Summoning Angels and the Most Powerful Magics Explored #Shamsalmaarif #angelology

Published 2021-11-26
Enochian magic, angelology and Harut and Marut: Across the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, sightings of luminous, sometimes winged beings, have been spotted. Some occultists believe that these are angels and can be summoned by magic using grimoires, but some argue the opposite and believe these books of magic can only summon demons.

#ancienthistory #MysteriousMiddleEast

0:00 Real angel sightings in Syria and Azerbaijan
1:17 Magic, Djinn and the Unseen Realm
2:30 Occult Books Shams Al Maarif and The Wonders of Creation
6:45 The Grimoire of Harut and Marut
9:35 Enochian Magic
11:55 The Unseen Can't See Everything (Quantum Mechanics)

Clark, P. (2013), Paul Foster Case: His Life and Works, Covina, CA: Fraternity of the Hidden Light,

Ali, Abdullah Yousf (2006). The Meaning of the Holy Quran (11th ed.)

Sarah P Young (2019). Mesopotamian Magic: Ancient Tablets Reveal a World of Witches, Sorcerers and Exorcists

Zakariya al-Qazwini (1203) عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات (The Wonders of Creatures and the Marvels of Creation)

Ahmad al-Buni شمس‌المعارف

Peterson, Joseph (2008), John Dee's Five Books of Mystery: Original Sourcebook of Enochian Magic, Red Wheel,

Clark, P. (2013), Paul Foster Case: His Life and Works, Covina, CA: Fraternity of the Hidden LigHT
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Voiceover by Hossam ElRafie
Edited by Abdullah Yahya
Executive Producers Abdullah Yahya


   / @monst3rmusic  

Scott Buckley

Vadim Krakhmal
   / @vadimkrakhmal  

The thumbnail is an edit of a piece of work done by Billelis.

