Do Women Even LIKE Muscle? (My Honest Experience)

Published 2023-10-05
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00:00 Geoff Says Hello
00:20 What Makes A Male Physique Attractive?
02:15 A Shocker For The Redpilled
04:04 Mass/Ass Chart
05:58 Dad Bods?
07:20 Boostcamp
08:08 But Steroids Will Get Me Laid, R-Right?
10:08 Hidden Benefits Of (Building) Muscle
12:38 Opportunity Costs
14:12 Which Muscles?
17:11 Train For YOU, not HER

David Buss: Sex, Dating, Relationships, and Sex Differences | Lex Fridman Podcast #282
   • David Buss: Sex, Dating, Relationship...  

Can check the site for full Tables Of Contents of each book. Appreciate the support!

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All Comments (21)
  • In my experience, yes. But it doesn’t matter because muscle didn’t help me overcome my fear of girls.
  • @mivergaming1796
    I started going to the gym for the girls, stayed for the body dysmorphia.
  • @Alex-bb4cr
    My takeaway is that women don’t like unnaturally large physiques. The keyword is unnatural. Just like most guys tend to look at women with unnatural looking boob jobs, bbls, lip filler, etc negatively for long term relationships. These things can be disregarded quickly in the heat of the moment, under the influence, at a party or bar or whatever, and some people do of course fetishize them. Bottom line is you will probably never be too jacked training naturally.
  • @n00dle_king
    If you ask most women to describe dad bod they'll show you a picture of Henry Cavill as Superman.
  • @Max-fh7ij
    The thing about the "dad bods" is, that there's not even a consensus about what a dad bod really is. I saw a video where some girls called fucking cbum on a bulk a "dad bod". I think when women say they like dad bods, they mostly mean a guy that has a little higher body fat but WITH muscle and not just a fat guy who clearly doesn't exercise
  • @ce8539
    All i know is my personal experience; Ive always been an observant person, sometimes to a detrimental degree. I grew up very skinny, but enjoyed sports and was always athletic. Never got much attention from girls/women for my physique and honestly in general. Started lifting later than most (26) and every year since then has been better than the last in terms of attention from the opposite gender. From subtle looks and signs of interest, to people treating me differently in public (men and women) like holding the door, smiling, looking in my direction, saying hello, members of the service industry being friendlier etc. Is it because of increased confidence, less depression and better posture that is a byproduct of lifting? No doubt it plays a role. But i wouldn't have them without the physique changes, so i argue its a moot point. My personal life has been on an upswing ever since i started consistently going to the gym, and im grateful to the noble natties for their information library and community, as well as myself for not stopping even when major injuries and life changing circumstances have impacted my training. Keep lifting gents, for a rising tide raises all ships.
  • @Swoleunicorn666
    There are women who say they want a dad bod but it’s like Chris Bumstead’s body in an off season.
  • The german bodybuilder Markus Rühl once said, the more women find my physique disgusting, the more i knew iam making progress😂.
  • Personal experience story: When I began dating my wife I was a pencil neck jabroni. Didn’t stop her from falling in love with a doofus (me), and marrying said doofus. I got the skinny fat Dad bod during shutdown and was abruptly motivated to get in shape. Later did a couple of bulks and cuts to what is now a new body that my wife enjoys way more than my old self. Now on to my point; my wife is a smoke show. She could legit be a part time model or an air hostess from the 60’s. For some reason she fell for a not very muscular version of me, and later I met my muscle building potential and I still push myself to grow each year. I believe this is a factor in sustainable relationships. Continuing to develop for your significant other using them as fuel to spark change.
  • @Johodefo
    Extraordinarily good real talk. You what gets you women? Being able to walk up to them and have a conversation like a normal human being. Not scripted, not gimmicky, not like you need it to get anywhere, but curious and courages. Because THAT is a huge sign for strong health. For you to be able to do that, you have to have your shit together.
  • @truth-om7iz
    Obviously looking fit is never going to hurt, but you need more than muscle to pull a girl.
  • @FitLabb
    Most women appreciate when a guy is physically fit and takes care of himself, but not to an extreme level like a bodybuilder. In my experience, intelligence, a good personality, confidence (not arrogance), a good work ethic, and general physical fitness and good health are some of the most attractive characteristics that women look for in a guy.....but if you're after attention from lots of dudes in and out of the gym, then by all means get massive like a bodybuilder. 💪
