In the Mind of Kilgrave (Jessica Jones): When "Simon Says" Goes Horribly Wrong

Published 2022-09-24
In this entry we’ll be taking a closer look at the mind of Kilgrave from Jessica Jones, as played by David Tennant.

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#jessicajones #davidtennant #mcu

All Comments (21)
  • @marcscott6395
    "Kilgrave, evil prick." He was a fantastic villain and no one could play him better than David Tennant.
  • Kilgrave reminds me very much of an Uncle of mine. the way he treated his wife was downright criminal.
  • Yes yes and yes this guy is one of the greatest villains in mcu history !
  • Kilgrave is essentially Tighten from Megamind if he had mind control powers. Both are possessive of the women they lust after, jealous of anyone who receives love and affection from her, and have a sense of entitlement that leads them to believe that they deserve these women. Furthermore, both are shown to be prideful, refusing to acknowledge the hurt they cause others and blaming their misfortunes on anyone other than themselves.
  • @j.1759
    bro, I've been wanting an analysis on kilgrave's evilness
  • @robangus7575
    There are rumors that Marvel Studios wants to make a new Jessica Jones show on Disney+ similar to Daredevil: Born Again and while I would like to see Jessica as part of the MCU I do wonder who they would make the villain of the show since Kilgrave really is Jessica's only personal enemy so they either have to say that after he died he "got better" which would undermine Jess' victory in this show, say that this show didn't happen so we are repeating season 1 or continue to have him be a flashback like in seasons 2 and 3 while Jess fights someone else. Jessica Jones can work as a character regardless but Kilgrave needs to be there for her to be the protagonist as everything in her life is a direct or indirect result of him
  • Kilgrave is not the only “Doctor” in the family to play a Marvel Villain.
  • @DrDeadsy42
    I can hardly think of another villain I have ever loved to hate so much. Usually, there's two types of bad guys: The ones you admire despite their evilness, and the ones you like to see lose because they are just disgusting. Killgrave combined the disgustingness of character with the fascination due to his portrayal by Tennant. It's a horrible mixture of wanting to see more of him and see him getting defeated at the same time.
  • @TimesFM4532
    Amazing villain wish we could see more or him interacting with other MCU folks like Wilson Fisk, Deardevil or be used by the goverment
  • @linshanhsiang
    What Kilgrave did was just an extreme form of the domination many string willed individuals perform every day.
  • @TaliaIGhul
    Kilgrave thought too small as far as being a villain goes. He could have literally commanded The Avengers, HYDRA, SHIELD, and The Hand all at once. Instead he was obsessed with one woman, Jessica Jones. That said, he's probably one of the scariest villains in the MCU. He could literally force you to walk on glass barefoot one hundred times and you can do nothing to stop yourself until you complete his assignment or you're dead.
  • @zemox2534
    David was brilliant as Kilgrave. He captured the creepy nature of the character very well.
  • Can you do Commodus from Gladiator, Saurman and Sauron from the Lord of the Rings, William “Bill the Butcher” Cutting from Gangs of New York, John Kramer (aka Jigsaw) from the Saw Franchise, Scarecrow/Dr. Jonathan Crane from The Dark Knghit Trilogy, Captain Vidal from Pan's Labyrinth, Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Man, Heath Ledger's Joker, and Hans Landa From Inglorius Bastards?
  • Would love to see a video on matias solomon from the blacklist, and blacklist redemption. Quite the interesting character.
  • @ruthalber4658
    No that 18 seconds but she was thinking about committing suicide kilgrave couldn't figure that out which means he's probably not that intelligent
  • @ruthalber4658
    His parents should have raised him despite the fact that he had abilities but that doesn't justify kilgrade using his mind powers to manipulate people That's just as bad as his parents
  • David is my favorite actor so I was secretly rooting for Kilgrave until Hope died
  • @ruthalber4658
    Well the character chill grave is pretty creepy and not someone I would really want to be around but David Tim does a really good job of playing kilgrade now he also plays good guys too but for some reason he plays a good character no matter if it's bad guys good guys funny guys whatever it is