NEW UPDATES! Zorin OS 17 vs Mint | Which is better for new users?

Considering the new updates to both Zorin OS 17 and Linux Mint 21.3 right around the corner, I thought it would be high time to evaluate these distros in terms of which one is better suited to the new user.

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コメント (21)
  • @BNLReactions
    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🚀 Introduction to Zorin OS 17 and Linux Mint 21.3 - Introduction to choosing a Linux distribution for new users. - Mention of Zorin OS and Linux Mint as popular choices for beginners. - Overview of the video's goal to provide thoughts on Zorin OS 17 and compare it with Linux Mint. 01:38 🖥️ Installation Process and Development Lifecycle - Both Zorin OS 17 and Linux Mint 21.3 use the same ubiquity installer. - Mention of their common base on Ubuntu 20.04 with distinctions in development timelines. - Discussion on Zorin OS 17 having service pack updates for kernel and driver compatibility. 03:09 🌐 First Impressions: Desktop Environment - Zorin OS 17 noted for a polished, modern, and spaced-out interface. - Linux Mint 21.3 desktop described as standard with more granular details. - Comparison of UI elements, menu, system tray, and overall aesthetics. 07:04 ⚙️ Performance Insights - Remarkable performance of Zorin OS 17 with RAM usage under 1 GB at cold boot. - Linux Mint 21.3 also praised for responsiveness with a focus on Spartan functionality. - Mention of Zorin's optimizations for a smoother and fluid user experience. 10:18 🎮 Gaming Performance Comparison - Brief comparison of gaming performance, acknowledging Zorin OS having a slight advantage. - Recognition that neither distribution is explicitly built for gaming. - Emphasis on Zorin OS delivering a slightly better gaming experience in superficial testing. 11:42 🛍️ App Selection and Installation - Zorin OS praised for a polished GNOME Software Center with support for Flatpak, Snap, and Deb packages. - Mention of Zorin's seamless integration of Windows app support. - Acknowledgment of Linux Mint's functional but somewhat aged software manager with more customization. 14:39 📱 Integration with Hardware and Smartphones - Both Zorin OS and Linux Mint discussed for using similar backend tools for hardware integration. - Recognition of Zorin Connect for smartphone synchronization out of the box. - Acknowledgment that Linux Mint can achieve similar functionality but requires separate installations. 16:03 🛠️ Quality of Life Improvements and Longevity - Discussion on Zorin OS having quality of life updates and service pack updates. - Concerns raised about Zorin OS being based on an older Ubuntu release and potential hardware compatibility issues. - Acknowledgment of Linux Mint following closely behind Ubuntu for hardware compatibility. 17:56 ✨ Conclusion and Recommendation - Zorin OS recommended for new users due to its curated and polished experience. - Personal preference for Linux Mint highlighted for users seeking more configuration and customization. - Overall acknowledgment that both Zorin OS 17 and Linux Mint 21.3 offer positive experiences for Linux users. Made with
  • @raderator
    Coming from Windows or Mac, most Linux distros look old and frumpy. Zorin got me to switch by being the first distro that looked like a commercial OS.
  • @beanbag345
    Appreciate the video, looking at both of these, used Zorin the past, a few years ago, nice to see an update and a recommendation
  • Excellent review as always. It's bit like the old Holden vs Ford debate although they are now both defunct. The thing that impresses me is that there are options and Not just 'one size fits all' especially good for new new users. So I'll be trying Zorin alongside Pop and the Mint/s on my systems and then gravitate to the most suitable one. Always look forward to your vids so can't wait for the next one. Have a warm/hot silly season. 🎄🏄‍♂ 👍
  • I think Zorin OS has a much better UI, that alone can help new users out. First impressions matter!
  • @raderator
    Zorin is still the only distro that looks like they used professional graphic designers, like a commercial OS. So it's not a letdown when coming from Windows, Mac or Chrome OS. I wish the major PC makers would get together and develop OEM Linux and put some money into it to make it look nice.
  • The integrated file search alone would lead me to Zorin.
  • @taidee
    Zorin is nice, I've ran it in VMs for quite a while, thanks for the review.
  • I'm relatively new to Linux and have tried both Zorin OS Pro and Linux Mint. I gravitate toward Zorin OS because of the "fit and finish" benefits you describe. Mint just feels more primitive to me when I compare it to Zorin OS, although I understand that's not really the case under the hood. I would like to add that my favorite distribution, however, is Fedora, but I consider Zorin OS a close second.
  • Very nice content, thank you. I will try to get Zorin running on my old iMac from 2009
  • I don't normally watch Linux comparison vids...BUT i broke my own rule and watched yours. hope your having a wonderful holidays. keep up the good content. i may try zorin for a few months..see how i like it. looks interesting. i run LMDE 6 and i love it...using it since 2 on one device or another.
  • @towel9245
    Thanks for the overview! I didn't know that it can run with just 1GB of RAM, that's impressive. Hardware compatibility per the older LTS is somewhat of a concern, but I don't have anything that new, and the overall package looks great. So long as "it works on my machine" 😅, I'll be happy.
  • I personally use Fedora Workstation KDE spin and I switched from Mint (which I still use on other computers) and If I were to recommend an OS, I would recommend Mint. It has pretty much everything you need preinstalled, the codecs, the LibreOffice suite, great multimedia players, backups and huge Debian repository - wide software selection and I personally still prefer APT (or miss?) over DNF. However I must admit that after watching this video and seeing Zorin in action, it is really another awesome OS. I absolutely agree with what was said in the video - Cinnamon in Mint allows more customization, while Zorin is more polished and minimalistic - yet it does not lose much in personalization and customization. I personally prefer some more customization options here and there, that is why actually use KDE on Fedora now. And if something goes the wrong way with Fedora or Red Hat, I am returning to Mint or LMDE for sure. Anyways, thank you for your time and great review!
  • @powerpopjoey
    Outstanding review. I'm a new Linux user and I went with Zorin. Great user experience. Everything works exactly as i hoped it would.
  • @rockyraab8290
    For people who have never even heard of Linux, I recommend: For diehard Win 7 users, try Zorin. For those sick of Win 10, try Mint. I have just the opposite opinion of these two desktops - which is the first impression a new user gets. Zorin looks simpler, plainer, more basic. Mint looks more advanced. True newbies will be comfortable with either, based on their long-learned Windows exposure, but first impressions count. I'd bet that the vast bulk of computer users do very little more than access the internet with maybe some basic "office" work on the side. For them, it matters very little what OS is running when all they do is boot up and open a browser.
  • Thanks for that... Good job! For the past couple of years, I have been trying to find a suitable Linux distro for my old low-end laptop, and myself - as a Windows user for years. I've tried several distros but some weren't suitable for me or my laptop. However, I shortlisted Zorin 16.3 lite, and mint cinnamon 21.2/3 which I couldn't make up my mind about which to use. So I kept on searching until I came across your video... and made my mind up to use Zorin.
  • @SgtThiel
    I love mint, it is super intuitive and user friendly, but I am tired of the windows xp vibes and title bars in general. it needs to get on with the times and start looking good. I am currently trying Zorin OS and am happy so far, nice looking, responsive ...
  • @MrOrtmeier
    I'm on LMDE 6 and cold boot runs at a little over 900mb. Not super light but better than Ubuntu which was using 1.6GB cold. Zorin have done a good job with this release and I think people coming from a Mac would be better suited to Zorin. Whereas Windows users might find Mint more familiar.