Your crappy Low End Potato PC CAN run Elden Ring!!!

Published 2022-03-02
Here I show you how my old 4ss ancient low end potato pc run the one and only Elden Ring. Still kinda crazy to think that we’re finally here, after all the memes about Elden Ring wasn’t real lol.
But, all that aside. It is real and it’s amazing.

My pc spec:
Intel core i5 3470
8Gigs of 1666mhz DDR3 memory
Galax GTX 1050 2Gb
512Gb SSD

I’m only showing you this boss fight at the very beginning of the game to avoid spoiling anything. But for the record, you can expect the game to run in the later areas at around the framerate shown in this video.

I used the minimum spec requirement from FromSoftware as a point of comparison, so my reaction is at least justified if you think about my pc spec.
And yeah, im playing at 900p at low setting with high anti aliasing. Lowering the AA makes a lot of the objects in the distance flickers, and its very uncomfortable to play like that.
You do get several more frames if you lower the resolution to 720p but its kinda not worth the visual downgrade. (the patch update fixed this issue from what I can tell). I can increase the resolution to 1080p ofc but the framerate hardly ever go past 40 if I did so, so I prefer to keep it at 900p.

kinda of out of context but huge thanks to PewDiePie for introducing me to Dark Souls, it really did change my life. Idk who I’d be rn if I never discovered his Dark Souls playthrough back in the day. I surely wouldn’t dare myself to get a pc, I wouldn’t be as good at english since I learned a lot from his commentary (I mean im still bad at it, but still) I would never met my good friends on Discord rn. Idk its kinda crazy to think how much it affect my overall life really.

Also huge shoutout to LowSpecGamer for his Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition DSfix guide. ‘twas truly a blessing. Much love for you my man.

All Comments (21)
  • @Keiitoz
    Now that I've been playing a lot and almost finished. I can assure you that almost 80-90% of the areas run much much smoother. It's fairly easy to get somewhat around 45 to 60fps with the setting shown in the video. Theres a few exception ofc, but those are only like 2 areas where the framerate were dropped to 25-26fps~ish. Other than that, it's very.. i mean very.. playable. Have fun ^-^
  • @GreatRusio
    Man this is so wholesome, such pure love for games is something majority genuinely lack. Hope you remember these days with fondness as your set ups increase in quality!
  • @jle7326
    "Antialiasing doesn't affect performance that much" My 1050ti went from 17 fps (AA on) to 40-60 with it off.
  • @Mooncubus
    Thanks for this. Been debating on if I should even bother getting it on PC so I can play with my gf. You've convinced me. I feel you on playing Dark Souls at like 15 fps. For a few years I used to play Skyrim at 15 fps on my crappy laptop (which I also technically bought for school) and still had blast despite killing my eyes lol
  • love the vid, the narrative, the story, the backround gameplay. An overall really nice vid amd i can short of relate to what ur saying as i've been saving up money for a pc for bout 3 or more years now and i just CANT wait to play this amazing game. keep it up man👍👍
  • @dawsonpate7385
    I am so glad FromSoft didn't decide to up the graphics and make it next gen. It makes it so much more accessable for people with lower end devices or setups from a few years back. I would have been so sad if i wouldn't have been able to play this on my old laptop. Best 50 bucks I've spent in a long time.
  • @lennoxudin9732
    u seem like a very nice person bro keep it up and thanks for the vid
  • @february7438
    This is simultaneously the least helpful and most inspirational video I have ever seen
  • @GretgorPooper
    My dude, that tree sentinel fight was excellent! You deserve a better PC
  • @FyreTeGo
    this video reminded me of the days where I had a crappy pc build (750ti + AMD Fx8320E) in 2016, but I still remember my first day with my pc so vividly. I remember it was during summer break, I slept while letting warframe download and when I woke up I played it so much. The PC reeked of cigs because the guy who built it smoked. But it was so special, even magical. I immediately ditched my ps3 and went to PC. I now have a decent build for 2022 (2070 Super + R7 2700x) but it doesn't have that "magic spark" to it anymore. I still enjoy games and I'm grateful for where I am now. This video humbled me quite a bit, thank you for this. Your story just made me reminisce about my experience and how I started with PC gaming. I even remember playing Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition a few months after getting my PC, but I immediately turned it off because it played like shit and I didn't know a single thing about modding xD Good times Good times...
  • Compare to Blighttown back in Prepare to Die, this game performance on pc is really Good. And the Mouse and Keyboard control in Elden Ring is actually decent too. Nice video!
  • @Walamonga1313
    I've similar specs, but on laptop. And I can say it's playable at 30fps, it even goes to 40s at times BUT there's also some huge framedrops at times. I've seen single digits lol. I already 100% the game on PS4 as it plays a lot better than my laptop, but I've started it on PC just to play mutliplayer with friends (which also kills performance). I'm also surprised it can actually run, surely not the best experience but oh well
  • @Celica_42
    No one can stop me, I'm playing Elden Ring with the DLC on a Ryzen 3250u in-graphics and 12 gb ram.
  • @ramonloso2208
    My system has all the recommended specifications except I have an Nvidia GeForce 250 MX, would I be able to run it ok?
  • @7bracket7
    I have a 1050 2gb also, I was planning on getting a 3070 before they came out, I even saved up a little more then it’s msrp. But, of course, the prices are up like 3 billion%. Yay 🤗. 1050 definitely isn’t the worst thing though. I can even run some games on decently high settings. Destiny 2 at 2k medium settings, pretty stable 50-60 fps (idk how I can do that lol they just have optimized that game so well)
  • @ggmusic42
    Ty so much I would have been so stuck without advice
  • @ogpogtane7244
    I used to play just cause 3 in 2016 at 7-10 fps on my core 2duo, gt 610 , for over a year, i loved the scenery so much even in 800*600 it was pretty good back then, even that gave me good vibes, but now i cant even play anything which ran lower than 20 fps
  • @osatoharuna
    this gave me hope. you have a good personality keep it going