I Keep Quitting Jobs: What Am I Really After

Published 2020-08-27
I keep quitting jobs: What Am I Really After// Are you finding yourself going from job to job? In this video, I talk about quitting a job you just started, signs to quit your job, and should you quit your job. Quitting a job can create so much anxiety and uncertainty but if you follow these steps I outline you will be moving towards the right career for you faster.

#importance of character building #Importance of Character Building — Why It Leads To Gratification #Michael A Benton

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FREE DOWNLOAD. The road to self-development can seem very confusing and may leave you wondering where to start. This is why I created a roadmap for you! 4 phases to creating the life you want.
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   • I Keep Quitting Jobs: What Am I Reall...  

All Comments (21)
  • Hey family! Would you guys like an updated video on this topic? If so comment to this post with your answer🙏🏾
  • Times have changed and we are a different generation of people. We don’t stay at jobs 10,20,30+ years anymore like the older folks do. Our mindset towards the average 9to5 work life has shifted a lot since these past few years. We want to start businesses, we want to explore different ways to earn money, we want freedom, we want time with our families. We are awake now and we know that this work life is misery
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one in the world who have this problem. I get hired then id give up on the way... and then I get depressed for being unemployed and seek for jobs again. Once I get hired... when i started to hate it... I give up again. I dont even know what i wanted.
  • @crazyhat15
    I’ve quit around 4 jobs in the past year ,I just have such a hard time staying at a job that I dislike and I get so depressed that just stop showing up.I just started my current job about a month ago and I hate it already.I’ve already started filling out applications and going to interviews.I hate quitting and disappointing myself but I just can’t force myself to stay somewhere when I know there might be other options
  • @wildwindings
    We are looking for conection and a life that allows us to live authenticly. To follow our longings and intuition. A conection to our authentic self. And we live in a society that is the complete opposition of what it is to be a human being.
  • @AlexM-vt5pu
    I just quit a 76k job after 2 weeks of working there and completely hating it. I went back to my 46k fully remote job. I feel like I'm crazy for doing this, but I couldn't imagine myself working in a grey lonely cubicle for the rest of my life.
  • @frida_m4426
    I don’t see quitting as giving up. We have to look out for ourselves.
  • Man, the longest I have held a job was 2 years. Than I quit. I did uber for the longest time, got back into a w2 because money from the apps is no longer good.... half a month in and I wanna quit already lol. Been like this forever. Im 30 years old now, I cant work for anybody man. I dont take orders, I hate people, I love money but tbh, if anything this pandemic taught me and during this post pandemic world is time is more valuable. Which is why im an advocate of seasonal work. 6 months working than 6 months off. Work sucks. America sucks. I want out of this shit.
  • @AngelaBivona
    Mine isn’t so much of quitting, just companies expect unicorns anymore. Have little to no training, then expect you to know your job within a month. Completely amazes me of unrealistic expectations.
  • @johnconnor210
    I've quit 2 jobs this past month. I can't seem to find a good fit. I'm getting worried. I feel like I have no direction.
  • Putting yourself in a calm state and maintaining it is right, because if you are calm, you’ll be able to have a higher tolerance for miscellaneous stupid/hard stuff.
  • @quaycee7404
    The purpose is to build skills and use the job as a stepping stone. Having multiple skills is the end goal. Dont quit from fast food to go work another fast food. Etc Use great wording in your resumes or hire someone to create one for you . Thats how you move up. In these current times there is no job security like there was 30 , 40 years ago. Wages arent increasing but bills are . Dont ever feel bad for leaving a job if you have something greater in mind, but NEVER leave a job without having some form of income set up. Struggling to pay your bills is a pain .
  • I quit so many jobs man-I just can't phantom the fact going to work with people that I don't want to work with Every job I had, it was the same people with same drama, problems etc I came to realization that I would never work a 9-5 job ever again.
  • @hellawave7005
    I just left a job I barely got , 😔 couldn’t make it through ....... hate when I give up on myself...
  • @Native722
    I feel guilty for quitting jobs due to letting parents down.
  • @cornbreadpapi
    I really needed this. For years I've been quitting jobs and trying to get to the next shiny thing, but now I'm broke miserable and aimless at the age of 30. I know what I need to do now and it's all thanks to this video. Thank you man.