I'm still struggling working full time

Published 2020-09-28

All Comments (21)
  • @oceangrunge7139
    Hearing the line "I don't have a dream job, I don't dream of labour" changed my life and outlook.
  • @madierin5967
    YES, I hate sooo much when I get upset and feel down about working all the time and allI hear is 'that's life' etc... I don't wanna be in a life like that if that's life
  • @Amber.Dreams
    Girl, me too. Working full time does not feel natural, it's not organic... Feels like I'm throwing my life away
  • @jayykicks6912
    This is actually comforting to know that im not the only one to feel this way about trading valuable time for something worth less. Thanks for the vid
  • @psychomaji
    what blows my mind is the average person WORKS for 5 days a week but only gets 2 days to themselves. 5 days we have to do shit for other people so we get 2 days to do stuff for ourselves. mental
  • Its actually terrifying seeing everyone around you doing really well while you dont know what you want to do
  • @markb1585
    "My dream job is to just not work". That's basically how I feel too. Somehow after doing a master's in psychology, I've been working office jobs for 15 years. It felt wrong from the start. In the early days I was constantly depressed and fighting the urge to resign. Some of the jobs I did eventually resign from and I tried to explore the whole "career paths" thing for some other way to earn money that I'd actually enjoy. Just like most people I didn't find the answer and I'm still in the world of office work, seemingly with no end in sight. The worst thing about modern day work culture isn't just that most of us have to work pointless jobs that we hate, it's that we have to spend most of our time doing it and do it for 40+ years. It's insane. Some people seem to just mindlessly do it and think it's great. But for me it's always seemed a tragedy that so many of us are wasting our brief existence working pointless jobs in order to pay off debts created on a bank's computer screen. It's a trap and everything seems geared towards keeping people working and making sure they spend almost their entire life doing it.
  • @Rihanna865
    Same!! 😫 Always feeling stressed & depressed when I leave for work every morning. Also always “living” for the weekend or a day off... & when I have a day off I’m usually stressed about having to go to work again the next day🙄
  • @SaskiaWrycroft
    A small part of me dies when I go to work each day, desperate to go home and make jewellery.
  • @ashleymarie7052
    This video brought me to tears when you made certain points. I’m so unhappy with this society that we live in. I feel like people even look down on me when I say I wanna work part time.
  • @EsterJalo
    Part time is the best way to go. I felt the EXACT day way working full time. No energy, always feeling tired. The best way out is working part time and then started a side hustle. I couldn't imagine working 5 days a week.
  • @melissarose2311
    Thank you for this video. I am currently SO depressed thinking about the fact I’m 23 and I hate working already. This can’t be all there is to life 😭
  • @iamzealot4262
    We need to organize a general strike. I also feel like "finding something that we love" is a myth because there are things that I love to do that I would not want to do for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. Time is our most important asset. In 1933 America was EXTREMELY close to lowering the work week to 30 hours a week. The Black-Connery Bill got through the Senate, the President approved it and then lobbyist stepped in and beat out progress. Economist predicted that by now we'd be working 15 hours a week. It is more than possible. We need to stop billionaires and demand a 20 hour work week AT LEAST through a general workers strike. Without people these companies are nothing. Let's leverage that.
  • @SugarW1thC0ffee
    I used to work full time for years, I had so much stress realizing I had no time to do anything cause I was too tired from work and just wanted to relax, I eventually had the strength to leave, but I left without finding another job. I thought leaving would make me happy, but It gave me even more stressed cause my mind was like, “you need a job, you need money” and so I couldn’t do what I wanted to do cause I was so bothered by the reality of society. It’s so sad seeing people work all their lives just for money, like retail, or corporate jobs. Some people might like doing that, but it’s not for me and I don’t want to waste my life making someone else get richer. Society is really screwing us.
  • @bay7521
    I feel your frustration 100%, the 9-5 Monday to Friday grind is mental torture.
  • Almost all the things you’ve said here resonates with me, especially when you said why is it normal for people to hate working but still do it anyway. That part I couldn’t agree with any more. I hate the fact that we have to work long, hard hours JUST FOR THE BARE MINIMUM WHICH IS A ROOF AND SOME FOOD. But What I hate more is that everyone around me, both family and friends, are just ok with life like these. We were born into slavery basically and so little people see that.
  • @krithikkumar959
    "My dream job is not to work at all" This quote nicely summed up the whole video 😂👌.
  • @PCP1992
    "Not doing what we love full time". I'd hate to have to do ANYTHING full time, even if I love it. Think of one thing you love doing and then imagine you're forced to do it 9-5 Mon-Fri. I'm pretty sure I'd hate it by day 2. Love you honesty and opening up. So many people feel this way.
  • @MoniqueD305
    Whew girl. You get it. You’ve said some of the exact same words I’ve told friends and family when I talk about this. Most people don’t get it.
  • @kanilana1007
    I can relate to this so much. Sitting on my ass 9-5 in an office and then sitting on my ass on the commute home used to make me feel like I was going to have a heart attack from all the sitting. I transitioned to working from home last year and I feel like I've gotten my life back. I honestly don't mind working anymore. Those Sunday night blues are almost all gone. I'm still as productive as I ever was (and maybe even more so because I'm not so distracted by how much I hate being stuck at the office). I feel like besides not working at all this is probably the next best thing. Hopefully with time more jobs will be done from home.