Why is Centrism So Unpopular in France?

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Macron recently warned that a far-right or a far-left victory could spark a 'civil war'. While that obviously isn't the case, it's clear that Macron's centrist agenda seems to have failed.

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1 - www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-civil-war-…
2 - www.ifop.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/ROL24_2024…
3 - www.politico.eu/article/france-president-emmanuel-…
4 - www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-27/macron-…
5 - www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/le-pen-clai…
6 - www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66069080
7 - www.ft.com/content/ca931ab6-a62e-46c6-9607-0208220…
8 - www.ouest-france.fr/politique/emmanuel-macron/cett…
9 - www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-26/french-…

00:00 - Introduction
00:54 - Context
02:17 - How Macron's Centrist Agenda Failed
06:13 - What Next?
07:06 - Sponsored Conte

コメント (21)
  • Half the people think he goes too far? The other half think he doesn’t go too far enough?
  • Have you considered he might be unpopular because he's a politician in France?
  • @F_REY_A
    Please give her more airtime, I love her professional, composed and well made reports - and bonus point, she's the only colleague who can pronounce foreign words properly! Bien joué ;)
  • I'm French, living in France, and I approve everything said in this video. Very clear, very informative, non-partisan, well-informed : Two thumbs up 👍👍, and Merci.
  • Article 49.3, in a democracy that goes through the trouble of having two rounds to assure proportional representation, is just 🤯
  • There has been nothing centrist about Macron's policy...
  • Centrism can be effective when you build a social concensus, are effective and have your own principles. It's not about being a vacuum of values, it's about being a moderate in the means or at least dialogue while having very clear how you want your country to look. Macron didn't have commitment to a national vision for France, he was the response to the national visions of those perceived as more radical than himself. Hence, he couldn't ever have had that much momentum, especially if his competent centrism didn't actually deliver on the competence part.
  • I'm not French so maybe there's something I don't know, but generally from what I've seen Macron's decline is due to actions under his administration, not the decline of centrism as an ideology, I predict Macron's party will have a period of losses but if a new popular face that sticks to centrism is introduced they might come back in the distant future.
  • I can image a form of centrism which pragmatically combines the most popular and successful ideas from the left and right. Currently, most mainstream centrist parties seem to combine the worst of both, to the benefit of the small elite who fund them. Like privatizing gains and socializing losses.
  • Brilliant ad for new jobs with Sunak though...subtle🤣But yeah, Rishi is going down very soon...
  • The problem with modern politics is that everyone is fixated on the left vs the right while ignoring the other part of the political spectrum, authoritarianism vs liberalism. Yes Macron is a centrist. But he's also extremely authoritarian. Which is what people actually hate about him, not his centrist policies.
  • Macron...arrogant? Shocking. Where is the taxing of the rich?
  • The problem isn't raising the pension age but setting a higher one for all job sectors. Bureaucrats and office workers can work longer but hard physical labour cannot.
  • He’s always represented the status quo. Why would anyone wanting change vote for him?
  • @autumnson
    Macron is only a centrist by name. His policies, both economical and social have all been closer to the right than anything else. I struggle to recall anything he's done that could be considered left leaning to counteract this. Moreover it's his repeated use of 49.3 and general disregard for the people's will in favor of helping big business, as well as tough répression on any form of contestation that led him to become so unpopular.
  • The reality is that people enjoy to complain and blame whoever politician is in power, especially if they really try to do stuff, as Macron actually did. Otherwise you can do like Giorgia Meloni that in 2 years literally did nothing. It’s easy to stay in opposition and gain votes, you just need to say that everything is bad, without being held accountable for your proposals. Macron actually managed to stay in charge for full 7 years and he can still oversee the situation for 3 years as President in case the RN wins. I wouldn’t call that a failure. After 7 years people will be tired anyway and look for the next person who promises what they want to hear. I think history will judge him much more positively than his current polls
  • Ok, as a French, I have to speak politics of my country, 1- When Macron went to power, he promised to raise the age of retirement from 60 to 65, in 2023 the age of retirement would be 61, 62 for 2024, all this whilst not affecting people who would retire in said yeas and etc... but he quickly said 'F*ck all' and raised it to 65 as well as halted the possibility to retire to those who wanted to retire. 2- The shooting of the Algerian teen was after he drove over the speed limit, refused to stop after police biker's attempted to stop him, the teen almost killed several people on the way, and the only way to stop the chase was to shoot him when he got stuck in traffic, the cops tried to make him give up, when he saw a chance, he tried getting away, AGAIN, which was when he got shoot, the cops even warned him that if he drove away they'd shoot him, guess what he did? he drove away, the cops merely followed up with their promise and light him up. There is footage of the shooting online, look it up in French and you'll see what I mean.