UIM Loki - Psychedelics, Mormonism, Meditation, Bitcoin, Science, Love | Sae Bae Cast 149

Published 2023-12-13
UIM Loki is an OSRS YouTuber with over 35k subs! He's known for his end-game ultimate ironman series with over 150 episodes! He's fascinated with science and the human mind!
Twitter: twitter.com/UIM_Loki
YouTube: youtube.com/@uim_loki
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/uim_loki
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lordlokinator

Listen to all the Sae Bae Casts on Spotify: spoti.fi/3lCWzin

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All Comments (21)
  • @Xdot15
    1000 Sae Bae Podcasts or UIM Loki, whichever comes first (Completed)
  • @Sprillex
    The title made me kinda not wanna click not because trigger stuff but just generally not something I’m interested in. Listening to the whole thing it was really interesting and honestly probably my favorite guest I’ve heard you have on. although I like the RuneScape theme generally but it was cool to have one a so different. Also I like hearing your perspective of Mormon stuff since that was your whole life basically for a long time. Loki reminded me a lot of elegy in the beginning just on how he speaks. The part of you speaking about the bad trip and god being like you had your chance time to die was fucked lol. Very powerful thought. Also the very end talking about reality and perspective really brings out what my favorite game “bloodborne” is basically all about in a broader sense. “Grant us eyes, grant us eyes.”
  • @guyguy8731
    usually listen to your cast just for the RS talk but honestly that was such a good episode. You guys should totally do a series together. thanks saeder & loki <3
  • @itszmav6808
    I’m happy UIM Loki is getting more traction. I remember watching his first video. I saw he was a UIM with 99 Runecrafting. Watching him hold 250k+ blood runes without banking them just had me curious lol. Close to 4 years later here we are
  • @ShinraXSoldier
    The inspiration for me making a UIM I play 2 weeks a year lol. Looking forward to listening!
  • @biggringus5499
    Love this one. Interesting how deeply psychedelics can change your personality, and how much of a journey they are. You are never ready for it and no one ive ever met has conquered them, you always get chewed up and spit out in the end. But maybe for the better.
  • @VanillaMilkOSRS
    I know this episode is older now, but I listened to it not long after it came out. I listen to your cast on my commute to and from work. This particular one inspired me to read Yuval Noah Harari. I jumped into Sapiens and I was hooked. Homo Deus is one of my favorite things I've ever read, and 21 Lessons was very interesting as well. I, like you, grew up Mormon. Living in such a religiously inbred culture (UT) made it so i never experienced ways of thinking like Harari until I was an adult. It seems like you and I had many similar experiences with Mormonism, existentialism, and similar challenges in the transition associated with differentiating ourselves from it. I recently started making OSRS content, in large part due to many different conversations that you have had with guests and your optimism about it. I particularly enjoyed your conversation with Prison Joe about streaming to a 1.X viewer average for the first few months. It's definitely helped me keep my expectations in check 😂 Sorry for writing a novel, but it's my long winded way of saying thank you for inspiring positivity and change in my life! Thank you!
  • @olemangaming3800
    These are two of the most criminally under-subbed folks in our community! If I were your teacher, I would make these two required reading.
  • @SnikenCSGO
    This is a banger of an episode Sae Bae and Loki! I wanted to share my own anecdote regarding the topic: I'm a very introspected person and been ridded with anxiety and panick attacks throughout my childhood/early youth. Always found "bodily functions" (feeling my own heartbeat f.ex) super triggering (most likely linked to my tourettes). Always been a "listener/observer" socially even tho i had a lot "to say" or thoughts. Didn't touch alcohol until like age 20, cuz I was afraid of what being drunk would feel like. I think it comes down to "losing control", same with being anesthetized in hospital as a kid; i noticed INSTANTLY when i started drifting and that caused a panick attack before i dozed off (doctor had to remove my death grip around my dads wrist whilst asleep). Somehow had balls to try weed like 1,5 years ago, but I don't use it. I just tried it 2 or 3 times. Gives me anxiety everytime, so I found out for myself that it's not for me. Some friends got me to try a tiny dose of molly with them half a year ago, and after a lot of thinking and doubting I agreed to it. Sure they told me I had a stellar time, but after getting sober I had this unnerving feeling that was hard to shake. Like I could recall how "slimey" and "drone-ey" it felt being on that, very "intense", and it scares me in retrospect. So at the age of 28 now, as much as I am ever-fascinated by the universe, its laws, hearing what some drugs can "unlock" in your brain and perspective on things and how it can alter your vision of reality; I've come to realize i REALLY REALLY need that everyday filter we all have (call it living blissfully/mundane) That sense of losing control or giving in to these weird sensations get too intense for me personally. So through some calculated experimenting with weed and molly (only did that once lol) gave me a good pointer on what I need; That fkn mundane/sober filter. So last note: As much as I love the idea and am grateful of all existential stuff like the odds of us being here, the universe, what our brain can comprehend; it gives me too much existential anxiety and I can't live like that. Again; great episode! Some topics did trigger me "existential anxiety-esque" wise but so very insightful! Sorry for writing a bible, it just means this episode was inspiring. Still listening as I write this btw lol
