How to Help a Choking Child or Adult (Everyone Must Know!)

Published 2018-07-02
How to Help a Choking Victim. You never know what might happen and when you might need to know how to save someone who's choking. It's important that you learn how to find out if someone's is really choking next to you and how to help people in trouble. You'll have to know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver and there are special rules for how to save a choking child or choking dog.


Assess the situation 0:33
Encourage them to cough 1:13
If the person can’t cough, slap their back 1:55
If the person can’t breathe, perform the Heimlich maneuver 2:46
Helping an unconscious person 3:39
Helping yourself 4:22
Helping pregnant women and obese people 5:24
Saving a choking infant 5:58
Saving a choking child 6:38
Saving an unconscious child 7:11
Saving a choking dog 8:03

-Determine if the airway obstruction is partial or total to figure out what you should do to help.
-Coughing is the most effective way to clear the airways and push the stuck piece of food out of the trachea.
-Deliver up to 5 strong blows between the shoulder blades using the heel of your hand.
-Perform the Heimlich maneuver to drive out the stuck object.
-If the victim has passed out, lay them down on their back, and vigorously push the abdomen towards the diaphragm until the airway is clear again.
-Start coughing, and if it doesn’t help, perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.
-Place your hands as close to the abdomen as possible, higher than you normally would and perform the Heimlich maneuver.
-If the victim is less than a year old, lay them face down on your forearm, make five quick blows right between the infant’s shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.
-Stand behind the child or if they’re really small, get on your knees. Clench one hand into a fist and place it between the ribs and belly button with your thumb inwards, move your elbows to the sides and press the child’s stomach.
-If the infant or child is unconscious, try laying them on their back first and try to remove the stuck objects with your fingers. If the child still isn’t breathing or if you were unable to dislodge the object from the start, begin chest compressions.
-Open the dog’s mouth with one hand on the upper jaw and the other on the lower, carefully remove the stuck object with a set of pliers. If and only if nothing else helps, administer the Heimlich maneuver.

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All Comments (21)
  • @unknown-kn4uf
    I worry why schools don't teach basic first aid things like these.
  • @Jilli8310
    It's good to know this. When I was about 12 and my brother was 15, I choked on something. I was turning blue and my brother did the heimlich on me and saved my life. My grandmother and mother were there and neither of them knew what to do. If he hadn't been there, I'd be dead. Luckily I know how to do these things as an adult, I'm 35 now, and I'm teaching the kids in the family. Still do not know where my brother learned it back then, I think maybe at school in health class...maybe even in a movie who knows but he saved me.
  • @kcm300d
    Thank you. Tonight my cousin saved my life at a restaurant. I was choking on a piece of steak. She’s a nurse so she knew what to do. It came up after 2 pumps. I’m sharing this with my family and friends. Thank you - God bless.
  • @atharva4157
    I saved my granny who was choking while having her dinner. I started giving her Heimlich maneuver.
  • I actually had choked once and someone had saved me but it’s good to know how to help others
  • @jleeph1602
    I was choked long ago. I'm panic but I help my self by doing Heimlich maneuver. every time when I'm eating I remember that bad days. that's why now I'm eating slowly and never think too much while eating.
  • I did - TWICE! Before the internet was popular, I used to go to the library every week. One day I saw a VHS (video) for the Heimlich Maneuver. I did not know what it was, I was young and I recently immigrated here from a Caribbean island. I read the cover , and because it introduced me, I checked it out along with some Make up tutorials and several non fiction books. I learned the procedure, practiced on a chair to also help myself if I ever needed it. A few months later my baby girl was eating a banana and was cooking. I did not panick, I did the Heimlich Maneuver and voila she was fine. About a year after that she was eating, and again she choked, and I did the same thing, and she spat the food out. It goes flying in the air - quite the sight! Thank goodness for my instinct to grab that video, because where we lived then was a new development, quite isolated and I had no neighbors to run to for help. Thank you for posting these videos for others to learn. The Heimlich Maneuver is one of the easiest ways to save a person's life, or that of our own... 😊👍👍
  • I love how every instructional videos like this always tells us not to do the stuff we usually do
  • I performed the Heimlich maneuver at least 3 times a week on my father! He suffered from Parkinson disease and regularly choked. Great video and the first time I’ve ever seem how to perform this on a choking dog 🐕 great information. Thank you ☺️
  • @valentina3300
    My daughter was choking from broccoli, I've helped her, she is allright now, but it was really stressful.
  • @missalisha9644
    Love that you posted this video to help educate people on how to save another's life (or yourself). Like some people have mentioned, I was never taught in life how to do these, never taught these in school either. I also appreciate how to save your choking dog too.
  • @tigerbaas
    Thank you for posting this video. I am required through work to be certified in CPR and aid for choking. When I was a teenager long before computers I had watched a news program that demonstrated the Heimlich maneuver. A few years later while eating with my parents we were laughing and my father choked on a piece of meat. he began turning blue and I saved him by administering the Heimlich maneuver. Since then I have saved my daughter when she was about three from choking on a piece of hotdog. I recommend everyone learn and review the procedures regularly. You never know.
  • @Wirps
    I like how there was a 15 second ad in a video to help someone to stop choking
  • @NatalieMarie917
    I had to perform the heimlich maneuver on myself once. It was terrifying, but it worked like a charm.
  • @CreeperG0d
    When I was I little I was choking with an ice, luckily it smelted in my mouth and I survived without this technique.
  • @snowclouds1474
    This video was so helpful i was watching this when my younger brother started chocking i saved his life
  • @illicxt7480
    I was choking once and I was so Blessed to have my mom as a nurse
  • I’d rather get in a car accident than choke on food again. At least a car accident has the potential of being instant. Choking lasts what seems forever, time kinda slows down.