All Comments (21)
  • @saltymedic3713
    I cannot remember what book I was reading, but it was of the opinion that humans were unable to summon any sort of entity. The explanation was that we could not force them to appear, so the only entity one was likely to summon would be evil. Not because a human was able to compell it to appear, but because it chose to appear, seeing an opportunity to corrupt. And you did touch in that. But considering Arthur C. Clark's statement: consider someone from the 1800's seeing a cell phone, a car, or any other modern technology that we currently take for granted. To them, it would appear to be magic. Another great video. Thoroughly enjoyed it
  • Thanks to Hossam for narrating this episode. This is his first time recording a voice over and he is not a professional, just a fan of the channel.
    It must be time grueling for you doing all this research, writing editing but the end result is soo worth it so keep up the amazing work
  • @carmaela2689
    So Archangel Michael came to me during an extremely difficult time in my life. I was near suicidal and he brought me through it. Ever since then he has never failed to answer me. And a year before the pandemic he came back in my dreams and was telling me that a great spiritual battle was coming but to not be afraid. He told me to "build my spiritual armor" and to declare my soul as free and not owned by anyone. In the dreams he was teaching me to fight. Now here we are. I'm not Christian and didn't grow up in a home that talked about angels. I fully believe in angels. I have had too many other instances to list here to tell me that they exist. I named my daughter Michaela.
  • I wonder, if one day science will lead us the same thing we perceive as ancient beliefs and mythologies. For science is about rediscovering the universe through human eyes. Thank you mysterious middle East for going deep into these topics no one shall talk about!
  • @raho4036
    As'sallamu alaikum. Huge fan of this channel. Since we touched on this subject lets go deeper please regarding Muwakil/Khodam insha'Allah. I have done some extensive research on this subject because I am a ex student of such practices that ultimately was going to lead to one final goal that was to summon such a so called "half light half fire" being known as Muwakil or Khodam to help and guide in my spiritual journey and path. Alhumdulillah Allah has saved me from a ticking time bomb for self destruction physically and spiritually. Its enslavement, you are the slave indirectly in exchange for services from these beings (IMHO they are just powerful jinns nothing more). In return you loose your hereafter/akhirah for such faith and dependency on them instead of the one true creator. Many are so deep into this they have gone blind to this truth or just live a fantasy of power trips that is not their own.
  • By far still one of if not my top 3 YouTube channels that enjoy watching everytime they upload a new video.
  • @illicit008
    Your body houses the Djinn (plasma) they help you move, so to summon them you may want to look inward. Pazuzu is your Hair or H-Air interface..Now the job that they have in your body probably varies because we are all different so you'll have to ask one of them to teach you.
  • The story of Harut and Marut is the story of the fallen Watchers. Semyaza and Azazel. You find the same story in Zoroastrian lore. According to the Iranics however, only Semyaza repented and hung himself upside down until doomsday, becoming the constellation Orion, while Azazel refused to repent and became a devil. The variations of the story aside, the common element is that they thought they would be able to resist sin, but immediately after coming to earth, just like God warned them, they immediately succumbed to the evil inclination us humans constantly have to suffer. It is said that that is the reason why no contact between us and the angelic realm is allowed. I find it somewhat comforting that we aren't the most shameful of beings, that even the ones that know better, that are much smarter and more knowledgeable than us, can yield to the same temptations we have to suffer.
  • @esmewitch
    I discovered this channel about a week ago, and am completely enthralled. I watch a couple of episodes daily, try to ration myself so that I don't run out. I live in the UK and have loved all kinds of folklore from my earliest childhood, and am loving being able to expand this knowledge with this channel. Amazing work, thank you so much.
  • @Susan-up2wv
    I greatly admire your channel, both for its content, and art. I am a Red Letter Christian, and I believe no one should ever summon anyone or anything. I can't explain why, my heart just tells me that it is wrong. I believe angels will come to you when you need them. I believe they have helped me three times. You may dismiss me as mentally ill if you wish, but no one has ever suggested that of me. There is an unseen, or seldom seen reality that I think is just as real as the one you, and I are in now.
  • @FukeYu-wj7gh
    I love ancient history and the subject of Magick and you portray and detail them so gracefully
  • @piyush1125
    dropped a like before even watching the video because I know it'll be amazing as always 😎
  • @millsy5094
    I found this video really accurate in a lot of ways. I've been wanting to make a YT channel dedicated to ancient mysteries like giants, occult and just things we don''t quite understand in todays world. I feel like there's so much knowledge that humanity has waiting left to be learned, and so much hidden/stolen from us in order to control the way we think, distancing society from reality. Our society is a set-up basically, keeping people so busy, living fast-paced lives with no time to even think about the "what ifs". There's a group of elitists that hoard this knowledge, keeping us stupid & enslaved to an imaginary currency & material objects. And the view/like rate you got on this video is just unreal man. Good stuff.
  • @himtig1
    it is possible because ive studied both jinn then angelic which caused me to abandon black magic. Angel summoning depends on divine and is very rare plus you need a saint. You are before the divine after all so you must be pure in some way and blameless.You also already have to be praying, but they key is having a real holy man not charlatan or one using dark power which is as rare as gold to guide you. It is possible and i have encountered him, but the man died over 15 years ago i havent found one since and ive looked. It is life changing experience. As you hear the them audible while fully awake without consuming any intoxicants or anything. The angels come after about 4 days of prayer and the descend at midnight depending on which angel comes to you. After months of preparation. They speak aramaic but are invisible to the eye.
  • @solaris025
    I’ve just binge watched almost this entire series. The disturbing conclusion I have come to is, if this is all true…the most irresponsible thing our predecessors could have done was ban knowledge. Hoard it all for the few of them that felt entitled to this information whilst murdering anyone who had knowledge, burn all the books and bury all remnants in a misguided attempt to “reset” global civilisation which HAS RESULTED in the majority of the humanity believing it’s alone in the universe or that somehow the spiritual is removed far from reality enough it doesn’t matter. This is the stupidest thing religious leaders could have done all in the name of “protecting” their faith and supposedly the people. Instead it’s resulted in a new world that is becoming progressively more atheist, ignorant and at risk of attack but because humanity’s predecessors have destroyed every last vestige of proof, people think EVERYTHING is just myths and legends and when weird and woo woo things happen to people they just shut up because they don’t want to be ridiculed or persecuted. Great job ensuring the damnation of the human race because guess what, people don’t believe your holybooks anymore because they too have just become as myths and legends because you were far too successful suppressing everything that proved that there is power in people as well as the universe. Governments around the planet are not playing with this, investigating things, hunting relics for no reason and here we are the stupid ignorant masses totally oblivious and undefended because we permitted the extermination of this knowledge to pass outside of our consciousness. It’s alarming.
  • @bobcat9398
    Thank you so much for your time, research, and your unbiased way of communicating in your videos. It's a breath of fresh air!
  • @58288888
    Hossam doing a great job holding viewers' attention. Amazing amount of info explained in 16 mins which seemed like a satisfying half hour. Awesome 👍
  • @laralesley77
    I just found this channel and I'm so in love 🥰