God and Mathematics

Why does mathematics work?

Think about it... Mathematical entities like numbers, sets, and equations are non-physical and abstract. They can’t cause anything. Yet, for some reason, the physical universe operates...mathematically.

As Galileo put it, “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.”

“Scientists do not use mathematics merely as a convenient way of organising the data. They believe that mathematical relationships reflect real aspects of the physical world. Science relies on the assumption that we live in an ordered Universe that is subject to precise mathematical laws. Thus, the laws of physics, ... are all expressed as mathematical equations.” - Paul Davies

So, how do we explain the astonishing applicability of math to the physical world?



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コメント (21)
  • I studied at two Ivy League universities, taught mathematics for 19 years, and have spoken on many campuses in the northeastern US including Yale, Columbia, MIT, Rutgers, RPI, Carnegie Mellon, and NYU. Mathematics is indeed the language through which God designed our universe, and the evidence for that only grows stronger with new discoveries in physics, molecular biology, and other fields. Design is in fact everywhere which is why, as the Pew studies have shown, over 80% of mathematicians believe that there is a God. Life is not a chemical accident!
  • I use this video as motivation to do my math homework lol, absolutely amazing that God designed all this so beautifully.
  • “If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics.” ~ Sir Roger Bacon
  • That was an amazing argument for God. I was trying to use this argument, but I wasn't all that good at wording it correctly. I really like this argument. It is one of my favorite. Thank you for explaining it so well.
  • Wow... God is REALLLY REALLLLY smart beyond our understanding
  • @TheAndnor
    Math applies to the physical world because it is designed to describe the physical world. that was easy
  • I used to say to atheists in discussions, that their theory of the Universe and life, demands many miracles! So, between the two explanations, I preffer the Universe created by God!
  • I cannot believe anyone would still doubt the existence of God after seeing such a perfect design of the universe and the spotless beauty of nature. The infinite genius of God seen in His uncountable creations is just way beyond our understanding. Just one example: Do you know the earth is at a perfect distance from the Sun? If the earth is moved a notch closer or farther, the whole world is doomed. Thus perfect distance was fashioned by God and the system has stood for over 4.5billion years! Yes, it is the command of God. It never fails!
  • @vogsNM
    I am an orthodox Christian with education in math, science, and engineering. I know this is a high level presentation, but one must be careful when slinging around terms like miracles (a very loaded (connotative) word usually referring to exceptions to the way things normally work, but mean something else here that perhaps need not be called a miracle.) And even the scope of what mathematics can do (in our hands) is more limited that what is suggested. In simple physical systems, with OBJECTS experiencing FORCES which do follow simple laws, we can create differential equation (or other mathematical models) that fully define the classical mechanics of the system. And WHEN these equations can be solved (not all can), we get a mathematical description of the behavior of that system over time, etc.. As the system gets more parts the equations get too hairy and eventually become unsolvable (to us) so we resort to numerical iterated approximations of the solutions that can be as accurate as we want. But at some point, we cannot even do such iterative approximations because real-world computation speeds cannot handle the complexity. Then we look for new laws and formulas that govern or describe new and useful EMERGENT PROPERTIES (& behaviors) that EMERGE and for awhile we can often find math that describes the net behavior of the system even though we cease to be able to computing it from the simpler underlying laws. We find that there are heuristic and statistical formulas that work pretty well, for a few kinds of behavior, but we cannot know or predict everything about the system behavior. [Though likely God can see it.] At yet higher levels of complexity, or size (where quantum and relativistic effects emerge, we find that only statistical solutions can be found, the system is no longer strictly deterministic--there are things that are unobservable to us that affect behavior [where we could imagine God fiddling with system behavior in ways that can never be observed--the realm of Miracles]. When you get to subatomic or biological or human levels, only a few things can be described mathematically, even with statistics, and most behavior is uncaptureable with mathematics--there is a lot that cannot even be described by us, even though everything "below" is coming out of "physical laws" but if we are clever, we can find new things that can be described by mathematics and new kinds of mathematics so that we can engineer the system to make it do what we want. [Of course God may not be limited in these ways, and indeed likely is not relying just on mathematics to see and control.]. CONCLUSIONS: There are indeed a lot of things that allow mathematical analysis This can be beautiful and impressive, but like all the creations of mankind, it is a humble and weak thing compared to what God can do with the universe. And it may be that God does not use math Himself, but still may have chosen to build in these math-modelable qualities into his design primarily FOR OUR BENEFIT, so that we can understand how to control some things, and to make the universe not be entirely inscrutable to us.
  • Great stuff! You guys continue to continue to make a huge impact with these awesome videos.
  • Um, complex numbers are used to describe wavefunction of particles sooo yeah, they can possibly exist.
  • On a deeper level as the Lubavitcher Rebbe explains, God - chooses as much as "possible," to make the world appear mathematical