Who You Should Play in Tekken 8 (According to a Tekken LEGEND)

Published 2024-02-09
Speedkicks - one of the GOATS from the Tekken 7 era - is back with Kizzie Kay to talk about his thoughts on the newest Tekken entry and tell the viewers who the BEST character is to play for each archetype!

Who is your favorite character in Tekken 8 so far? Comment down below!


Video edited by Theivid: twitter.com/Theivid
Thumbnail by Justn: twitter.com/justingameow

Kizzie Kay


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All Comments (21)
  • @FieryAnubis
    I play King since T1 and I'm gonna play King til I die. I picked him "because cool" (him and AK). That's literally it. That's how you pick your main. It doesn't get deeper.
  • @mikec670
    I think the first and most important recommendation, is pick the character who speaks to you and will inspire you to play the most. Tekken is hard, and to get good its going to be a grind for every character. I tried learning how to play Tekken 7 with Katarina, when at the time I really wanted to learn Devil Jin, I ended up quitting. Now I am learning tekken 8, ignoring any sane beginner advice; I am learning Bryan because I think his combos are ruthless looking and super cool (despite how hard ju dash qcf 3 4 timing is for me), I am now having a blast regardless of my winrate. You will get a better winrate with Alisa in lower ranks than a mishima, but once you hit ranks where people know how to exploit the simplistic and linear gameplan you were using, you will hit a wall with a character that doesn't speak to you (or make you proud), and doesn't inspire you to learn the game on a deeper level, and you will likely quit.
  • @djukor
    Feels like the most popular characters for beginners are whichever character has the strongest lows or most hard to react to bullshit. Explains why Dragunof or Hwarang are so numerous in lower ranks.
  • @raincastmusic
    I had a brief character crisis in Tekken 8 because i wanted to play Claudio but found him too simplistic and thought i would eventually get bored of him. But i adored his design and i love mages and stuff so he seemed like my perfect choice. Eventually i realized that simple isn’t so bad and he’s so much fun. So i made him my main. My takeaway from this is to stick to the character that inspires you and that gets you excited when in the character select screen. Make sure you have fun playing them, thats what games are initially made for
  • @the910toparis6
    I can’t even explain it I find 3D fighting games so much easier
  • @JoeMurray5
    Appreciate you mentioning about combos and Paul. He’s a really strong and beginner friendly character. I’m loving feng
  • @TheMrb777
    Honestly I would like to hear this guy give his take on each character in the roster!
  • @Yesnog05
    Tekken 2 was my first Tekken game and Jun and Michelle have been my favorite characters. However, over the years ive gravitated towards Julia and Asuka due to their similar move set. Now with Jun returning and Julia/Michelle being absent for the first time, im going to be maining Jun and Asuka
  • @Ace360gamer
    I picked king because he roars and he’s a jaguar 😂. Aesthetics to me is the main thing that makes me play them. Potemkin is a big robot and DJ always dances which makes me enjoy looking at them and playing them
  • @GGeofreed
    Im new to Tekken, and when I was going through the roster, I was torn between playing Jun or Raven. I couldn't decide between them so I decided they'll fight for the spot to be my main. So I setup a CPU vs CPU FT3 between the two, and Raven won 3-1. Man, I really dropped Jun a Top Tier apparently... oh well Raven is mad fun and cool.
  • @bstar101
    First time playing Tekken, having an absolute blast with Lili.
  • @MINI_91
    1) Which character appeals to you visually or personality wise? Pick that character. 2) See if their playstyle fits you and boom you got your main. If they don't fit your style and you don't click with them, repeat step one.
  • @TheSLashera
    I have around 1300 hours on TK7 not really any prior. And My advice is.. Pick an easy character. I wanted to go the hardcore way in T7 playing entirely for fundamentals, but on top of that I wanted to play only hard characters. Bryan, Steve. I didn't get into Mishimas cause my fingers weren't ready for electrics. Anyway I do have some fundamental now. But my biggest improvement was when I played Kazumi for a while, reason being she is soo simple. Her gameplay and game plan are just pure fundamental. And this makes it very easy to focus on those things. When you play a hard character with a lot of execution and a complicated game plan as a beginner it's quite hard to focus on the actual fundamentals, cause your focus needs to be entirely on what YOU are doing most of the time and not what the opponent is doing. I still mainSteve now, but I also picked Azucena. And I can immediately tell how much easier and enjoyable it is to play a simple but effective character. (well she's not so simple, but her general gameplan is)
  • Ive been playing Tekken since the first installment didnt have a true main (usually switched between Law, Kazuya, Heihachi, & Jin) untill Tekken 5 introduced Raven and haven't looked back since.
  • @mrhenky42
    In 7 I mained Katarina, Gigas and Kuma. I‘m now fully commited to gitting gud with the bear.
  • @heyman349
    People who say just play whatever looks cool are missing the point that new players don't know what they like. It's good to start with a character that is easy and good for developing mechanics at least for the beginning.
  • @chimakalu41
    11:17 my main yoshi. So many options. I mastered him back in SCIV and moved over to tekken 6 and tt2,T7 and now tekken 8.
  • @odd02
    9:00 this is precisely why i picked these two as my main in T8 i been a drag main since alittle in tt2 but really got into him in T7 when he was heavily nerfed. And ive always loved Jun and was happy she was back in T8. I mean i wanna get to it and win, but these two go about it in two different ways. And i didn't pick these two cause they're strong right now. They just happened to be so when the game dropped 😅