【MMD】地球破壊命令 ゴジラ×ガイガン

Published 2022-12-31

All Comments (21)
  • @djdedf1sh473
    In the first 5 and a half minutes, Gigan showed so much personality. Posed after exploding a city, then sat down like a delinquent. I love it.
  • @SWDude2710
    Not only did this talented artist make Gigan much more intelligent compared to his overly arrogant self in Final Wars, but they even took better advantage of his entire weapons arsenal for more creative action sequences. I'm so glad that this MMD animation, along with the other Anniversary short films from this time, has given one of my personal favourite Kaiju some well needed justice on screen at long last which he rightfully deserved!
  • I really do believe that this Gigan really got the recognition it deserves than any other Gigan throughout the years. Even though this Gigan still loss in the end but still lasted longer than any other Gigans. Hopefully he’ll get the recognition he deserves on the big screen. For now, this is the best we can get.
  • What really tickles me most is the Fight Choreography, this isn't just the usual, Might Makes Right Godzilla, but it's almost like an experienced combat fighter with countless millennia of monsters and years on his shoulders vs a thug who was given all his powers over night. Watching Gigan, quite literally, gloat and act like he was gonna win from the very beginning, was a sight to behold and made his defeat that much more satisfying. Godzilla using actual concentrated punches, showing that he's more than just a 10,000 ton ball of fury, was magnificent from beginning to end.
  • @-momiji-5569
    原作のオマージュとガイガンの強化をいれつつ、武器の最大の弱点を用いて戦闘の流れを組み立てた素晴らしい作品でした 最高の年越しができるな〜
  • @darkbeast6499
    Out of all the Gigan 50th anniversary animations I've seen, this one is the absolute best. The way how both Godzilla and Gigan display they're characterization by their actions really makes this fight and animation absolutely remarkable. Godzilla displaying rage and the desire to kill his enemy but he's smart enough to use a strategy to prevail if needed and Gigan displaying evil, arrogance and the desire to wipe out all life on the planet but he ultimately loses due to his overconfidence. This is by far my favorite work that you made. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.
  • @user-ox3yp9fq8y
  • @mikewmccann
    This is without a doubt the best representation of Gigan since IDW comics version. Displaying all of Gigans strengths, his speed, his intelligence and his variety of deadly weapons and attacks.
  • @SCHeartless
    This is absolutely amazing. This really showed Gigan as a real threat as compared to the movie. Love all the nods to the showa era. This deserves so much attention
  • @indatsukasa
  • @SuperKane68
    NOW THIS is the way Gigan should be. The full array of his weaponry, personality and cunning was awesome! I hope TOHO takes note of this.
  • @stowes.4112
    悪役らしく、かつサイボーグらしいスタイリッシュなガイガンの戦い方が最高です! 肉弾戦や頭脳プレーで対抗するゴジラも昭和シリーズのイメージを上手に引き継いだ感が出ていて素晴らしい!
  • 韮沢氏がデザインしたガイガンをこんなにかっこよく動かしてくれて嬉しい 個人的には圧倒的にこっちのガイガンの方が好きだし、前のガイガン祭ではあんまりPUされなかったからね これが本編だったらガイガン人気はもっととんでもないことになってただろうな
  • 二体とも戦闘IQが高いな…! 頭を使った戦法を駆使していて見ていて飽きない戦いでした!
  • @RileyJ3866
    That final beam struggle and Gigan getting disintegrated like that gave me some serious DBZ vibes, and I loved it. Absolutely amazing work, as always
  • 相変わらず華音様の作品は凄い…… ゴジラもガイガンもゴリゴリ動くし、CGなのに倒れ方や投げ飛ばし方に「特撮らしさ」が感じられてアニゴジやGODZILLAとはまた違う良さが最高ッ! 特撮シリーズのゴジラは度々描写されている通り、弱点を見抜いたり相手の攻撃を逆利用したりと頭良いんですよね…… スペックのゴリ押しな面の強いアニゴジやGODZILLAとは違った「戦い慣れた感」が怪獣"王"らしさに繋がってカッコいいわぁ 最後のガイガンを倒して完ッ! ではなく駆けつける自衛隊がまたいい引きになってる! そうだよ別にゴジラは人間の味方じゃないんだから敵同士が潰しあっただけで人間的には何も解決してないんだよ! 正に「勝った方が我々の敵になるだけです」と言わんばかりに戦いは続く引きが最高にゴジラらしいッ! 新年早々素晴らしい作品をありがとうございました!!
  • I honestly appreciate how much faster-paced this one felt than your other work despite having fewer lasers and explosions than normal. it is made up with lots of charm and character. It really felt like Gigan was a full-on character with so many fun and flashy combo moves. I also appreciate having it be FW godzilla vs FW gigan it makes this feel like the fight the movie didn't give us. Gigan tripping on his own chain felt extremely in character for FW gigan to do.
  • @Symbiotian
    With all due respect to the other contenders this year, this is the best among all the Gigan's 50th celebration shorts, action wise. Kept grinning everytime whenever I spot references or Final Wars-level-of-crazy action sequences happen. Totally lived up to my hype! Thank you for another great video!
  • @TentacTopus
  • @001katasan3