Lesson 4 Conversational Latin Course Cursus Linguae Latinae

Published 2010-08-05
Latinum Latin Course
This is a self-contained Latin course.
No textbook is required.
0001 is the first lesson.

Cursus Linguae Latinae
Latin Language Course
latin kurssi
Cours de Langue Latine
Lecciones Lengua Latina
уроки латинского языка
라틴 언어 수업
دروس اللغة اللاتينية
ללמוד לטינית - שיעורי הלטינית

All Comments (10)
  • @KatherineRogers
    Henle is an inexpensive text...about 10 dollars US. It is designed for intensive vocabulary and grammar drill for catholic private schools. There are some latin passages in the book. It is designed for high schoolers. Previous latin experience is highly recommended before begining that series. The goal is to get through all of Latin grammar in one year in Henle year 1.
  • @KatherineRogers
    Minimus is a book that looks like a comic book and contains a few simple stories. The words contained in that book are defined. It gives a bit of a taste of reading a foreign language without really knowing much about Latin. Reading Minimus will not result in advanced standing in later Latin coursework.
  • @KatherineRogers
    There are a set of key words that must be learned by children in any language: mother, father, me, you, come, go, sit, stand, etc. Part of the bit that makes Latin "difficult" is the absence of material to read using very basic words. Much of what is in Latin texts would be beyond a young child even if translated into English.
  • @catgumart
    These Lstin videos are great, but I'm thinking they could be even more helpful if they had subtitles, that way the student could learn to spell simultaneously- I was thinking if youtube had a feature that allowed youtubers to volunteer to put in subtitles (maybe they could sign up for the feature so they could be held accountable so no one was mischevious and was to put in the wrong words) I would gladly do that for many youtube videos- just a thought thanks!
  • @KatherineRogers
    Your pronouncing habeo as though the e before the o is long. I always understood that the O was long but the E was short.
  • @tarek2022
  • @legaleagle46
    Quare dices verbum "chartam" sicut "k-HART-am"?  Nonne dicitur "ch" sicut "k"?  Sic "charta" et "chartam" sicut "karta" et "kartam" dicendi sunt.
  • @sdjnwhyNZ
    salve... hmmm, so maybe a salvation is some kind of hello from God? :P
  • @KatherineRogers
    If the child is 6-11 years old they could begin working on Latin for Children by Classic Accademic Press. There are books, and many videos of children chanting word endings. Most of us learned nonsense rhymes and chants in games and in skipping rope as children. It would be just as easy for children to parrot chants that would later be useful. The pace is very slow. Grammar is covered in 3 years. Be warned that the content has a pro christian bias.