MOAB: The Mother of All Bombs


コメント (21)
  • In case anyone was wondering, MOAB stands for Massive Ordinance Air Blast.
  • I'm pretty sure Mother Of All Bombs is a slang acronym. Fairly certain the actual acronym is Massive Ordinance Air Burst.
  • I did some maths, and in addition to it being four Michael Jordans long, it was just two inches shy of being one Warwick Davis in diameter.
  • The psychological effect of realizing that you're not even safe in a long cave, makes this bad boy a real gem!
  • ISIS: "hey the MOAB isnt cool stop using it" U.S: "...i dont think you understand how this works"
  • Another side note on the Tsar Bomba: The test actually went so well, that it terrified even the Soviet Union at the time, and the nuclear project was scrapped from then on out, sticking to much smaller bombs. Why did it terrify them, you ask? Because the test was a success, and that meant the potential of the Tsar Bomba was near unlimited. They could theoretically have any size they wanted, due to how the Tsar Bomba was designed.
  • It was used because a couple of special forces guys were killed in that mountain side... The bomb was designed as a tunnel crusher. The cost to train and equip special ops, is the basically the same cost of the moab
  • me: im tired youtube: do you wanna learn about the moab me: sure why not
  • Amazing video! stumbled on this channel! love it. very well put together and love how real footage was shown.
  • Though the MOAB kill rate might be smaller than reported and the price-per-kill ratio deemed questionable, the psychological damage of having one dropped in your backyard is priceless!
  • Lol, pronunciations are hard. In 'Murica we pronounce it 'MO-AB'
  • Not as devistating as the Kill And Render Enemies Now bomb. Known as the KAREN. Devistating on all management levels
  • If the weapons that are public knowledge are that terrifying, imagine all the weapons that are still top secret 😅
  • The tsar bomba wasnt a production model, it was one of a kind...our 25MT was.. Anything bigger than 50MT or so just results in the blast radius extending into space and any further added energy just vented there into space.
  • I'd like to know when the civilian version will be available
  • We destroyed an entire cave complex, training camp, ISIS HQ, at least 94 of their men and 4 commanders. By all measures that was an excellent tactical move.