10 Misconceptions About Gamers From Non-Gamers [Pt 2]


コメント (21)
  • I’m definitely in the older gamer category at54, but now limited to games I can play with one hand; I am hemiplegic from a stroke. It’s not easy trying to find and play games for one hand, but I find a few I can handle ( I use an iPad and Apple Pencil). Thanks for the video!
  • Don’t worry Falcon buddy, fellow old timer here (40 yrs) and still game every damn day. We’ve come a longggggg way, and it’s a great era for gaming!
  • As another older gamer, what I find most tiresome is feeling the need to explain why I like gaming. Honestly, when I see how others enjoy their time, I'm very glad I enjoy gaming. Thanks for a great video.
  • @Ty2xxxx
    I’ve noticed that the passion we have for gaming can spread to others around us, my finance knew nothing about games when we met and now she’s not a “gamer” but she will sit with me and watch me play for hours, she gets deep into the story as I do, and gets just as excited as me when I get a new title to play, I think it speaks to the love and passion we have as gamers that we can share our excitement for gaming with others and end up turning them into fans or even gamers themselves ! I haven’t gotten her to play with me yet but she will eventually, until then I know I have my own personal fan cheering me on through my virtual battles/journeys.
  • I like how falcon sounds like he speaks from the heart whenever he discusses every gaming subject, that includes the rest of gameranx team! thanks for being you guys!!
  • @shoe7ess2
    Oh, number one... A few years ago we pugged a healer for our WoW raid. She did well and we brought her into our guild (I was an officer at the time, main tank/raid leader so I spent a lot of off time explaining fights to her or running weeklies). Found out she lived about 2 hours away and exchanged phone numbers (like you usually do with raid members). A year after I stopped playing wow I get a friend request on snapchat, apparently she still had my contact and added me. We met up, and have been together for almost 3 years now. Almost poetic that I'm out tanking the day and she's there to heal me when I get home. Even while I hear her snoring so loud I could barely hear this video with headphones on... I'm glad that out of hundreds of potential people we pugged her that night :)
  • Love how people still think we are all losers. I'm happily married and have a son while ALSO still being a heavy gamer. The mindsets some people fall under about gaming have and will always baffle me.
  • The idea that mid game you hear a voice from another playing saying "pause guys my mom wants me to take the trash out" and then everyone stopping is hilarious. Whole lobby coming to a screeching halt, so little Timmy can let the dog out to pee 🤣
  • I’m a 38 year old, married, full time job working, mortgage paying, gamer. It’s just something I’ve always liked to do, ever since I was a kid back in the good ol’ days of the console wars between Sega and Nintendo. GGs and eyes up gamers!
  • @rsavage42
    OK I’ve been a dedicated gamer a long time. Right now I’m playing Elden Ring and really loving it. I’ll be 80 in June. And I have my fingers crossed for Starfield.
  • @jarse1991
    Falcon buddy, after all these years of supplying us with funny and interesting gaming lists, you've well deserved that nice gaming setup dude. Big up for the gameranx team for never letting us down <3
  • What’s really cool is that my wife and I not only both love games, but we love completely different games. We get exposed to so many different types of games that we, by ourselves, would’ve never experienced, otherwise. It’s such an overall, enriching experience.
  • I'm 50 and I still get stoked for new games and play every single day. I always will.
  • @4_ist403
    I watch gameranx EVERYDAY but hearing falcon go off on a tangent thanking us for enjoying the content really gave me a genuine honesty type feeling and I just had to throw a like. We all appreciate everything that you jake and the whole crew put into every video because you can literally FEEL the passion. Whether it's games or that damn DeLorean 🙄 you guys put your all it and we appreciate it
  • My biggest morale flex is that I got the secret good ending for dying light 2, with just my own decision making.
  • Man im 22 now, 23 in april 10th and honestly just glad to be apart of all this. The experiences that ive had playing games, all the people who at some point were “randoms” to me now are best friends, all the memories made will always have a special place in my heart. S/o to yall for giving us these videos for real
  • There’s nothing wrong with older gamers. My gran is in her late seventies and she loves video games. She just started Witcher 3
  • One of your better lists. I'm 66 and recently retired. I've been playing video games since there were video games. My Jr College had PONG in 1973, and that got me hooked. Now I finally have time to play more games (or the same games more time, but I am trying to branch out).
  • Growing up if I was playing when mom said dinner was ready she always asked “is it online” and if it was she didn’t mind me finishing first. Ive never asked for that she’s just always been extra thoughtful lol