Who Is Luthen Rael | Star Wars Theory

One of the most secretive characters in all of Star Wars is Luthen Rael. we know almost nothing about his past, motivations, or goals, but what if he is hiding a terrible secret? well join us as we take a deep dive into Luthen Rael's interactions throughout Andor season 1.

Metanerdz breakdown of Luthen's landing protocol map:    • Luthen's Map DECODED (72 Locations: K...  

コメント (21)
  • A beautiful theory, but somehow diminishes Luthen's abilities and achievements. One of the most fascinating traits of Andor is its focus on the ordinary people. And for all my deep love for the lightsaber duels, I enjoyed their absence in the first season of Andor. After all, what Luthen does, is certainly striking, but not impossible also for a non-force user. Andor himself does quite astounding things in the series, and even outsmarts Luthen at one point.
  • The laser on luthans ship is a mining laser like the ones on bracca in jedi fallen order
  • I, too, shat a tiny bit when the infinite empire came up. "absolutely no reason to think the force would allow her to do such things." That hurts, two to the chest and one to the head man. Also, why isn't this channel bopping? You do a really good job man.
  • First, this is very well done. I've come here after watching your second video and I'm impressed. Now, when Luthen is talking about being a coward, his next line states what he's scared of. He's afraid of how powerful the Empire will become if nothing is done. The use of the word "coward" here is very selective, very specific. Saws reaction is one of muted shock, it's not what he had been expecting. I don't believe a coward would do what Luthen actually does. The breakdown of his monologue is very insightful. He does reference Light-side traits that he sacrifices and Dark-side traits that he uses to achieve what he needs to do. I wonder if that makes him a balance. I don't think he can be Dark side because he recognizes the sacrifices. The Dark side, or more Sith, would those those in contempt.
  • i was SHOOK when the guy mentioned the infinite empire lol.
  • 10:11 let’s not forget that (in legends at least) it was said that the Dark Side cave on Dagoba was a shield of sorts for Yoda to maintain his own connection with The Force, without alerting the searching Dark Side users.
  • Since the timeline puts his equation comment during the war, I wonder if he was MIA and assumed dead. It would fuel his dissolution with the Order since in his eyes they abandoned him. Showing up dead on the Order's rolls in the Temple would keep him safe from Order 66, and allow him to have a relatively prominent storefront patronized by high society on Coruscant without being outed as a Jedi, since the Empire thinks he died in the war.
  • Really awesome video. Great attention to detail, points are articulated well, and the flow keeps me engaged. Keep them coming :D
  • An anti-imperial anti-Sith dark side user would be sublime. Or just a mean gray jedi. The John Dutton of Jedi if you will.
  • I would love to see Luthen have his own series! I believe seeing how he began and evolved into what we know of him could be epic!
  • Sure, I could argue that Luthen was a Jedi, and has become a darksider, but only in method, not goals. I could rationalize the line "...i use the tools of my enemy..." as him saying hes using the darkside to fight the darkside. He wouldnt truly BE darksider as he recognizes that hes "dammed for what I do" because he acts like it in spite of hating this corner hes boxed himself into. It would be mental gymnastics, (which usually fails in force wielders) but he could see it as his only move... and if not now itll be too late!).
  • I thought u had more content Sadly u don’t rn but I’ll be back hopefully u make more amazing content first time I have ever turned on notifications for YouTube
  • 15 years from the official timeline it is before Episode 3.. whatever he refers to happened in the middle of the clone wars.. He might be solo going Count Dooku..
  • I'm happy to see that I'm not the only person who firmly believes that Luthen is (well, was) a Jedi) Thank you))
  • @KanuckStreams
    Sweet DAMN, the degree of detail that Metanerds Lore went into to rebuild an entire LIST of planets from a collection of dots on a tiny-ass map blows my mind.
  • @PsychedelicDude
    Luthen is the Palpatine of the Rebellion. Even bears a similar appearance to ol' Palps. Maybe he is related? Or just a casting coincidence.
  • The longer hilt on his cane, the temple guard helmet, the larger than normal Kyber crystal potentially used in a double bladed lightsaber, the two holocrons (if they are real), the cloak he tends to wear, point to a hidden Jedi Temple guard. What did he go through to end up where is? It would be an interesting story in itself. So yea, he has the persona of a Jedi Temple Guard that has survived in hiding and trying to stay alive in a very hostile environment, and it burns in him the injustice and his inability to act as he would if the field was more even. The holocrons are knowledge but how corrupted has he become from the sith holocron? Collecting them is a feat in itself. Was he a jedi temple guardian on Coruscant and saved what he could and why? Notice that he is a faceless value that moves easily through issues that would stop other individuals, just as a faceless Jedi would as a temple guardian. At this point I would not be surprised if he hauled out a yellow or purple bladed lightsaber in the next installment.
  • There was an order of Jedi very few knew about, possibly not even Yoda knew about. Except for a few from this order they never came to any Jedi Temple much less the core worlds. They used the darkside of the force as well as the light, assassins, terrorist tactics and the like. Luthren may have been one of them. Since none of them would have had time to return before Obi Wan altered the signal to return. So they would have excaped the initial order 66, Palpatine may not have known anymore than the Jedi Counsel so no one would be looking for them. Maybe Grey Jedi, I don't recall but they are Cannon.
  • @fgdj2000
    I never thought of a "theory". I think he is just a regular person, maybe a former politician, who got fed up with the Clone War and the Empire and just wants to see them go. He has been doing this since probably about shortly after Episode III. He has some mad piloting skills and also seems to know a deal or two about encryption. But honestly, do we need to know his origins? What's more important than where he came from is what he does. 😊