  • @ListensToStuff
    I've watched Loki since he got a T bow (so I'm not a real OG, but I'm G at least). This is such a good episode. I also, and I hope he doesn't take this the wrong way...never considered Loki to be a guy who says "I don't know" so readily. It's a good thing though, shows that you're comfortable with what know and don't know.
  • Super trippy hearing such a relatable story. Thank you for sharing your story. I've been on a sober journey myself and I appreciate the feeling of not being alone. Great episode.
  • @MING00P
    I live in a legal weed state, and partook quite a lot over the last several years, especially during pandemic lockdown days. I recently made the decision to quit entirely because of some of the negative impacts it had on my life. These weren't professional/social consequences. I always prioritized work, family, and responsibility over it. But I didn't like the ability to shortcut my brain to feelings of happiness and contentedness. It genuinely killed my motivation in other areas. I didn't feel much desire to exercise, or learn new things, or spend time with friends during that time. I'm still a strong believer that weed should be legal. Consenting adults have a right to tweak their consciousness if they want to. But I think because it was kept unjustly illegal for so long, people are very hesitant to say anything even slightly negative about it. Thank you for sharing your story, and why you decided to move on from it and similar psychoactive substances. There are things to learn from experiences like this, but I think Alan Watts put it best, "Once you get the message, hang up the phone."
  • @amendOSRS
    Please have more of Loki in future casts! I really love how thought provoking this podcast episode was Loki's mentioning there being no way to prove/disprove objective reality @ 3:37:03 sparked some thought. I think deconstructing the nature of our perceived reality eventually leads us to believe that there might be some "base" "objective" truth that gets interpreted in various ways. We might not all agree that 70 degrees is cold, but we do know that atoms are moving at a frequency high/low enough to maintain that 70 degrees, and that neurons are firing in each individual in varied ways, causing various reactions or none at all. Suppose we break down everything that we perceive and everything that exists into their fundamental components. we view the simple act of us waving our hands or making a gesture as a means to communicate. This is a human perception. If we look to underlying phenomena, there are hosts of reactions happening---neurons firing, muscle fibers contracting. If we abstract it even further, we are just a collection of atoms abiding by the laws of the universe, colliding and causing chain reactions to occur. If we keep abstracting downwards, we eventually get down to the lower limit of human perception, which are atoms, protons, neurons, quarks, etc. I think the undeniability of just "things happening" is sufficient proof for objective reality. Observing everything we see so far in the universe, we notice a pattern of dependency in which certain things/actions/behaviors cannot exist without something causing it to happen or exist. If there is no objective reality then there can be no perceived reality. I don't think its a stretch to say that we can even experience things at all suggests the existence of some fundamental reality to support our higher-level perception of reality. It's all made of the same stuff
  • @Irondurrrrr
    If I get stuck in traffic tomorrow morning for over 3.5 hours I wouldn’t even be mad
  • @cammysillitoe
    Found this channel because its a Runescape channel, however I stay listening as you and your guests have some of they most interesting conversations. sorry to hear the more negative side of both our your history, but it was a very engaging conversation
  • @Glimbuss
    I was very curious in regards to your experiences with mormonism. I am very glad you spoke on the subject, and i would love to hear more. This is one of the best episodes so far, thanks!
  • @ErikGsson
    Deep conversations about reality, i love it, i want mooooore
  • @MING00P
    On leaving religion, a youtuber I found very cathartic and relatable was Philhellenes. He made videos 10-15 years ago that are still incredibly poignant and relatable to anyone going through these emotions today. They're short, generally about 10 minutes, and absolutely fascinating. I'd start with "Why Didn't Anybody Tell Me?" and if you like it branch out from there.