  • @Philipp_-cp2xw
    9 years into the gym, and yes women like physically fit men, not just because it looks good but because it shows them what kind of a men you are. It's more about the grind/huscle/dedication that women love, same applies if you started at the bottom in school and you end up as a wealthy business man, it's something alot of man don't want or if they do not achieve.And what I also want to mention is that other men will notice too, some will be jealous and hate you with no reason and others will see you as a role model, respect you more than they used to and sometimes I believe being physically fit also helps in job interviews haha. Because my recent boss was amazed by my physique when I was having a job interview with him, told me that he used to train alot of kickboxing in his youth and we both instantly had a great connection. Obviously that effect hits hard when you boss is a fitness freak too, but if not they will still appreciate your dedication to fitness, thats something they want you to have for their job I guess.
  • @TheBioneer
    Thank you for speaking some sense on this!! As a married guy with kids, most of my friends are married guys and gals with kids. None of these guys are adonises. They’re just normal guys married to normal women who get on with each other. They’re nice blokes and theyre fun to be around. That’s it. The internets obsession with guys trying to game the system is surely just the result of under or over sexed teenagers with a platform, right? Obsessing over this stuff is just creepy. Train because it’s fun. And when it comes to dating… just be more normal! 😂
  • @ratmajat22
    Let me just say this, my success with women absolutely skyrocketed after taking lifting seriously for a few years. At this point, I have a great physique, better than the average lifter (but I don’t look like I’m juicing, most women don’t like TOO much muscle. There is a great natty achievable balance). I promise, girls notice. Just the other day, I ran into a girl who never would have given me the time of day 5 years ago. There was an instant, mutual attraction. Guess what.. we’re grabbing a drink together in a few days. If you’re an average guy, building a natural, muscular frame will absolutely bump you up a few points on the scale and increase your success with women.
  • @bachscar
    I liked the end of your video today when you said, "Lift for you!". I've been chunky/overweight most of my life. I'm 64 now, so I have a granddad rather than a dad bod! I started working out and trying to eat a better diet four years ago. I'm still overweight for my height, but the muscle I've packed on me is more than I've ever had, so I'm far from disappointed with my results. Trying to stick with it so I can develop better definition in the coming years. I have learned that there aren't very many of my contemporaries who work out or exercise at all, and about the only person who cares about how I look, is me! I think a person's wit and winning personality go a long way in attracting women (or men) to one's dating pool. Thanks for your perspective on this. 👍🏻💪🏻
  • @jmodified
    I used to be anatomy-textbook ripped, and while most women may not like that, a lot of the ones who do, really really do. The same thing goes for very long hair, which I have had off and on over a lifetime. If you look "normal" and somewhat attractive, you may have a better chance on average with a randomly-chosen women, but you're unlikely to find that extreme attraction/curiosity, and it's a different experience.
  • @bumly7149
    Formerly redpilled 25-year-old here. Have trained on/off for about a year and a half now. Was motivated to start lifting after a messy breakup and a lifetime of rejections. I initially started lifting as heavy as I could. My muscles were sore, I made little progress and I hated myself the whole way through. I've taken up two things that have made me rethink my fitness journey- calisthenics and martial arts. I won't build up as much muscle as pure weightlifting, but I've begun to view calisthenics and my karate + BJJ classes as hobbies. It made my fitness journey way more motivating and enjoyable. So what if I never achieve the "Chris Hemsworth physique"- I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would appreciate a guy that's lean, strong, flexible and looking like he could kick the air out of a thug twice his size. The past 2 months since my change in training style has been more transformational for me than the weightlifting ever was.
  • Woman here! I’m 34 and recently started dating again. It’s a huge turn on when men work out their shoulders and arms. Also, I notice when men have nice butts it turns me on. My dating pool had gotten older, some men really loose it they get the belly and the flat butt. It’s a turn off. So please keep lifting!! Most of us really appreciate shoulders arms and butt. I notice those things and it’s such a turn on when a man takes care of himself.