Modern Music's Death By Auto-Tune

Publicado 2021-06-15
In this episode I discuss the over use and impact of Auto-Tune which has become ubiquitous in all genres of modern music.








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Peter Pillitteri
Jeremy Hickerson
Travis Ahrenholtz

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Flippokid
    I'm not against autotune, I'm against people getting famous because autotune will compensate for their lack or absense of talent.
  • @angelines29
    Its like plastic surgery. Always striving for what we think is perfect, not realizing that the imperfections are what makes us/music/basically anything interesting and unique and real.
  • Auto-tune is one of the products of a fast-paced society. Everything is rushed. Music is passion. Creating music requires patience.
  • @MartyKeil
    My favorite use of Autotune is as a sort of vocal assistant. I recorded a vocalist who had trouble with pitches. I took the first take, and autotuned the heck out of it. Then recorded a vocal take using the tuned track as sort of a guide for the vocalist. Afterwards, muted the tuned track, and the second track without autotune is perfectly acceptable. I find that even I can sing better with my own voice as a pitch reference.
  • "The better the singer's voice, the harder it is to believe what they are saying. So I use my faults to an advantage" -David Byrne
  • @sara505sings
    How did I manage to stumble upon this genius? Rick, how do you even sleep at night with all of that knowledge in your brain? The names, the words, the vocabulary, the theory, the notes, the chords, the genres. Amazing.
  • @areallemone7380
    This isn't only informative, it's also entertaining. Great storyteller, and teacher. Keep it up, Rick! Cheers
  • @RevStickleback
    "The only people who got record deals were people who could perform live" - that's a statement that goes so far beyond just singing.
  • "Your imperfections in your playing or your singing is what gives it character." Truer words have never been spoken. As a vocal coach, I'm always amazed at how many of my students come in expecting for AT to solve all their problems. I have to remind them that by the time they get to the studio, it's too late to become a good singer. That AT should be a LAST resort, not the first move you make. Not only because you'll have to hold your voice together live, but as you mentioned, pitch correcting takes away what makes you sound like you. Great video my friend! Keep it up!!!
  • @WickedScott
    I was amazed recently to discover that many young people can't hear it. I was complaining that everyone sounded like robots and they have no idea what I meant.
  • @john-zwaan
    Freddie Mercury was capable of double tracking his vocals so perfectly that it started to fase/chorus. Brian talks about that during an interview.
  • @RhettShull
    Anytime I’m in a restaurant or a store where they play some generic “pop” playlist, all I can hear is the pitch corrected vocals. There’s lots of modern music made with little or no autotune, but it seems you can’t have a top 40 hit these days without over use of autotune.
  • @aquadime3336
    Everything we call ‘character’ is the deviation from perfection. So perfection to me is characterlessness. - Brian Eno
  • @kuikukui5077
    I'm against autotune. You can just say it, nobody will grab all your money because of it
  • @Dana-wq5tp
    I was the lead vocalist of a band back in the 80's and all I had at my disposal was simple reverb. If you sucked as a singer, reverb was not going to save you. You either had the ability or you didn't. I miss those days.
  • @marshsundeen
    When Believe came out, it was considered a cool effect that gave the song a dance music vibe. Everyone knew Cher could sing. Now while some use auto-tune for effect, others use it as a crutch for poor vocal skills.
  • @bopeep8205
    "So what did people used to do before auto-tune? Well, they would sing it until they got it right." Such a simple, grand observation.
  • @bobbrown5951
    Rick, so happy I came across this video to hear about this topic from a true professional. I absolutely hate auto-tune and I think there are way too many no talent singers out there making millions when I've seen better vocalists in bars pulling in a couple of hundred dollars a night. A couple of years ago I tuned into one of the award shows where one of the opening acts came out, sat down on a step and started to sing. It was auto-tuned to death. And I believe he was up for an award. It was embarrassing and I changed the channel. Years ago Leonard Cohen won a Juno award (sort of a Canadian Grammy) and he joked that only in Canada could a guy with his voice win an award for singing. He knew he wasn't perfect but that's what made him so interesting. Love your channel.
  • @CindyBarg
    Omg... the first thing that happened when I clicked play was a horrid commercial came blasting out volume 11 straight away a perfect example of the auto tune that has, indeed, killed the soul out of modern music. Great episode Rick, as a session vocalist I have never needed auto-tune and am not interested to use it in my own productions.