When beliefs become identities, truth-seeking becomes hard

Today, we cover a section of Julia Galef's book "The Scout Mindset". She warns against treating your beliefs as part of your identity because they will interfere with truth-seeking: you will seek to protect your beliefs and engage in wars of ideas, adopting what she calls a "soldier mindset" rather than choosing to keep or discard your beliefs based on the facts you encounter (the "scout mindset"). She identifies two ways in which beliefs become identities: feeling embattled and feeling proud. Finally, she suggests "holding your identity lightly" and adopting a truth-seeker identity.

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Sources and further material:

The Scout Mindset, by Julia Galef: www.amazon.com/Scout-Mindset-People-Things-Clearly…

Julia Galef's YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/measureofdoubt


Many thanks to our first patron, Francisco Lill

コメント (21)
  • @Scrogan
    The realisation that insulting people won’t convince them is an important one.
  • Ah yes, the three biggest political parties in America: Democrat, Republican and Vegan.
  • So much about what's wrong with modern political discourse, especially online, is put into words here. Great job.
  • "If reality contradicts what I believe, reality is wrong" This I think is a huge problem for a great many people.
  • I needed to hear this today. Been trapped in this cycle lately. Thank you.
  • It's not often you find a channel that perfectly represents how I feel about things. If other people feel this way maybe we could declare ourselves as better than everyone else because we agree on the same beliefs!
  • The problem is that people can claim the "scout identity" as a way to dismiss others by saying "I'm the TRUE truth seeker, unlike you", and never listen to anything outside their own head.
  • Yes. But the trouble is when people GIVE you an identity and treat you in a negative way due to that identity. Another issue is social structures that favors certain groups of people over others, in which case you have reason to identify with that group identity. How do we deal with those problems?
  • As somebody who identifies with the belief that being a person who identifies with their beliefs is good, I find this video offensive and absurd! No I’m kidding, this is really fantastic! Thanks for the valuable and entertaining content 😃
  • Awesome video. I can't believe I found you guys while you're still this small. This channel is destined for great things and I will be watching eagerly!
  • @ioratv
    Scout mindset? Soldier mindset? I have the demoman mindset KABLOIEE
  • Thank you, bump for the algorithm How honored I am to be an og subscriber to this channel
  • Very happy to see this, thanks for making it. My worry is around the word "consensus," for as we know the consensus of scientists tends to change over time, and "facts" we knew and trusted tend to recede into the dustbin of forgotten fads. But it takes time. It's hard to see in real time. Therefore, as Feynman did, don't worry what other people think. Look at the evidence, learn new things, and keep reshaping your model of the world as you go. Nothing to do with consensus, which is for politicians.
  • If this channel doesnt explode in popularity at some point im going to lose a lot of faith in youtube. Quality and watchability this high should be Algorithmically rewared.
  • So I'm kind of confused - if you let your identity become that of "the scout mindset" so much that it's a belief, and therefore feel superior because you're thinking "I'm not a soldier, I'm a scout" all the time, isn't it a bit paradoxical?
  • If there exist the Scout mindset and the Soldier Mindset... Mixing them gives you... The Sigma Grindset? Edit: Now that I think about it, those mindsets implies the existence of the Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy mindset
  • I really like the fact that you brought pro-vax/anti-vax as an example. It's both relevant and in case of being either pro or anti vax, it's purely based on belief of that person. What I find problematic with that approach is when the conflict IS about identity. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for people to demean others in the name of truth-seeking, while discussing sexuality, race, nationality. From what I observed what happened in Poland in recent years is exactly what you explained in this video. Before our government started to spread anti-LGBT propaganda, which resulted in a violent attack on a pride parade in Białystok, unsuccessful bomb attack on another and announcing municipalities as LGBT free zones; it only strengthened identity aspect of the group, but on the other hand I feel that it also 'westernized' the movement, in terms of being it more like SJW movement, which previously we observed mostly remotely. So what I find challenging in this situation is how to act accordingly, when the problems are very tangible and real, affects real people and the problems are about identities. It's challenging to be open and understanding, while at the same time be assertive and supportive.
  • @zero-h8n
    This video should be mandatory viewing for all social media users.