Bartender Reacts *Finally! Answers!* What is the Warhammer 40K? Timeline of 40K Lore by Bricky

Published 2023-10-13

All Comments (21)
  • @rakat2746
    -"The age of Knowledge and Enlightenment" -😃 -"Has Ended" -aww 😐 This was a perfect reaction. ^^
  • Bricky: casually skipped the Orks because they were "busy". The Orks Bois: WAAAAARGH!!!
  • 27:00 Erebus is probably one of the most hated characters in Warhammer 40k. He's responsible for Horus's fall to Chaos and the Horus heresy, Erebus is so hated that even the other Chaos Followers hate Erebus.
  • one of the few universes where humanity's first fall from grace was not completely their fault. Kinda rare.
  • @Ami-vh7sr
    Erabus was one of the first influenced by Chaos, he was the Head chaplain of the Word bearer legion.....he helped to corrupt Horus and start the Horus Heresy.....
  • @dagonofthedepths
    Short of it, Erebus is that guy in fiction that is in the background scheming and manipulating events while doing an evil laugh. He was a secret chaos worshiper that set himself up as an advisor while giving advice to push people to the preverbal dark side. The Emperor Palpatine of the setting in a way. 40K also has this thing where being nice is kind of a death wish. Like the psyker thing. Not burning them at the stake is the right thing to do during the Age of Strife but people that didn't do the burning are all dead because daemons invaded. Those that did survived. Even in 40k there are a lot of stories where people try to not be prejudice jerks and work with xenos or xenos work with them only to get back stabbed. Ruthless paranoia lets you live longer in that universe.
  • @moonrock115
    “I wouldn’t want to live as a human in this world” You and literally every other fan of this setting is in agreement xD If you ask Star Wars fans or Star Trek fans if they’d love to be teleported into thier favourite setting, they’d leap for joy and say yes. If you ask a Warhammer fan if they would like the same, they would look at you and say “are you effing crazy??”
  • @Stickarms99
    Interesting how you talk about the Emperor not being so bad, while not liking the Imperium. This is extremely intentional, actually. The Emperor's personal bodyguards, the Custodians, have went out of their way to make it clear that they don't serve the Imperium, they only serve the Emperor. They're the Emperor's closest friends and confidants; and in their minds, there's a very clear separation between those things. Technically, they aren't even a part of the Imperium. Now, there's also evidence to suggest that the Emperor has completely lost his fucking mind in the 10,000 years he's spent channeling the souls of psychers while holding back the demons of the Warp. Even though he has no more real agency to do anything, he's now at the point where it would be unwise to restore him back to full power because his mind and personality is completely broken. But that's not his fault; it's a result of the burden he's been bearing for his beloved people and sons.
  • @DevouredFamine
    Dark age of technology. Where ships are so powerful they don't bother to fire twice they just rewind time to make sure it hits
  • @docsavage7163
    The whole situation with the warp seems like a perpetual cycle. The constant war and death feeds the warp making it more powerful and chaotic which spreads the influence of the chaos gods which leads to more war repeating the cycle over and over
  • @samueltrusik3251
    All shall be consumed eventually. Except Erebus. He will suffer for eternity. -Tyranid hivemind
  • @Lazrael32
    I've always wondered if the Necrontier were Blanks. It would explain why the old ones weren't willing to help. simply because they couldn't. Also it used to be a thing that the necron would convert human blanks into more troops. but that's been retconed recently.
  • @Ami-vh7sr
    Funny bit of lore on Warhammer 40k, The Emperor of Mankind knew of the Chaos gods because he had dealt with them on occasion, and in fact is where he gained the knowledge of how to create his Primarchs and the Space Marine Legions. The Emperor of Mankind wanted to base the galaxy upon Reason and Logic, which is why he massacred anyone with religious fervor, the reason being is that the Chaos Gods fed on such Religious and emotional aspects. The idea was that a Galaxy ruled by Logic and Reason would starve the Chaos Gods of the emotions and such they fed upon.
  • 8:25 Lauren: says how the Necrons' method of killing a god is similar to Egypt myhtology method Me: "Well to be fair the Necrons are quite literally terminator mummies so... yeah." (Also, poor Osiris lost his dick to a fish 😂
  • @AmorphisBob
    21:13 That movie is called "Alive" and it's about a soccer team that crashes their plane in the mountains and the survivors turn to cannibalism to stay alive.
  • Couple other details to know: Humanity's primate ancestors were also made by the Old Ones, the War in Heaven ended when a Warp race known as the Enslavers showed up and either killed or chased off most of the Old Ones and their races, and the Emperor was born by a bunch of ancient human shamans seeing the threat of Chaos and ritualistically sacrificing themselves to make the Emperor to fight them. Oh, and the Orks were once the Krorks and were, at minimum, 12 metres tall*. Yes, Metres. But (supposedly) a lack of good fighting de-evolved them. *For context, a Warboss that was at least 10 metres tall was powerful enough to lead a Waaagh! that almost destroyed the entire Imperium. They even managed to invade Terra. Have fun!
  • @dungeon_crawlers
    The Emperor is not a fluffy kitten either. Yes, he was trying to advance humanity, save it from extinction. However, he was UTTERLY ruthless the second you refused to obey him, and saw EVERYONE and EVERYTHING as tools and means to an end. So much so, that I really question, why would a person with zero empathy to human beings care at all about survival of their species as a whole? Like, why even bother if you give precisely zero point zero zero fluffs about humans? I have no answer to that question.
  • @Tomson4894
    Tzeentch is my favorite chaos god too :) But my heart beat for the Imperium of Man while i am on my journey through galaxy to burn all demons because being one of the Grey Knights.
  • Bricky's vids are great. I love the 1000 Sons. Magic Dust Laugh Coughing Noises
  • @firestorm1088
    12:10 This probably isn’t all that surprising, but Nurgle actually created a zombie plague. They’re called poxwalkers and they are actually a unit you can have in the game. There’s also the video game Darktide that is basically Left 4 Dead in Warhammer.