Comparsion between neolatin languages and friulian

Published 2015-08-05
--Sorry for wrong pronunciations!--
Comparsion between neolatin languages and friulian, for questions write on comments

All Comments (10)
  • good day in Romanian is --- o zi buna . asva salut in romanian is -- buna ziua.
  • @cosmina.m.7570
    The romanian one is wrong. Bună ziua is the correct form. Bună dimineața means good morning
  • @Nemevv
    Thanks for this piece of information. Just to make the comparison better, we have a word "cité" in French that we use for "city". But "ville" is more often used and "cité" is only used when you want to emphasise the importance of the city. :)
  • in Venetian: - Bon di [boŋ di] (good morning) - Çità [siˈta] (city) - Ciave [ˈt͡ʃave] (key) - Formajo [foɾˈmajo] (cheese) - Formiga [foɾˈmiga] (ant) - Cesa [ˈt͡ʃeza] (church) - Montagna [moŋˈtaɲa] (mountain) - Ospedal [ospeˈdal] (hospital) - Pan [paŋ] (bread) - Piova [ˈpjova] (rain) - Sol [sol] (sun) Comunque ho notato parecchi errori di pronuncia, te ne elenco solo alcuni: In spagnolo la <ll> va pronunciata circa /ʎ/ come la <gli> dell'italiano per intenderci In portoghese la <nh> va pronunciata /ɲ/ come la <gn> dell'italiano Poi occhio alle vocali del rumeno e del portoghese. Per fare le comparazioni ti consiglio questo sito, partendo dalla parola latina potresti trovare gli esiti che le varie lingue romanze hanno dato L'alfabeto IPA è invece utile per capire la pronuncia delle varie parole
  • I like the video, Note: English is a germanic language with lots of latinate/romance loans.
  • Romanian “branza” for cheese is dacian word. The dacians war a Tracian tribe before the romans
  • Sardinian language is missing. - Bona die (good morning) - Tzittàde (city) - Crae / Jae (key) - Casu (cheese) - Formìja / Frommìja / Frommiga (ant) - Cresia / Creja / Cheja (church) - Monte (mountain) - Ispidale (hospital) - Pane (bread) - Abba proàna / pioàna (rain water) - Sole (sun)