of my life!
  • @avneet__kaur
    I love these long testimonies like detailed experience of people changing themselves through challanges . New testimonies are ok but short . I wish they keep making longer ones like this .
  • "It won't happen for me. I'm different.' is what I struggle most with. Even this morning, before watching this video, i said those exact words to a friend. Thanks so much, Zach, for showing me that I'm not the only one who feels that way and that it happens anyway, when you commit to the work. ❤️
  • I am 22 years old. I’m reading breaking the habit and I am just about to order becoming supernatural! This inspired me to dive deeper and get into the meditations more. Thanks Zachary!
  • This is so sick!! I’m 21 too, I’m glad to see other people my age doing joes work! Quick update: I went to San Diego weeklong in 2022! LIFE CHANGING. DR JOE EVENT IS A MUST
  • @pharmalokd
    While I was at the grocery store with my kids, we got in the car and my daughter said, “Dad look at the time, it’s 555”. She made a big deal about it. I said “oh cool honey”. Then I got home and started watching this video again and the next thing Zach was talking about was his 555 signs. Whoooooooooooa! This is the 2nd huge synchronicity in two days after tuning back into the quantum after having a stressful week. I love these teachings, I love Dr Joe, and I lovve all of you. Sending you out maximum amounts of grace :)
  • @arbividz
    This was one of the best tedtemonials ever.
  • I love this! Made me cry when you said your thoughts changed one morning from not another day to today’s going to be a good day. So beautiful. I am 27 and doing the work and so happy to see a 21 year old doing the same thing. Because your right the younger generation is important. I share this information as much as I can. I can’t wait one day to have a friend or family member beside me doing this work. So empowering. I healed from an addiction with this work and it was all at home too! But one day I will go to an event :) thanks for sharing your story
  • @tudalu
    Zach, if you are reading this - thank you so much for sharing your light. I'm especially grateful for your message that we can heal ourselves at home because me and many others, I'm sure, are going through this thing at the moment. I wish you lots of fun mystical experiences 😁
  • "I healed myself at home" ♥️ so inspiring Zachary. This testimonial resonates w me.
  • When Zack said “if we get younger people to do it we will change the future” I felt that and it brought me to tears
  • Zach you are a NATURAL motivational speaker. Humor is so important it's an elevated emotion. You inspired me I'm 66 and I'm gonna make sure my 30 year old daughter hears this. THANK YOU!
  • When he mentions angel name. This is crazy but, i found this video because yesterday I meditated and asked who my guide is.. The name 'Zack' kept appearing in my head. I don't know any Zacks, I told myself if this is the name then show me a sign. This video uploaded few hours later. (Testimony by Zackary) 😭 Also Zack is a powerful name if you google. Thankyou for sharing, you have inspired me to carry on learning. 🙏
  • Zach, we r so incredibly proud of you! You always do things 1000% and I give you a lot of credit. Dr Joe, we LOVE you more than u could possibly imagine. Thank you for ALL u do! It’s not always fun being a trailblazer. We appreciate you and your work! ❤️❤️❤️
  • What a blessing! As I meditated this morning I thought to myself, “Why can’t I feel the joy of Source? What am I doing wrong?” Then I just decided to allow myself to simply relax and feel whatever I was feeling. This young man’s testimony validated the truth that it’s not always going to feel easy, but you are creating that change that you seek. Sometimes it just takes baby steps. I’m in it for the long haul. Thank you Dr. Dispenza! Thank you Zach! And blessings to all!
  • This is without a doubt one of the best testimonials I have listed too, it has help me understand what is happening to me in my meditation with the shaking and jucking Thank you so much for sharing your story and experience with us 🙏💞