Your immunity can be tweaked and improved. Here is how to do it. A must watch video! - Redmedbd

Published 2020-04-19
Amidst of the worldwide corona virus pandemic many Youtube videos and articles have been published everyday about the probable remedies and cure. Many of those information lack proper scientific backup. It is very important to know the authentic suggestions and information to survive the crisis. In this video I have analysed the contemporary ideas and famous immune booster tips with regards to the scientific studies, journals and articles. As we know a strong immune system can halt the progression of many communicable and non communicable diseases.

The intention of this video is not to explain the immunity or immune system but giving you a brief idea about how to improve it with scientifically backed up evidence.

1. Effect of dietary protein and amino acids on immune function.

2. Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry

3. sleep and innate immunity…

4. Why Sleep Is Important for Health: A Psychoneuroimmunology Perspective…

5. Vitamin C and immunity: an assessment of the evidence.

6. Essential Role of Vitamin C and Zinc in Child Immunity and Health…

7. Debunking the Myth of Exercise-Induced Immune Suppression: Redefining the Impact of Exercise on Immunological Health Across the Lifespan

#immunity_boost #naturally

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