Florida Georgia Line - May We All ft. Tim McGraw

Published 2016-08-29

All Comments (21)
  • @justinsexton3140
    This symbolizes deep friendship. “Did I win?” “Yeah. We all did” by not letting a little girl lose her father. ❤
  • @abilderb
    "Did I win?" "Yeah brother, we all did" That hit home.
  • This song is super special to me. In high school I worked at a dirt track. Some of my best friends raced there in thunder cars. They’d talk shit at school to each other but if someone was dirty racing to one of them or if one was in an accident they were right there to help the other one. The nights we spent after the races in the pits will always be cherished. A couple years after high school, Cody, one of my friends was hit by a drunk driver and paralyzed. He committed suicide shortly after that. He will always be missed. I’m sure he’s up in heaven turning wrenches and messing with his cars. This song bring those memories back to life for me.
  • @LordNevyn84
    Tell me I'm not the only that can see Tim McGraw being a legit mechanic
  • @EGGaming296
    I grew up as a country boy with a strong faith in Jesus, my dad was and is abusive to my family. went through 5 long years of this, I am 15 years old btw. this song makes me cry as I remember all the times my dad helped me but that he was abusive behind the scenes. I miss my dad every day, but I remember that I have a better Father in Heaven
  • @LucianQN420
    It’s crazy it’s been 6 years since this song was made. Brings tears to my eyes of all the memories when FGL was on top of the country genre!
  • @RyderVsDad
    I grew up watching big blocks racing on weekends with my dad. My dad has been gone 10 years this past June, and whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of Friday nights at the track with him. Bittersweet memories 💙
  • @ChisW
    That's what I call brotherhood right there. Blood or not, a real brother will drag your ass from a burnin' Open Wheel Modified!
  • I dont care what no one says. This is on of the best country music videos of all time. It seriously encompasses everything about country music. Family, care for another, reckless but always for saving. And going fast lol.
  • FGL never has had a bad song. They'll be in the hall of fame. With voices like those you make the song.
  • Remember my buddy showing me this music video shortly before he passed. Makes me think this was his way of saying good bye and to remember him and the good times we had. Miss you buddy
  • @Crossbro808
    this song still gives me goosebumps to this day
  • are we not going to talk about the fact that the safety crew did literally nothing
  • I watched this with my mom.....we started crying....my dad died racing he flipped 7 timed and his car caught fire much like this vid rip daddy😩
  • This has always been my favorite music video always gives me goosebumps at the part where he breaks away from the fire fighters, and the car explodes
  • @ekeller88
    RIP Florida Georgia Line! You were on top of the county music world with hit after hit. I still remember cranking the volume every time FGL came on rolling down the backroads. Your group may be gone but your legacy will live on forever just like Alabama hits do today!