Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany 1937 (silent movie) - Enhanced in 4K, Color, 60 fps

Publicado 2021-08-23
Now in better Quality!

CUs Nuremberg stadium stands with saluting BDMs, RAD and civilians. Good MS and CUs of Hitler standing in car in Nuremberg stadium watching parade of work corps. CA to BDM. Good goosestepping RAD. Informal shots of young men in uniform seated on stadium ground, drinking from canteens. LS of stands. Longer shot, POV stands, Hitler watching parade, shots of marchers, band from various angles. Shots of various members of audience in stands, including military, SS, BDM, SA, civilians. POV stands, officials enter stadium in cars. Himmler climbs stadium steps as SS line walk way. POV high in stands: masses of men in uniform in formation on stadium grounds, marching with flags, CAs to stands. POV stadium ground, formations of RAD, BDM. Flags waving on stadium. Outside stadium, poster mounted on wall (anti-Bolshevist exhibition sign). 01:27:28 Lines of people entering building (for exhibit?). Police controlling crowds on street. 01:27:51 Motorcade with Hitler through street, crowds salute.

Date Event: 1937
Production: 1937
Locale Nuremberg, Germany

Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Library of Congress

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